Little voice

American comedy actress MARIA BAMFORD leaves behind the bright lights of Hollywood to return to her student digs. \"Jords: James Stubbs

i\.|(1'(l[‘lll"i.k/' l .i Lilli”; l. (f /‘\.'y (I'llwl kill {H'lfxi ..'\/f::)'..’_i k/E) l‘. lll‘llé‘rllllllll f'l'l'lt t ’Yllrf; <7" \Jll. l (:r‘o'f; MM S;."<>‘.'.:, lam-n ll:)'7“"{l’.{:jl as, ,"«;: ::‘

.m r; 'llr" (mu: 3:; fl; ‘. .afstn and haozzalk (Ill‘.()‘(i€?:>{llff}.fl‘1ll“f;f;:.§ll4lfl

x)..u:'.'/ fall . \3’!73»<l5>\/l,'w."ll'(ltll(fl€3'Liiil.(f./\.f(1i\l(f.(fl(zi1'l~)l1Mklfylf

Tears of a clown

Maija Di Giorgio committed career suicide at the ' _ Aspen Comedy Festival, took on Jerry Seinfeld. and ::"l:Twl‘éfl‘”ixl(lfl:1"l)lllél"ll"l‘.(3'fs‘l,.'ll.'.!l no a Yétllflllj" ill-Sillff'x, now is Stepping into the Shoes

'ielatal‘ofwr cpl“ l‘w aiit;.'.~.2'i:"‘:;"<>. linai V. got a call at 2:2": UK few;

'! left 'uol -.- {hoop- I" (I;l";l:l.l_' 3H3 (:Xliiams. '/'\"Il a Mono" imam" (new; "an .'.l‘l,‘llll)li(7"l';l'1ilfillflY“l ahlolrsaxf,Sol'i'l<;(3flii‘:lanos. <:"-:: "1'1:

ins. llie luliunlesota also: stain: an no. Yl:f>v(2(:§> .n (an. Him: 56'. a hull

_.ll"‘_‘.l .. but lit," 1' l, 3.. but/1w .l ..o .Il,(: a slug, ..' 1., the link' .)..'

illll' rant; v“ .'">’. §;.,'-;: l‘ '-::"1<:"ll;<,-' poolw or if they’ll '(3ll‘(?'l‘.l>(fl "‘o

She'll ltl: ’EL‘ltI'lgl “w l'l‘lli? STIR: f; intro Y‘.‘l(?“l()'{ll)l(3_ ‘l iiko lo (1:; lots; o"

of Richard Belzer. r Djimi Raffles

f. 511‘.f'é‘filv'iml‘l\l(:f»(rl.€'. tJ (: says. .l<, .ll'fzr'lrl t .Janttms a' .l

li-t‘we'”. lyeoolo' She: l1'<>.ié?€3(lf; 2.; :lo a ".rnlxri of ::"-;l';z::t<:-'é; :lox.“ 2m;- illlilhlk‘l? MIC) ‘10- l‘ ['10 l‘k‘d “lk‘lllk‘lllU “'1 ll 1"” «’lk'll'élll} \‘llk'l'l'HU then a eheap prewriplion. (’onxider lhough. lhe poor huggeix

H ( adminixlering _\our dmage ne\l lime _\ou're al a \land up gig .iull't~<"‘.<xl *w a n: l- as; lian‘e'on [Jul/'2; liltl"(}f§’f3 ltut so far l‘<:-' close-5f was" l.i\elihood\ lhrealened h) illdillel‘ellee. lhe} lake on eaxm like )lll|l\ e\el‘_\

.uii‘l7'3‘.lll\ll ‘l l‘df» lew- a lxil: l,<,..l o' tonsil Ilr'l'lt» waldo" ham, 1.: '

:‘lt my. "6...;lll‘.) a \l’JHll‘. ex colleague and her Hoax“,-l:roath;~gl ox M133“).

lmv' Milt: .l, . v 1‘ a .l'ml. ..:.>l. 'u-: (l l:l‘.(}'\“. and ."tan allot. SKA) at:

nighl. prepared lo aeeepl ahuxe loi e\ei_\ pinl puiehaxed al lhe hai. lhen -.t- l' ,“*‘.’>z>':;. 'l is? .'.a:; a no". om,- 'Y‘w’ll‘. u l

I ,o .o '<>"‘a"<:<: f¥ii(:"éf‘~ eonxider doing lhal in \eu York. \i\ \ho\\\ a nighl lor iuxl a leu dollai'x

low "1:;1 l.- | (in). an: I all 7;: Milt; John hazoltgl. But if glo‘. «but if .'.as; t.::, Mai-i” Di (hump, “m u mm “hm” glmhmlk. MM \dvmn “1 my \k,“ York eomed} \eene mm a \lring ol' lele\i\ion aplk‘araneex behind her Then one nighl al the .-\\pen ('omed} l‘e\li\;ll. \he \kenl inlo melldmxn. ()uexlioning \lhelher \he \\a\ twin} li\e onxlage. \he heeame ineieaxingh h_\ \lerieal. imiling eomed} higuigx in lhe audienee lo go luek lhenm-lxex. .’\\ a eareer lllo\e. il \\a\ \uieide. 'l‘old in lime-honoured manner lhal \he \xould ‘ne\er work in lhix lo\\ll again‘. uhal made it horrihh eompellmg “ax lhe lael lhal lhe eroud lhoughl il \\a\ parl ol lhe ael. and eonlmued

L.ri:‘mi::ar", 'e' «9‘1" rel oil:


Rakugo brings out the Japanese in you

lnllxmn .. l .1 t ;.Jll' ll'Tlrfsl' .r i " .-

~.L Ml“ .. ..l a 1.1 .1 wdm'th \‘Lu

l x, Null lllYll. .l‘fn ("lamb l" "\ll'

a 9" “J, l“ U \‘0\ \ . [0 \~ n ‘0 W oh“ i. .. .1 [\llmm l .. .' at. wt ‘17.. if". .

N'h'l'l l“ YUM. 'll‘t». l\.f hl' Kllmirs’lt‘fi.

l \ ll {5 .l 3 l :mll 5‘. en \l'Kl I" \ll‘.:.-

coloured Puppets.

A a} llilb ix x \‘llll‘ll‘. ." ll "\K‘§\I\ ll‘tr.

l\ll'\lii\.ll‘.'. \‘t‘.\l~\ " 5i .ll‘l {‘15 :C 1" .1" t,” C

lll \l" lxllt .. w lll {‘l‘\/'\.”\\l‘

l {M ‘1 “in. l :\ .‘l .:...':'-tltr:»' .'.\I

k)u{"t‘l 5C. UURlC" .lil‘ k1x‘l"‘llf' lll‘vfi

green. the" Ella M wacky"

laughing al her hreakdoun ill a manner reminiseenl ol ’lomm} ('oopeIK l‘alal onxlage eollapxe. You ean see [he loolage Ill ilx ediled filll'lllL'\\ heeauxe .\1aiia\ \uhxequenl return lo \eu York. eomhined \\ ilh a \ ixil lo a lherapixl. prompled her lo begin a \ideo dial“). a eelluloid de|\e mlo her lrouhled \oealion. ('omedian. heal lh_\ \ell’. ll heeame [linen/(«Ilia

"lo \la} in the huxinexx a\ long in \\L‘ do. \lilhoul mueh linaneial re\\ard. il doex emotional damage.. \laiia \ighx. ‘You gel to lhe poinl \\ here _\ou‘re ahle lo make people laugh and he gool}. hul il iu\l leelx empl} parading around like a eloun. You‘re gelling ma}he flu or Mo on a \xeekend and _\ou don'l gel paid during the week. Han} llill told me Brilixh eomedianx ean allord lo \end their kid\ to prixale \ellool. _\el ('hri\ Roek \\i|| go to a .\'e\\ York eluh and \lill onl_\ gel Ill huekx. 'l’hexe plaee\

I 8.200: .5.’ 9‘0 .26 are paeked. hul il~ _\oll eonlplain the} ‘H lake _\ou oil the \ehedule. So the '9" ’5‘ 4a.»:- <*. :‘5. eomio are pilled againxl eaeh olher and ewrynw halex e\er_\one.'