t, 1”)", It“: I; Tran/'1" at Doris Lessing I, 30;," 3’~' 3/, tr) 'Jl',’,rn‘,';lll'} [20"!!! .' ’,' ‘l‘ ‘> f" ‘: KNEW) ,”):H';" W,” arx, ." gran/1 'zarr r: 0‘ ‘w- " a i:r.‘.’«'1,',i1t,'/‘:l~ ' The Writing Business

/, -.“,:,rr‘_ ,-' l1:r1r',/l/'r',"',c' ":r", .. "

setiam: hf"!

Bill Duncan. Michel Faber 8. Ray Loriga PM”. 5;: 2'6, A genuine rnultinationa' mash new“; as two Canonqate SCfIbCS and a Dtinoomav Wllh Bloomsbur; talk bookish .rieas Of Faher's bumper The CrxmsO/t Perm am; the White, we said 'qu flake anrl ever; f()“|Cl(} IS rnn'lererl mln exotusrte precision and much plOélStl”: can he (lerwerl lost from Faber"; tarnless; lingtustic energy,"

War and Terrorism: Where to Now?

7 [Nip/7L .‘t‘i IE‘ljr “When; to lliflljltf} Barbara l_l‘.rr;rilw::r:lx Ai'lan llartlu,’ a'irl [)Ilip lliro (llf;f’1lf»f) t'u: fears wlwuh hast: been rama'l omr the last two ',‘:ar.‘; Blake Morrison f-Iprrx. in rm, the author 1:; Joined ti; actors to perform: f;(:()lll(:ll1.‘;l'()l“ lllf; zitltot)l(>gr‘at)lr,; I'll/lg}; my Mot/rm f 103w Io/o MO. Surely a first for thi: Book l t:f;tr‘.'al'z‘

Alexei Sayle Rift/loin, 5}"? 151;“. Wt: awan flit: rlnhnt noml of Hit: Young) O/‘m lantllor‘rl mth high expectation,

Meanwhile, we said this of his; short story

collection, {he Dog; CHIC/N211 ‘l'his; If; mom than lost cultural satire. there am moments; of [)Olgltélllfi‘, ano DOLlLlI‘, in these stories; loo; proof that A:(}X(}l Sayle

Aleer Sayle gets his teeth into your

questions on 11 Aug, 8.30pm



_ ‘. . . and before long the land begins to appear over there, another coast. The day is beautiful, we are far from home, and the boat moves like a

prayer over the water.’

I See listings for Andrew O'Hagan events.

is; (listln'tel; mmer at; the "(int trm: Clare George. Tariq Goddard 8. Sarah Emily Miano 8 (ti/lynx 519‘ r515: lh'm: “(38". \"(HCUS In British fiction haw; I") ll‘llltllf3f3 each tappmixwratol, to get t‘iozv HICSfSilgt,‘ across; E xix-(:2 the harnoa' to he (lark.

Spiegelbar firm». firm 8m: Son to

R N A T l


9 25 August

Charlotte Square Gardens

Programme/Ticket hotline

0131 624 5050

Tickets from £3.50 - £8.00