THE DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO (il lltcad Sitccl. if“ 4531 Mon Sal Illaiii 5pm

Digital Design Showcase t lllll Sat it) Aug A collcctioii ol digitall} pioduccd .lllullll'x olitpllt on camax and papci h} ciiiciging llt‘\lj._‘llL'i\


l I (ia'xlicld Squaic. 553 7| lll 'Iuc Sat llaiii (rpin

Katja Strunz l'iitil Sat 37 Scp. A lil\l liiaioi \olo \hou ili lllcl K lol (ici'liian .‘llll\l Kalia Strum. lnxpilcd h) lllllllllldlhlll and iiiolc \pccilicall}. Rohci't Sinitlixon‘x \xall lL'lll'l\ ol

I‘Hri (r5. \hc cicatcx intriguing \\.i|l- haxcd \culptuicx \xlnch duc to thcil angch ltillll\ can lrc \chI and mpcrlcnccd in dittclciit “an.


l)oilalll\oli'\ (‘ollcgu \Vc\t (‘oatc\. il5 tli5-i. Mon l'll ll) appollitiiicnt. Dovecot Colour - A Working Exhibition l’nlil Sun ll Aug. ()pcii dooix .it |)o\ccol Studlm \\llli pioducc l'll:_'\ and l.‘t|k'\ll'lt'\ milking \\llll \xcll kiiou ii ai'tixlx will a\ Alan |)a\ ic. lial'hai‘a Rac and John licllan).

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.auri\ton l’lacc. 33] out)”. l)ai|}

lilain 5pm.

Black Box l’litil Sun 7 Scp. I-l'cc. ln collalmratlon u ith thc lzdinhuigh liitciiiatloiial l’lllll l'cxtnal. l:('A pl‘cxclilx inxlallatton \\lll'l\\ h} li\c liitcillatloliall} icnouiicd ill'll\l\. 'l‘ulncr l’ri/c iioiiiincc lxaac .lullcn picxcnh I’urm/iu' ()Hll’lln. a \cini- autllhlogi'aphical piccc \ct on l\\o l\l;tlltl\. St l.ucia and Britain. in thc llihllx. Janc tillll l.tilli\i' \Vilulll \lllm (iunimu. a inultixci'ccn lll\l;lll;tlll\ll that locuxcx on lll\llllllll)llttl aichitccturc and itx phobia» Italian artixt l‘l'anccxco \'c//oll'\ lillt’ [am] of [In lllmlml lilul l\ hawd on .lcan (‘octcau‘x lnoiiologuc l'oi' thcatl'c I‘lu' llunmn \im ('. Arid .\1alcric Mal’dcr \lll)\\\ [in] which dcpictx huiiianx in tlic l'lccting \tatc ol \lccp.


3(la l)uiida\ Strch 557 5llll3. .\lon l’i'i ltlani 5pm; Sat IUaln .iKtlpin. Netherlandische l'nul Sal to Aug. Adrian \Vix/nic“ \lxi. thc tll'li\l \xho hclicwd 'paintlng \\;t\ dcad'. pickx tip hi\ [‘tlillll‘l'lhll again to crcatc 30 a \k‘l'l\‘\ ol hold and \ ilrl'ant ncu p;lillllll}1\.


'l‘hc Photographic inhibition (‘ciitltu ox (ii‘cat King Strcct.-i53‘1.\'l.l. .\lon Sat lilain Spin; Sun I 5pm. International Photography l'niil Sun 3| Allg. [3.5” li3l; undcr l3\ I'l'cc. 'l‘hc l-llxt annual photographic mhihition l'caturing mm 300 print\ takcn h} photographcrx around thc glolk‘.

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'uion Strch 557 347‘). 'l‘uc Sat lilain opin.

Fresh: Contemporary British Artists in Print l'iitil Sat l3 Scp. l‘or thc l’i'intinakci'x' l’cxthal \ho“. a \clcctioii ol‘ pl'llll\ h} contclnporar) lii'itixh :\i'll\l\. 'l‘hc Iinc-up ix imprch c and includcx “orkx h} ('lairc lial'cla}. (’hi'ixtinc iioi'land. Martin Bo) cc. Jakc ck Dinox ('liapnian. Darnicn llit'xl. .'\lii\ll Kapoor. ('hrix ()lili. 'l'oh) l’atci‘xon. Row Sinclair. l)a\ id Shi'iglc} and Richard Wright. SL‘L‘ rc\ iL‘\\.


(‘orxtol'phinc Road. 33 ‘)l7l. l)ai|) 9am (1pm. £7 (£4 £5): laniil} tickct £30 £34.50.

Life Fri 8 Aug Sun 3| Scp. l’alnlingx and dra“ ing\ of thc loo illlltll‘lltlllh h} ai‘tixt-in-rcxidcncc lloll} Surplicc.



ll (it'iixu'lllit’ (.I'L'u'k‘lll. 5.55 -l(\~lll. Mon Sat 11am trpin.

Edith Simon Memorial Exhibition .\lon ll Mon 35 Aug. A lnciiiorial c\hlhitloii ot' uork h) ladlth Slinon \xlio dch carlicr thix war. licxt kno“ u lol' hcr tl'adctnal'k \calpcl pol‘lt'aih. for o\ cr 3” )carx \hc contl'ihutcd to thc lil'lngc \\ ith hcl' annual l'cxtnal c\hihitioii. NE ‘.'. 8i it W‘.'.'


41) ~14 'l'hixtlc Strcct. 335 I IS]. .\lon l'l'l llldlli 5.3tipiu.

Fresh l'ntil Sat 3t) Aug. An c\hihilion ol' IIL'\\ productx h} lihlc Marinaladc

\\ ho \pccialixc iii plaxticx including \xaxtcr papcr hiiix. ('l) lltllthl'x aiid Ianipxhadcx.


(‘cutral l.ihi'ai'_\. (icoi'gc l\‘ lirldgc. 335 5584 in! 335i. .\loii ’l‘hll ltlani leii; iii Illain 5pm; Sat ‘lain Ipln.

Jamie Burgess Hi 8 Sat 30 Aug.

\cu paintingx inxpircd h} a \arict} ot' \ouch‘x. hoth ancicnl and inodci'n.


5 l)cali l’ark (‘rcxcan 333 4(r3t). Dark 3 (rpm. . New Scottish Paintings t‘nul Sun I.“ Aug. A \clling mluhrtion ol paintingx h} Scottlxh til'll\l\ Normand llcggic and .lo_\ cc (irahaln. Ilcggic pi'i'\L‘lll\ Scottlxh landxcapc and \llll litc \lllillL‘\ and Graham \hon a \clcctlon ol \ultci'coloui'x


(\a I)unda\ Strch 558 030.“. Mon I'l'l ItUUain 5.30pm; Sat Mani 4pm. Ethel Walker 'l‘uc l3 Sat 35 Aug A \olo \hou ot nc“ paintiiig\ lcatul’ing landxcapcx and \till lllL‘\ h) lithcl \Vallxcl‘. Nl‘ 403'.

for GLASGOW ART see non-festival magazine

Sun and Rain, Jura by Ethel Walker on show at the Flying Colours Gallery

got an opinion ,about a Show?


Row Sticct. 33H ()3 ll). .\itlll Sat

Ham 0me Sun llani ()plll.

Ugly Americans l'nlil Sun 3| Aug. chl poxtci' dcxlgnx arid i'ai'c c\anip|c\ L'l't‘dlc‘d l‘) l’.\'l", tillL‘ l’t)\l NL‘l) li\plo\ioni\in (il‘oupi. thc til”ll\l\ hclund thc artuoi'k l'ol' \HlllL‘ oi thc l’S'x lliggcxt handx including Quccns ol thc Stoncagc and 'lihc Stt‘olxcx. I’url u/ I'll/l I/n' Irmul'.


‘) \cht l’oi't. 33| 0337. Mon Sun

noon 7pm.

Recent Graduates l‘nlil Mon 1 l Aug. A \clcclion ol \xork l'i'oin this )car\ lidinhurgh ('ollcgc ol' Art dcgl‘cc \ltli\\\ lcatui'ing .\lJ l.a\\|c\\. (iixan 'l‘i\ idad. 'l‘hoinax lidual'd (il‘CCli\\t)t)tl and Short.


~15 .\l;tl'l\L'l Sll'L‘L‘l. 2.583. I)ail} Ilain 9.30pm.

0 After Image t'niil Sat 27 Scp. ('uratcd h} (ilcnn Scott Wright of loitlloil‘x \‘ictoria .\lii'o (iallct'). .A/ll'r Inn/L? l‘l'lll;_'\ togcthcr thc \xork of tour \cininal photogi'aphcrx xx ho all uw photograph} and thcir oun hodim to c\plorc lcnialc idcntit}. (and) Shcl'nian 1\ one oi thc most intiucntial itl'li\l\ \xoi'kilig toda} alid ix hcst

kilo“ it lol' hcr I 'nlllll'l/ [Vi/m .S'i'rlm. A \L‘lL‘cliUn HI IllL'\L‘ \\t)l'l\\ arc on (“\plu} along \xith \xol'kx li‘oln thc lli\l()l'_\ l’Ul’ll'ulh. l-axhion and .\Itt\l\\ \cricx. ()\cr 31)\\l\l'l\\ h} cult ligurc l‘rancmca \Voodinan \\ ill alxo hc pl'cxcntcd. \Voodinan coininlttcd \uicidc at thc agc ol‘ 3| but \hc lcl't hchind a lcgac} oi \UltiL‘ rcinarkahlc. inatul'c photograph» Alla Mcndicta

\\ ho alxo dicd in tragic circumxtancm produccd \onic incrcdihlc \xorkx

including I'ill'lll/ Hair 'Ii'llilxlililrltx

t l‘)73). And linall}. Silnr} n (iill \lll)\\\ [hi/uni a \crlcx of 35X \llél[)\ll()l\ ol

li\ ing i'ooill intcriot‘x and \i'gl'lulmli uhich “ill hc \houu at llahitat \cc lixiillg. Scc lliilhl.


46a Rachurn l’lacc. “5 3003. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Jewellery of the World 8. Draped in Dreams l'nlil Sal I3 Scp. A collcction oi intcrnational xilxcr icv. cllcr} including a locux on \Ulllc ol Poland'x hcxt (IL'\igilCl\ and tc\tl|c\ and draw l\ ll'oin :\\l;l.


(irindla) Sti‘cct (‘ourt. (irindla} Strcct l.anc. 33‘) 79-1].

UNLV Filmmakers Showcase 4 Thu 7 Sun lilAug, 'l'uc l3 'l‘hu I4 Aug, 13.30 3pm. 9.5. Digital \liortx ci'calcd h) \tudcntx of thc l'liiwrxit} oi .\'c\ada. Lax \cgax.


TCHUI Ron llouxc. Bristo Squarc. 33o 3l5l. l)ail} It) 4am.

Finding Bin Laden - The Exhibition l'ntil Mon 35 Aug. \Vlulc rcxcarching thc pla} [Vim/ini- lil'n lxulwl. photographcr and director Salli Ma) nard traxcllcd to Kahlil to doculncnt thc al'tcrlnath oi the \lar.


(killer) ck Shop. 77 l)unda~. Strcct. 556 315‘). Mon Fri ltiani (rpm; Sat

Itiani —5pin.

A Visionary Landscape t'nul Wu! 3 Scp. NC“ ahxtract and landscape paintings h} Nicholas Donn. Kirsl} ('ohcn. Linda Norris. l.i\ Most!) and Allan Macdonald plus woodwork h) AngUs ('Iync and ccraniics h} Dalid ('ohcn.

Festival Exhibition l'nlil Wu] 3 Scp. An exhibition of inlcrior-ch products including hand-crafted cards. linc and applied arts h} a sclcction oi l‘irilish arlixlx.