
The film editor would like to apologise for the printing error in last week's List magazine. The index should have covered Wednesday 13th August and Thursday 14th August only. The listings that ran under the heading of Friday 15th August were actually those of the Thursday. Apologies to those who were confused or maybe still are.

Friday 15 August

The Raven 00".; ~ '

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A Story That Begins at the End .0. f"""‘.:.xm.l twin" 3.1"-

The Hours of the Day 00. /.""‘.I...‘Jk '

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Friday Night 0... . -

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Chinese thriller from down t‘pit

Cremaster 5 8t 2 000.. 8. 0... .~ E“:~-.

The Rage in Placid Lake

Screaming Men 0...

The Sky. The Plane. The Girl

P2\A(7()(1' ' I' (1'. I I, ‘7 I. Black Box: Actlwty I ~ ' , H r‘ {IN/8‘ ’I' . ":"rr' . l 2' I .‘ :‘ " {I (21"., '.' )..'.r . l '1‘ ,I D I'Ir'{ 17.. I . r

Song (Li Yixiang) and Tang (Wang Shuangbao) are two peasants, who roam the unregulated coal mines of North China carrying out a literally murderous scam. They kill a fellow migrant worker underground, fake the death as an accident, and then pretend to be the relatives of the victim to the mine owner. Afraid of the authorities investigating the incident, the boss pays the duo off with compensation money. The conmen are grooming the naive 16-year-old Yuan (Wang Baoqiang) to be their next prey, only for Song to develop qualms about their actions.

Li Yang’s award-winning debut feature is a grittin shot and grimly amusing fable which, like such Jia Zhang-Ke films as Xiao Wu and Unknown Pleasures, presents a powerful critique of modern Chinese society. Within its thriller format, Blind Shaft suggests a nation whose traditional values have been overtaken by forces of greed, corruption and exploitation. This is the dark underbelly of the capitalist economic boom: below and above ground people have been reduced to the status of swiftly replaceable commodities, with Song declaring that ‘only fucking money matters‘. Convincingly acted by its trio of leads, and succinctly edited, it was unsurprisingly banned from release in its homeland. (Tom Dawson)

I Cameo Mil/ed 20/4119. 70.30pm.

New Work 1

Dans Ma Peau .0000

Comedian .000 I ' :I I! :I,_ I._.' Mirrorball McLaren I : .r,'.I:‘, I The Trigger .0. t " '1 I ‘:r:l. «1 l“?/ /I: r.. “my: ' l ' ' I II.” >4. I ._ '1 l ‘,’I I ‘, I: .',. I I ,/.,t, Cabin Fever 000. v I.

Book Festival 0131 624 5050 Fringe 0131 226 0000

lntemational Festival 0131 473 2000 Military Tattoo 0131 225 1188

Film Festival 0131 623 8030