
John Hegley’s Packed Lunch A \crttable leaxt ol poetry. tig rollx and table dancing. ,'l\\(’IIl/l/\ Roomx. until 3.5 Aug lnot li'fi'i. /3..*’ll/mr


Stand Up: The Musical oooo Sandy Nelxon. Allen ('halmerx and John Roxx t'cll\c their Xllx boy band xuccexx. llli' Stanil. until 35 Aug. 3.."/I/im. Osama Likes It Hot 000 The xpirit ol the l'rmge Ix encapxulated in llarxchak'x cotntx-Ilmg nonxenxe. 'Ilu' ('nili'rlu'l/L until I7Aug. 3.45pm.


The Jingleberries A trio ol dixgraccd children'x 'l'\' entertamerx xerye up tongue-in-cheek dittiex. (ii/ili'tl Balloon (mm. until 35 Aug. 3.30pm.


Simon Munnery .-\ tripartite ot~ xhoyy'x from the maxter ol the abxurd and tnanic creator ol the League Againxt 'l‘edium. 'l'lu' .S'Ianil. until 35 Aug. 4.05pm.

Owen O’Neill oooo

lrithan xearchex tor play matex in hix

The \yordy

poignant comic lragedicx. I’li'axani'i' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. 4.35pm. Dudley Sutton 0000 Sutton. better lxnoyy n ax Lore/at 'x 'liinket'. prexentx hix torrid entertainment. The ('nili'rlu'lly'. until 34 Aug. 4.5’5pm. Aisle16 ooo gunx lire otit radical yerxe. I’li'axaiu'i' Home. until 35 Aug. 4.50pm.

A hoxt ol' young


Big World Performance Poetry Three actx xtand-up in the name or performance poetry. The 'I’ron. until 35 Aug. 5.."(l/mt.

Nicholas Parsons More xtnooth chat lrom l‘ringe perennial l’arxonx and hix xelect band ol~ guextx. I’li'ayani‘i' (inurty'anl. Ii) 34 Aug. 5..\’(l/nn.

Mel & Sue Sey en niglttx ol- coxy chat with the perky duo. I’li'ayanci' ('ourtyanl. until I7Aug. 5.45pm.


The Wicker Woman oooo A delightful lilm paxtiche. I’li'ayani‘i' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. 6pm.

Nick Revell as political comedian ruminatex gently. 'I‘Iu' Statul II. until 35 Aug. 6.55pm.



Nina Conti a. Micky Flanagan .... .\'ina. Micky and the Monkey xhare the laughter .xpoilx. I’li'aiani‘e ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. 7pm.

John Oliver so The Ben Elton/Dayid Baddiel lookalike ix a little too normal to be outxtanding. I’li'axance ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug (not I‘ll. 7pm. Etchysketchy Thix xketchy l'ourxome .xendx tip noxtalgia in xty‘le. Iii/inlmrgli ('olli'gi' ofArt. tmtil 31’ Aug. 7pm.

Bill Bailey .... The Black Books xtar providex the bexl joke of the t'extiyal thux l'ar. I’lc'imiiu‘i' (our/yard. until 35 Aug. 7.10pm.

John Scott and Sat (‘hauhdry lit! the kill ol Scottixh culture. (iilili'il Balloon (arm. until 35 Aug Inot I9). 7. /5/im.

Rob Brydon ooooo liritixlt

(‘oniedy Award \y inner makex a happy

Mongrel Nation oooo

tranxl‘er l'rom xtnall xcreen to .xtage. .’i.\.\('"lbl\' Roomy. until I7Aug. 7.50pm. Rich Hall The gravel-yoked l’errier— winning .-\merican leay ex alter ego ()tix

behind to proye ho“ brilliant he really ix.

.’l\.\('lllhl\' Roomy. IN 35 Aug. 7.50pm. John Ryan 0000

Probably not. but he‘x yery funny. The

lx be normal’.’

lt'ott. until 35 Aug. 7.30pm.

Dave Gorman ease The obsmxiyc cornpulxiye. publixhing prtwraxtinator impartx hix (ioogli-n-luu-k :it/l‘t'llllll't’. George Square Theatre. until 34 Aug. 7.45pm.

Andrew Bailey see The master of dysfunctional dooyyop xhockx. delightx and axtoundx in equal tneaxure. The Stand. until 35 Aug. 7. 50pm.


Rhona Cameron The .‘yluxxelburgh laxx condenxex her l'extiy‘al run into one night. l't’S/ll'll/ Theatre. /8 Aug. 8pm.

Glenn Wool oooo

comedian broachex the boundariex ol


good taxtc. I’li'ayani'i' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. 8.35pm.

Danny Bhoy 000 The Mortar- born mirthxter ix full of charm. The Pod. until 35 Aug. 8pm. Jimmy Carr 000. Mine hoxt unleaxhex hix perfectly -timed

Your I'ilt ‘(’ or

('harm (moan-o. l’li'axani'i' (‘ourtyanl until 35 Aug. 8pm.

Mike Daisey ooo l)aixey' takex on the might ol‘ Amazon and liy ex to tell the tale. .-l.x‘.x¢'mhly Rooms. until 35 Aug (not 18:. 8pm.

Bradley Walsh Bridgex daytitne telly and comedy notoriety. Assembly Roonn. tutti] 35 Aug. 8pm.

Paul McDermott, Cameron Bruce 8. Mick Moriarty oooo Fringe legend .\lcl)ermott l‘Uxex intixic and comedy in xtyle. (ii/tied Balloon li'riot. until 34 Aug. 8pm.

Double barrel laughs from Lee Hurst and Sean Meo, Queen‘s Hall, 18 8: 19 Aug, 7.30pm

Rob Rouse oooo

demonxtratex that groyyn-upx don't haye


to groyt old. l’li'ayani (' (‘ourtyanl until 35 Aug. 8. /5pm.

Adam Hills (lentlc ()//ie bonhomie with the Perrier nominee. I’li'axanci' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. H.3llpni. Brendon Burns limitting more l’oul- tnouth dialribex. the llickx-like ()I/ie ix Not For Iit'i'ryone. l’li'ayani‘i' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug. 8..i()/nti.

Sarah Kendall The flame—haired xhe- wi/ard ol ()1 exercixex the grey matter. ('aliari't loltain'. until 34 Aug. HUM/mi.


Ross Noble The moxt-watched than of

the l‘ringe goex xuperxonic. .'l.\,\r’m/)l\ Roomy. until 33’ Aug. ()pm.

Frankie Boyle vs Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolte Ill ..... Lire I'loot' Show duo could take your breath ayyay. (ii/(lei! Balloon li't'iiit. until 35 Aug. 9pm.

Rudi Lickwood With a huge perxonalily and a xenxe ol humour to match. l.ick\\ood lcllx it like it i\. Jongli'urx. until 35 Aug. ‘lpm.

Andy Parsons 0000. Big-Voiced comedian dexery ex a bigger room. Assembly Rooms. until 34 Aug. 9.05pm. Tommy Tiernan 00000 The boyixh lrixlnnan “ith the gift ol the gab goex into .ltu'kanoiy-oy‘erdriye in 'Ii'll Me a Story. The I’m]. until 34 Aug. 9.15pm. Demetri Martin 00000 NY(‘ l‘ay'ourite conceiyex the moxt literal. moxt \yonderl‘ul. one-man xltoyy‘ ol the textual. .-l.xxi'nilil_\' Rooms. until 35 Aug. 9.15pm. The Dinks The unholiext l'extiy'al trinity puryey' yard-baxed nonxenxe. I’leayani'i' ('ourtyaril. until 35 Aug (no! I9). 9.30pm.

Julia Morris .... The former Lit/qu Newt prexenter giy ex J~l.o a run for her money. I’li'axani't' Dome. until 25 Aug (not 18;. 9.30pm.

Creatures in Cream Non-xtop comic anticx Iron] a loy‘eable xtudent trio. Kirk ()‘l-‘u'lil I’arixli ('Iturcli. 17-33 Aug. 9.30pm.

Julian Clary The T\' perxonality

nnncex lnx \yay through bag-loadx ot innuendo .\t (no/gi- '\ llmt (‘lnot li. l5 34 Aug. V ill/int

1 0pm

Men in Coats l’aika atictonadox puryey more phyxical high-um l-unny tor at leaxt liye minutex. (ii‘otgi' Square llu'atii'. until 3/ Aug. Ill/int

Rob Deering oooo Make cltccxy grinned Deertng your new bext triend I’li’asani t" (bu/tutu]. until 35 Aug Inot lw Ill4lI/ittt.

Kitty Flanaghan oooo

anxyyct to Bridget Jonex ponderx the

(‘omedy 'x

tneamng ot her lite in [link .l\\¢‘ltll’l\ Roomy. until 35 Aug. It). /5/nn. Shazia Mirza and Patrick Monahan ooo pretty lame. but the lrantandexcended

The material ix

duo are \yortli a \yatch. (it/ili'il Balloon li'itot. until 35 Aug. Ill. /5pm.

Jo Brand 0000 lady liax a heart ol gold, .‘l\\('Hlll/\ Roomy. until 35 Aug Inot IN). Ill.,"lI/mi Dwight Slade Bill lltckx' lirxt

comedy partner hax a nice barnet and

The clnnlixh tunny

xome pretty xtonkmg material to match The Ito/t. [7 3’) Aug. Ill.."lI/mt Jimoen The lrixhnian Jetx back to lzdmburgh lot' a one-\yeek xtint. Ayu'lttl’l\ Roomy. IN 35 Aug. loin/mt. Daniel Kitson oooo talex meet lilm and audio in A .Uaili- 1']: Story. The I’oil. until 34 Aug. III.."U/mr. Howard Read a. Little Howard

Read and lnx animated \Itlt‘rixlt‘lx xketch

lilllt‘txyy eel

out xotne late-night laughx. I’li'tlHI/lt i' ('ourtyartl. until 35 Aug. /U.4ll/mr Flight of the Conchords oooo l.axt year'x cult muxical duo are lunny ax l'ollx. (ii/ili'il Balloon ('at‘i'y. until 35 Aug. ll).4.5/mt.

Paul Tonkinson Morning 'I‘\"x loxx ix our gain ax Tonkx returnx. I’lt'axani (' (‘ourtyanl until 35 Aug. llI.5lI/un. Chinese Horoscope Compatibility Love Test Show . Do you dump your dragon or xhack up u ith a xnakc'.’ l)on‘t axk l’aul Watxon. l’li'aunu (’ Donu'. until 35 Aug. Ill.55/nn.

Topping 8. Butch 0000 Pop parmliex. naughty inxighlx and bondage are in xlot‘e. l’li'aiani'i' ('ourtyanl. until 35 Aug. ll). 55pm.


Arnold Frenzy’s Strangely Compelling Flea Cirkus 0000 Mary el ax l-‘ren/y and hix caxt ol lltouxandx perlorm death-delying xtuntx. l'nili-rlu'l/y. until 34 Aug. ll/mt.


Midnight Velvet Comedy Club The Midnight (‘lub yyax the ‘in' place to be laxt year. The Iron. until 35 Aug. ntulntg/it.

The Late Show (‘oxy late-night laughx t'or inxomniacx and the hardiext ol l‘extiyal go-erx. 'I'lu' l'ntli'rhi'lly. l4 l7. 3/ 34 Aug. [3.40am


Late’n’Live lnl’amoux late-night bear- pit u here audience interaction ix near cotnpulxory. (ii/tin! Balloon li'ttol. until 35 Aug. lam.