This is by no means a definitive guide to music at the Festivals but provides some highlights, one-offs and details some shows that have not been noted in other programmes.

Thursday 7

Chris Brown Local guitarist with a powerful si}|e known as ‘:\ussie ('hris'. :li‘outtli' ('Itih’l't'rotuti/ (0 ('ati” Rosa]. llpm. 1." I141.

Future of Junior \‘itriolic garage rock quartet from darkest lissex. l'mlerbe/ls. lllJU/mi. I‘I'ee fllt‘hl‘ll’t/l.

Ian Siegel Renowned singer and one of Britain‘s finest National Steel (iurtarists. Ron Theatre. 7pm. I’ree.

Strolo’s Cafe Melodic rock and count) trio. .S'pieee/Ieiit. 5pm. [5 (U).

Super Furry Animals A displa} of l’hantom Power from the tripp} quintet. Queen's Hall. 7.30pm. $01.!) (If "/2

Friday 8

biteme! - The Scott Reilly Project lidinburgh's great. as-_\et undiscmered pop sensation. .Ileoustie l'mlergroiuul (0 (are Royal. ll/mi. £5 (£4).

The Cat Empire Sis-piece from Melbourne specialising in a reggae meets hip hop meets jazz groose. Spiegeltent. llpm. {IO (£8).

Scottish Opera - Gotterdammerung The first part of Wagner's four-part Ring (‘w'le b} Scottiin ()pera. See feature. Tickets asailable to under 26s only. 90 minutes before curtain tip from the serum. Festival Theatre. 3.30pm. Free.

Halt Man Half Biscuit, the Refuseniks and Odeon Beat Club Lis'erpudlian indie eccentrics with a taste for black. abstirdist humour. See pres'iew'. Liquid Room. 7pm. [8.50.

Keiretsu Ten-piece who blend drum 8; bass with folk. funk and trance.

( 'Iuler/u'lli‘. [0.30pm. Free Itieketeill. Ian Siegel This great National Steel (iuitar player fronts an eight-piece blues outfit. Rim Theatre. 7pm. Free.

Gary Le Strange .»\ceoinplished rock spoof. Plt’(l.\’(ttl(‘(’ ('ourii'anl. 9pm. £3.50. Polly Phillips Jazz and punk standards creep into this singer/ songw'riter's repertoire. .S'pieeeheni. 7pm. £8 (17;.

Saturday 9

biteme! - The Scott Reilly Project See Fri 8. Acoustic ('iuleijurouiul (a (are Royal. llpm. [5 (£4).

The Cat Empire See Fri 8. Spiegeltent. llpm. L‘lt) (£8i.

Concert for a Landmine Free World limm)lou llarris. Joan Baez. Bill) Bragg. Steve [iarle and (’hrissie llynde perform in the round. See pres iew. Ros-x Theatre. {15-730.

Goddard Local pttr\e_\'or of acoustic soul. l'mler/u’ll)’. It)..i’()/mi. l’ree Ilieketeili. Li Xiangting 'l'raditional ('hinese music as part of Connecting Cultures. Tickets available for under 26s only 90 minutes before curtain up from the \‘enue. ( '.slier Hall. 10.30pm. Free.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra Garry Walker and Sir Charles MacKerras conduct the music of Kurtag and Janacek. Tickets asailable to under 26s only. ()0 minutes before curtain tip from the venue. (is-her Hall. 8pm. Free.

Ian Siegel This great National Steel (iurtar pla)er fronts a four-piece blues ()ullil. Rots Theatre. 2pm. Free

Sunday 10

Best of T-Break .-\Isss.i‘s wish. the Silser Pill. the Michael Rattra} Allstars and Raar A a selection of the unsigned highlights from this _sear‘s 'l‘ in the Park. Lit/qu Room. 7pm. 1.".

Canadian Celtic Cowboy l)a\ie l‘irestar Simmonds a one-man countr} demon. I’leasaiu‘e ('ourtsanf. 9pm. Lid-ll. The Cat Empire See l5ri H. Spiegcltent. llpm. L'lt) its).

Indian Ocean :\ distinct fusion of Iunk. rock and folk from India. Space/rent. .S‘._\’(l/iiii_ [8 116;.

Members ot the Los Angeles Philharmonic Tickets asailable to under 3m on!) 90 minutes before curtain up from the White. Queen '\ Hall. 3.."f)/iiii. I‘I’l't'. Nieuw Ensemble (‘hinese contempoi'ar) music. Tickets asailable for under-st mil} ()0 minutes before curtain up from the name. ("slit-r Ila/l. [INN/mi. I'i'ee.

Lucinda Peters Sublime Australian jazz songsti'ess. .S‘pieee/teiit. 5pm. 15. Quixote (iram l’arsons. Lambchop and Will ()ldham are influences on this \eteran Fringe outfit. .S'pieee/Ient. /pm. 1." IUI. Jane Taylor Bittersweet folk pop from this rising Bristolian who appeared at this scans (ilastonburs l‘t‘sliHll. .'l(‘ltll\llt' ('iu/ererouiul (0 (‘ate' Roml. llpm. 15 114;.

Wanton a. Blithe and Tom Baxter l.i\ e downtempo breakbeat soul from “'(QB. ['tttfet‘lti'l/V. “Lift/mt. l‘t‘ee ttit'ht'tt't/I.

Monday 1 1

Anonio Forcione Quartet See preview; St George's il'esi ('liureli. 8pm.

[I 1—12.

The Cat Empire See Fri 8. Spiegeltenl. llpm. £10 (£8).

Easyworld and Kealer Spunky indie lurtts. Littler/)0”); It)._1’()pm. I’i‘ee Itii‘keteili. The Gadfiy Brothers Phil and Mick Moriarty lead this s'eteran folksy trio. Spiegelmnt. 1 ()pm. [I U ([8).

Indian Ocean See Sun It). Spieee/tenl. 8. 30pm. [8 ( [6 I.


Edinburgh Samba School Mambo} ant rh)thms from Brazil. Russ Theatre. Rpm. I’I'ee.

Squarepusher See PTL‘\1L‘\\. l iqtiid Room. "pm. {1 l.

Soweto Gospel Choir t'pln‘ung tribal harmonies from South Africa. S! (ieoi'ee's um ('htm h. ()J‘Upnt.

[III 1/.

Jane Taylor and Andi Neate Sec Sun 10 for Jane la} lor. sleoustit ('Iulerui‘omu/ ((1 (iii/e Rmal. llpm. 15 114 I.

Tuesday 1 2

Anonio Forcione Quartet Sec pres iew. SI (ieoree's lli'st (fill/'1 h. Spin. {1/ I}.

Tim Burgess (’alralatans troiititian's solo debut. See feature. liquid Room. 7pm. SUI.“ ()1 "1:

Johnny Berliner l'pheat \ ibes from this in\ entise blues ti'io. I’leiiuim'e ('ourtninl. 9pm. £3.50.

Indian Ocean See Sun lfl. .S'liieee/Ieiit. Ill/mi. [Sit/ii.

Jive Aces Big Band jise and swing. Ross ’I‘liealre. 7.."Ipm. I'i'ee.

Kelly Osbourne 0H} 's _\oungest follows III her father's lititihlcps with her own brand of bratt} Slis influence punk pop. ("om lite/lance. 7.30pm. U5. Mark Owen lrrcpressible former Take That cherub eiiioss post-(‘ele/n'in the Brother res isal. See pl‘CVlC“. ('Iuler/n'lli'. /(I..i’l)/mi. l'il't't’ Itii'keteilt. The Peggy Vestas Quirk-laden I‘olk pop who have drawn comparisons with the Delgados and Disine (‘omeds xli'oustii‘ ['Iu/eremmu/ (0 ('a/e' Rmal. llpm. [5 (£4).

Davide Sanna Ins entis'e roots. blues and folk singer/songwriter from Sardinia. Ross Theatre. 3pm. Free. Soweto Gospel Choir See Mon 1 I. St George's Hes! ('hure/i. (LAW/mi. [/U- I/.

Tupplurana (‘harismatic jazz group from Sweden. Rust ‘l‘lieuire. 5.30pm. Free.

Wednesday 1 3

Anonio Forcione Quartet See preview. St George's Hes! ('hureh. 8pm. [I /-»I2.

L’association muslcale de Vit and Small Hall Band Big Band sounds from this group from the French Alps Ross l'hem're. 3pm. free

Norman Lamont and the Innocents and The 0 Veteran

singer songwriter in the Bob l)}lan mould and his \ iolin-led acoustic backing .leoustn' ('iii/eigi‘oumi (0 (1m; Rona. llpm. {Fit-1i

Simple Kid 'l‘oubadouric Irish singer See pt‘esiew (infer/telly ll).."llpiii_ l'ree ’flt Leta/I.

Sketch .-\ Iestisal debut Ior this strung Leah-based singer songwriter Pleasant e ('ouiImnf. llpm. L" 5"

Soweto Gospel Choir See Mon I I .si (ieoiee’s lli‘si ("hurt h. h.."”pm. illt- // Joby Talbot 'l'he one-tune Dis inc ('omed} man now iesponsible Ioi film scores. the name lUl' [he Ieiieue ot (ii‘ltllemi‘lt and now a l’ronis commission performs a bioad .iii'.i_\ oI inusic. Ron Illt'tlltl'. h/mi. I'lt e

Vardos likltllllttlidl gsps} music from llungar} and Romania. Space/rent. 5pm.

1 ’1_‘i

Thursday 14

Anonio Forcione Quartet See

pres iew. SI (ieoree's um (’him It. Spin. 1/ / l.‘.

The Ariels (iltisgow -based Indle lock outfit make their l‘ringe debut. ('iiilerlielli. l”..“fl/tltt. l‘t'i‘e ftlt ketei/I.

Jive Aces See 'l‘ue l2. Ross Theane. 5pm. I'i‘ee.

Norman Lamont and the Innocents and Lynsey Hutcheson See Wed l3. .'l( oustu ('Iu/el'ui‘omu/ (II (ii/e Roml. llpm. £5 It-li.

Lucinda Peters See Sun to. .S‘pieeeltenl. 5pm. 15.

Policechiel liscellent (ilasgwegian beats and pieces. See pres iew. Lit/qu Room. 7pm. {5.

Scottish Guitar Quartet A nimble- digited foursome. oft-celebrated in this \er} publication. mix classical. jazz and world techniques from their own diserse musical palette. Ron Theatre. (LAW/nu. l‘il't't'.

Soweto Gospel Choir See Mon I I. Si (ieoree'i llest ('hun‘h. 6.30pm. [III-ll. Joby Talbot and musicians See Wed 13. Ross Theatre. 8pm. l‘ree.

The Soweto Gospel Choir perform at St George’s West Church