NEXT ISSUE OUT m: 21 h ’= 1-, i' '= ' ; 1 v _‘ ~ 1322 curcu


Shining examples of r, , ,,. II .I; II .I; ~;, ' 2' .' .'I . :.

contemporary dance in,” .' than. i ., , 1. , -, " Cull/1' 2",” "I; ' My :1 may}! ; 1r; r ; l ; 11,4," 2: “TI/fl} " ' . , ' '0" ':::' ’,‘: “la-I: ' ’i °' ' " ' ' r, x 'v I; My" :;.-. aviator: ', .9', /.: -’:’2 " r: a" r: okra-W I: “I: ' .I:',' :1 41' '_ yr 34'. ,'-':’: ," 1'1'7' I’t . '1‘ {. 1 '{I' ""(’ '4 i ":20" .' ‘I /<' 2 "M I ' : r "r t /5:"‘: : 2" 1 ' H I! ’l 1 I. (1' “‘{Z' XX" {1 “fig”; ' ' i 'Y a, "I " i ' r r; ;"r 1r1rr}-" ry/rrrf 'igrr ' "r :, mm; V. ' m: 0': ivy/,1 :ir ': Iii/{Net ' ’:':i';';r;/: "a I: 'lfz”,‘: '.'.V‘:’l’,,' '."":'.’, V‘fg/Zl/T‘J'I "’l'°v"‘5t':,' ?:’,'1"(, i' :x,/ " I' .t, ' ’l‘:' ":2 I Cir" I; f— '1“: 3‘ Tax-yr): 1:3,“; mm. 3,1,5"; (Ln/£4,135}?fra-Crcufl‘r: ',::‘,‘. "'Et' mgr/f ' I: ’5 5: r20 '11. Ply/5:. 22/, 0040. 1—2-1 pizit, of :, MM " .' 'ix",' x .‘.:T' Am. ’/ "fa/r f‘ a”: W: ':::' an" §’:';: / .,::",K,-. at: z:'-, (5:, z: « ,'.;,I ,, y; I m THE HUMAN w; SHOW ,, ,;_ 1., , 1,. Bleak humour and . (“hwy 7,51 , j , . , I anguushed movement ,V .‘ . “I'LL'IlW; ,r ,4 .. tituwzi/«t/J ' I. ‘9 .' :Aéi". fill/’1' ' ’: I1,-/1‘3.';t.". 5‘; E r4 .' " i.‘ H .' ' :r ' H : I I' " ~ ' " I:" my; ir‘L'vtlt'l". .'a.'1:t,. ;. :4 ";' '7 :,::' ,. "Iz'fii' : t I z :' :--: ~

Iwm manhunt,mama. HYPOTHETICALLY : .-~ ' I. f, MURDERED ., .r

'«t’jmz, It' 1 li‘u'ztlfll'fl, ":uVIf) a. ‘(xti Alf)“ . . , , x. . Vi Political satire lives .. .., I. . /. ., , ,, . ., . "’,.;' ’2(t",‘:,lt’,‘i:’xt ’llSll-tl‘).(,'V‘Wfl‘t.f>l1~ It".{,’, ,I: 341.. I:I,-:. _ I:.",',.; . l" _’. 'i;."ri.'rri'(. ° Irv ° f"(."‘{.(‘(‘ I" ‘I " {I'lv‘ "." "‘r-I'” ' ' "’ {I""' ”' "' ‘i’I""(I"‘ <' ' I ' ' " ,11. ,rllit,/~_ 1/211“ 1- .,li' m)». , in: , 1.. .I ,. it i, I}, I, l . ' f‘ .' M} "v I; .' ‘I'YH)‘I|.(I(> .' ‘1 SliltLi/J‘”. r(;,|C'(;. [/Ht r‘AJSiI, PLII .In'1(> (:4 .(f .’ 'I .II {1' :‘f .‘u' ,' ,' '7 ',. I; Mr: P! , I.“"7: I 4'" I i"' ? 4'11," JIX’,“ NC'V/SU' l 'l":‘,"j. ,." ti'l {/"rt S'l. intC‘: t”, (I; {/’,.'.':’ l i' sit (fit. '1' I ' Iz' " It.‘: i if " ' ' ' " H r II' it, I' 'VI‘Iu I I~'< ‘w.: “I, (‘f I "l‘y‘fl Arw (~'I~"(r «in I :1 nw ' I I I,” /|/ - u n 'r I! I ‘vw .' In u ' I is} ,‘f t__’~u, // :t.; (LN) .,_ ti.).. / \II _li. 5 /_).t1\ 1. , l ./ l 5/. . ;', i l /.. .. ;/ I i , '. r. l . W H i l I ‘;.’.‘;lT MIN/l int“: 0 M?) ' Calm/M... ' Smitt’ ‘.. ',’,".",.':'_>It 'l . ~:’2I: /.‘," ',. .-:I:’, It.‘:'. ‘:’;' 24' ’,‘;' :, ,' ..’ ': I I. REVOLUTION-

CHANTIER-MUSIL .. i) “1"; y :2 a SEX, DANCE AND Novel idea for a show ,1 ‘1’, I I," ROCK’N’ROLL

Based on Austrian author, Robert Musil‘s 1930s novel, The Man Without Qualities, Chantier-Musil ’1":’,'.’,'_ i r r, 'w ', a wannabe rOCk Stars live their dream 0..

is the wild card of this year's International Festival. Directed by experimental French artist. l 9:. 3w: :zzg, .' 'v

Francois Verret, this collaborative effort features dance, theatre. music, visual art, architecture, a“: mt. git/Mt :1‘ .'.~’,- My " / lighting design and circus skills. All of which comes together to create what Verret calls a ":11; ' we"; r: . u"; " «.- " w ' -:/" ‘permeation‘ of Musil’s novel - the tale of one man’s attempt to leave behind hedonism in search .'."':i'. m,- mi, N,- T’, r A“: : . ' r; I ;-':'u of ‘another state of mind'. 10""; 9" ‘_"'.’."‘ ei' ': :r ’11,!2'Ii’, ’, ;,' I Chantier-Musil. Edinburgh Playhouse. 473 2000, 17—18 Aug, 8pm. £6—E15 can 0' ' ', x " I; ' u'

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0” ":1; Dancing Queens In,” (1,: :1. ., :5 ,)./

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