Edinburgh Thursdays Club

I Audio Tourism .it l’ixo Bat ("luh 0pm 3am. l't‘ee. \Veekl} Start the weekend olt tiiee atttl earl} \kllll Silxet Stone (7 .-\ugi and Allan l)unhat tllL‘;l(l\plll l4 Aug i.

I Thee Batcave at 'l llt'k' l'tttlet'uot‘ltl. l1“) .ittttt. l't'ee \VL'L'kl}. l'.\pL't'tCllL‘e the tlttt'kxttle Hl 'lall l’attl R tthe (io-(ioi ax lie mt\e\ up e\ei'} thmg ll'ttlll (ills garage. ptitik antl \lea/e.

I The Bongo Club Cabaret at Bongo('|tih. lllpm Sam. 1;" (8

HS {7i Weekly l'eattittiig eotnpete l)tl\l} l,llttll\ tlte legeittlat'} lltl\ ot lt\e llltl\lL‘ antl (l(l\\ll tight lit/ttt‘tt‘tit'\\ at the Bottgo L'ttllllllllL'\ tantl llll\ textual \\ tll he then Iaxt at tlte eut't'ent \eituei_ \Vith [Us taking )oti through till elmtng.

I CC Blooms at (‘(' ttlooinx. Illillpni 3am, l't'ee. \Veekl}, 'l'tip the ltglit lttltlthllL‘ to lli-.\'R(i tlanee aetion at llll\ e\et'-popu|ai~ ga} hat,

I La Clique ttl tlte Spiegeltent.

llptti 3am. i; It) ti‘h. \Veekl}. 'l'he Sptegeltent ottee again L‘ttlllCN altxe at textual tiiite “till a \at'tetl. ht'axh and entertaining Stilexlioxt Bitt'lexqtte. Appearing oti t'atitloni lllgllh and iii no ptti‘tieulai' ot‘tlett \'t\aee: ‘l'he Shim lllllhlL‘. ittgglmg antl tlanetng tltt'eet tt'otn l);tl‘l\ and Bet‘lini; Moira l’ttiueane t:\it\tt’;ilia\ moxt e\tt‘aoi'tlniat') pet't'ot'ntanee ill‘ll\l l; The ('at liitipti’e tlttxitig reggae. ('uhan. l'tittk. lit// and more); (‘t'olt No51(’eltie ltlL‘L'l\ tan and tlanee heats) and .\ltkelange|o & the Blaek Sea (ientlemen t\tll'l'L';tl (i_\p\} eahat‘eti.

I The Concrete Schoolyard at the lloiie}eoinh. I lptti 5am. l-‘t‘ee. \\'L'L‘kl). Another next ie tot‘ tlte

Hone} eoinh \tith l)J\ Riteliie Rut'l'tone and I.) Ie} pla}ing all )otti' taxotti'ite old and MC“ hip hop and Rth (Uh.

I Daysleeper at ()ptunt.

l lpitt 3am. l‘t‘ee. \Veekl}. .\'ii ttietal. thrash metal. llltllhll'litl metal and llhl about e\ er} other t_\pe ol tiietal _\ou eaii tliitik til.

I DEFinition at ('ahat'et Voltaire. niitliiight .iam. £4 (Bi. H Aug. Monthl}. .\'a\t§ l’. Jl’ antl l’-St)l/ lioxt a ttiglit ot' ttit'ntahlisin ltip hop. 'l‘he

\\ inner ot‘ the Battle ol the Biontex l)J \llti\\tltl\\ll lteh} \till he joining lil Maraiteh} and the l'L'\lthlll\ oti tlte decks.

I Dfrnt Drum at ('ahat'et \‘oltait‘e. midnight 5am. H (U). " .-\tig. Monthl}. Next night “Hit a \keuetl take on the eltth l'ot'niat \\ itlt the 'l‘t'otthle l)J\ iti lull elleet. l.i\e aet \till the but there'\ \uppol‘t from the l’t‘iniittx e l'i’ge [fix with their unique take oti tlte titot'e ohxeitt‘e realms ot‘ t'oek tSonie Youth. Melt litlttttlltt. l’L‘;tCltC\ etei.

I Dope at l’eppei‘inint Lounge.

ltlpm 3am. £3. \Veekl}. .-\ pttie tinatlultet‘atetl lilentl ot~ eltt\\ie atitl eontempot‘at'} hip hop t't'om Roh ’l‘ and Skid.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. ltlpm 3am. lit‘ee. \Veekl). Salxa and inet'engtte \\ itlt DJ Nano & The Latin l’oxxe.

I Exodus at Medina. ltlpm 5am. £3 till with a theta. 7 .-\tig. .\lonthl_\. .\'e\\ reggae. tlaneehall antl eal} pxo tiigltt t‘t‘oni (‘hile and l.iiite \\ ith lla\ana ('lith pt'o\ itling prizes for a ‘tlanee oil".

I Fleamarket Funk at (‘otinting llttthc. 7pm 3am. £5 tUStti, \Veekl). Loeal outtit pla} ing their on it kind ol big band t'tink in llli\ next \teekl} residene} \\ ith a \mattet'ing ot' DJ \upports and other li\ e aetx.

I Flippin’ at Bongo (‘Iuh New date 28 Aug.

Telephone Booking Book Festival 0131 624 5050 Fringe 0131 226 0000

lntemational Festival 0131 473 2000 Military Tattoo 0131 225 1188 . Film Festival 0131 623 8030

Fleamarket Funk, Daily through the Festival

I Floor Play at the Venue.

ll. illpm 5am. Unfit l-l \ttg Hip hop night \\llll lx’iehte lx’utttotie. llte Seotlantl YattI .\l("\. Ion} \l. a hi‘eaktlanee hattle It'om Rantlom .'\\pekt\ antl .\le.t\ Seat»

I The Fun at Iago. lllptit iaitt Li \\‘eek|.\_ .loti l’lea\etl. Smnnoiie Blaek and Morgan .tt'e haek p|a_\ mg a taxt} \eleetton ol llttlhe .llltl gatage

I Genetic at (him (‘ltth

llptn itttii. l'tee lielote Ilillptn. LI altet. \Veekl}. Still a llll_L'lll_\ populai \ott‘ee that \hou ea\e\ alteiitatne. llltllt' and lo ti. \o \ntokiiig at the hat. lllllltl I Groove Collective .il tit-tint lilt‘l'lltlll\ lllpttt iatn l‘lt‘e \\eek|_\ Home and otliet gtooxex ttont the [H tag team helimtl nightx \uelt .t\ l the“ l)t\eo antl Bla\t: .\lattiii \alentme. Ste\e \Vanlexx (ia\ \lltlk’lM‘ll. llttll}. llugg} aiitl .\l;tt'ke|l.

I Henry’s Late Nights at llent} \ Ja/l (‘ellat. mttlntght iatn Ut \Veekl}. l.t\e tau and the hottxe I).l\ take )ou itito the \tee \ltlall ltt‘tll\ \n .r\ug t'exttlene} e\et} 'l lttt \\ ith the :\t|atitte Reeot'tlx lt'll‘tllt‘ teatuting \tk‘;tll\l \iki King pa}mg homage to the legetitlat'} Rth label th.tt\ home In the llke\ Ul :\t‘etha l't'atlklttt .ttltl ( )II\ RL‘tltllll:_'.

I The HOT Club at (iiltletl Balloon. 1 Sam. [5 L'llltL.< L"): \Veekl}. No t\\o nightx \\ ill he the \ante .t\ I).l\ ltl.t\lt tip e\ei_\thtng ttoni home to hhangi'a \ ta teelmo antl tltiini & ha“. and haek again l)_l\ meltitle. h} no tneanx e\elti\t\el_\. 1).! ()nl}


IK|’(i I‘llllli. llBll le’anipage l \l I. Bill} the lhiet t\l | \ -. l in. l).:lltll_'.' il oop (itltll' .lll\l \lailattt \\‘-l\ll t(ilo\t.hallt\titt

\ highl} \l\ll.tl llll\ ot tittttx. tlaitte heatx anti \petial l \

I Ml32 at ('.:\etiih\h l)l‘-.: alttt .‘aiti

l iee l‘etote iiittlnieht. :4 .tttet \\eeklj.

lhe lit-\t ml \ hip hop. t.:'_':‘.t .Lllti lx’.\l’i tiotti lee l\l and \l: ll lx‘ettittimc alter a liitet lit.:ltl\ l‘tll hatk ‘.‘.tll‘. the \ttlttt‘ _\ott all lotetl \o time h ax the} take otei

llll\ llt".‘- netttte

I Nexus .it \ltttllt‘ .‘ \\eekl:. \ next. iii-,‘ht that tta‘xtw the l\\‘\l ot iotk.:tiet.il. lllllll\liltli.lll\l1'\‘lll '.‘t1ll‘i.: (ottth ot \heexe l toiii :u‘ttt hoxt\ \itieil}. l‘\}t‘n~tl. Ba/ anti lx’oxx

I Opal Lounge .tl llpal l «tun-gt-

l'Ipiti iattt L; \M'ekl} .le/ llillantl \te\te (i ‘aith lllItt'lL'\\ \oeal llt‘tht'. illxit antl patt_\ time\

I Sanitarium at \tilw.a_\ \ptit *am ltee \\eekl_\ \eu totk lll_‘_‘lll tioni

l tltnhittgh lx’otk. teattttmg ll\ e hanth antl llllt'l.t\l1\t'l),l\'}t'llt.tlllt'\l)t'lll tequutx anti thete v. ill he hi: \eteeti \l\tl.tl\l. plent} ot thitth i‘lttHhN

I The Snatch Social at the litittttl lx’ooitt ll! zHpm Sam 1‘ <HIth \\eekl} \ next eta l‘L'jJtlh at the next]; te hiantletl tiltlt ti\atetl tttiik_\ tll\gt‘gllllt\.1l‘.1le'l eotnteall} eonipetetl h} next ho} Ion} ('attei anti llati} \llt\\‘.t‘llll l‘.l\l. tiom the

1 Iltpiii ;.Llll 3.]


.:.ttt tiet k lllailli‘tlialt‘tl iii a toil ttmk anti h:p hop \ttlee t‘t Bahex antl lienth \\etitl\ v‘ \ttg l \pett .1 int] taee litt. lieu

lhel l\ e\t hi\i\e lti‘Ztl llettot lx‘tiex H \Li}'

I Speak 5-2 at ('al‘aiet \oltaite \e\t tlate .‘\ \tt:

I The Spinning Wheel .t! tiilttea Ballon l\'\l-‘l‘ *am 1" *H 0 ‘t'

‘Jt “' 1' *t't \\eekl_\ ltletttt tal‘atet \\ ith lt\e tittixte etiext toitiethath .lll\l lllx t.tktti_~.' ton thtoiieh to the \\ee \tttall ltt‘tlt\ I TLC at l’o \a \a ltlpm iatn L1 it it \M'eki} \ett night lot the \tal‘tatl theme l‘.‘.l \ktllt .t \‘lt‘tllt‘ll i‘l llt‘l llt‘llM'. \I‘llllllt'h tal tlante. t heexe .tll\l t ltall} attton ttottt l)l lohx

Chant & Path

I City at ('tt_\ lthtihuteh *pm iatn ti hetote iiiiilnteht. :1 .tttet \\eekl\ lll llale gnex tott pop. thait. tlattte antl l\'t\B attlltettix ot the ila}

I Disco at Jongleurs .tl ,ltttttflt‘tlh titttltttght ian. Lit: it \\eekl\ (ht-ex} \llll‘ \ Iawitx. \Hx te\ ital aiitl poptaxttt lttl\ llt‘lllllttl.t_\ (ittHH)

I Old Skool Disco at l\'e\oltitioii

Ill illpm iain L-l itji \\eekl\ |<etto llt‘lht' night ll\‘\l\'\l h} [H loin \\ llxttll

I Subway West End at \utmn \\t~\t lll\l "pm iaitt l tee helote ‘lpnt. L i .tltet IL." “CCklk \ \\t't‘ki\ \Kt‘tllt til \llt‘tW}. [\ttl} \ttttlettt} ntghtx. ttitliithng' a ltittigee tope on \im l’lti\ plent} ol thitth l‘lttltltt\ to keep the \plllh high

I A Tribute to . . . .tl \tmitt

‘lpni iam l tee ltetote llptti. L3 .tltei

tl tee to meinl‘etxt \\eekl_\ ('hait lllllt‘\ ttom the Mix to texteitlat. 'J-llll like ttilttite .l\l\ thoppme l\_\ eat it \teek

I Vinyl at \la\\a ttotiiteth ( llll‘ \lettatlot Rpm iatii ltee \\et'k|i ('otitittett tal t liatt .tlltl ilatite toittteo ot l’attl l llltk\lt'l. [‘llh tltink\ l‘lttllli'\ apletttt tot thme \tho \tant to \l.tll the ‘.\.'t'kt'll\l l.t\lllitll.tl‘l} t'.ttl_\

Edinburgh Fridays


I Audio Tourism at t’im Hat ( lltl‘ ‘lpni iatit ltee \\eekl\ Digging ileep iii tltett \Kt'll\lt‘\l\k'tll‘1'\k‘\llll littlthttlti't'l \lll\ ltotti the lltiggt t\ \llf,‘| and \h .lengalteatl Ii \tigi

I Big Beat at ('altaiet \oltaite \e\t date 3‘) \ug

I Blaze at l-go llpiit ‘am ti Ll Ii \itg l.tlttt'\ longuoith |_‘_'llllt'\ the pa} \teekentl. \ttth plent} ot Ll tltmkx pioiitox to lttel the lll\i'llllt'\

I The Bongo Club Cabaret at Bongo ( ‘liih .\e\t date 33 \ttg

I Bubble Breaks at \ithol l,tl\\.lltl\ lll illptn iatti L.‘ \\eekl}. Boil} \lo\ tn' l’iotlttttioth [‘tt‘\t‘tll\ Btthhle Bieakx. tltoppm l‘itllll‘\ ot RAB. lilt'.tk\ and hip hop \ttth l thithtitz'h‘x neuext I).l \Cll\.tllitll\ l’alitlt’h It“ time .llltl tlieit tiailetttatk l‘tlllt‘hlllh

I Candela! at ('oitititple\ ttoimetl) ('ltth .l.t‘.at alm Ian. 2.1.7 l‘ :\tlf_' Biatitl 'lt'\‘. (ithan lllll\l\ tlante eltih launthtx \titli lixe lllll\l\ tiottt Uniat l’tiente. (’uhaii \ litlllihl heatlme tip l<.llkC\ ('ulianox. j_'tie\t (tilhtll UL and a titt'lt'\\lt~tl.tl( tihatt tlante tottple l’hett' plot k'L'(l\ flit lt'\'-.tltl\ .t \lt‘all‘w‘ ttll\ \t‘llllt' itt ()ltl ll.t\.tlt.t antl Plk e mi llltlt'\ llet' \‘leltlll .ttttl tlttttet' eltt“ V l‘lpttt

I CC Blooms at ('(‘ ttliittiiit

lH illpnt iani l'tee \\eekl_\ “I \ll} tlllL‘\ the tlL'le\ tlttt} at llll\ ga} night xtith het mtntitahle \eleetton ot high tamp and tll‘k“ \l.l\\lL\. mot mg oti to pumped up llcht' .tlltl tlanee .t\ the exenitig Pltlfllt'\\t'\ I La Clique at the \ptegeltent

llptit iant 2. It) i t‘); \Veekl} See 'I hit

I Digital at the Venue lll zllpni <atit UN 15 \itg .\lonthl_\ laeking teehtioantl eleetto itlllk gootlnexx ti'otn lL‘\ltlL‘lll\ J(‘ and l)a\e Biotin. tometl h} the rolling teehno extelletite ot \\ootl} \leBritle tl)l l.\l’t a\ \tell a\ ('}ttilittl Ilt\et and more ghetto haw .tetton Itotti l).l \ll. l)J l)t‘l‘ttl_‘_'ll. Stephen Biotin taking oti Bottneek ll.tllll\ll and Sa\ \}