A MIRRORBALL TALE I ,2; 2.2 ._ 5 d There's a million and one stories in the Mirrorball this year and here is JUSt one of them = I ..1 .. ~ .~ » When the director Mark Romanek heard Johnny Cash‘s cover of Trent Reznor‘s 'Hurt' on the fourth instalment in = '1 i “t T- H: t . ~ 2

the Cash series, he begged to do the video for free. When he finished it. he sent the video to the Nine Inch Nails =1 ="- v ' I -' 2. 2 singer songwriter. The video itself goes way beyond the artistic and emotional limits of what a music video is = ' " " '

supposed to contain. Romanek's own elegant shots of a very old Cash at his own flood-ravaged museum had been ' " = 3 15 " 1 i1 4‘ ' intercut with rare personal footage from his Cash‘s troubadour youth. Reznor was moved to tears. 1 ' " ' "' “f ' L

This is the world of visual and musical cross pollination that Mirrorball inhabits. Whereas most people will know ' ' ' ' " =' ' Mark Romanek as the director of last year's Robin Williams flick One Hour Photo. the Mirrorball Daves, Drummond 1' i” 1 '- * ' " " \= l 3" ' '~" and Smith, think of him as on old friend. In 1996 he was included alongside Jonathan Glazier, Spike Jonze and 1 ’- 1 ' " 1'“ " ' " ' Michel Gondry in the very first collection of videos. ads and promos programmed as Mirrorball. The Caves are ' ' - ' " " 1 ' ' " ' ' ' ' basically top notch DJs of music themed films. interspersing their playlist with short films and interviews. Not "‘ i i '9 " 1 1

everything they show will be high profile. but it is always chosen with the belief that nestling in the undergrowth " " h - u

will be the Jonzes. Romaneks or Glaziers of tomorrow. (Tim Abrahams) 1'“ " ' Ill,“ ,4 - mm -- .. .- ' V ,: 2 The HoursoftheDay 00. run, ,‘n/rv [I v‘ ,'. f; "WI/.13 I t- i H ' I .2 - I: H in ..I.‘ 21,.3 1“: ‘0 x: ' 2 _' a: Internal Affairs ' ': “l ' '74-” ":'I l"""" "I 'i ' l" '1'” l' i»- "' . 't'<l-t ‘w l " ’t"" "'-'i"' "1x'l Ii'flf‘ U'H.~Yll‘ ." v'v‘upv‘ my -l p, "AW" 1' :(lt‘rt'ii’ ""f'i-fi‘. NoiAbinoimOOm'w -’ :m‘w l": t' ' ins/w r :v ‘2‘,/,iilitl‘r‘ '7.",',"" '1 2'v2' r'. :." '2 v'2‘ " "Ul'il'l‘ l? l"’}l"~",‘,"‘ril l fir.",‘f’li£i, Judi"? " ‘- ' ' :' I 22' v " ' 2' 2 I' EidWmt’V "‘IrikfliiwilW iclii'll' qrfluihnlfahqmqa" :" .t :- :-':" . :" :.:'~ :. .: l‘rf/if.“«lftl"f71"l' givwv'ri'ii'v{immatu- ‘ill‘h'li‘ I,’,"’W!-"T.' .' :.'." "v ' 1' 1' I I. '1"’2(,'l‘:' ;"“:'«'fl 74:1,”? "‘K,"»'i'vlil',f ‘,' (HHIIHH’J/u01:1: 3.: 2' .: :I " ' w: ' The Script Factory: Writing Wilbur .‘751","3',.f‘,"l‘5'H 2" .2“; i: I! «It. nlwtklimrrur'vgx'uufiz", f'-',-'r:.' '. . .:' " 2' :' :2' - -." " ' '2 "::>2'-:"';z:": ,.'.tn,2."'ll',‘:;i":i’ "if/"w llélllf:.”l‘2’lll"l"’ ; 'r .' : " ' z": ' 2' '- z. - Hr",°" 'llmz,‘.'i.'.,"','y,"i, Kn'r'uxwll If2li<,'£lllll'l‘:“", .'i.lbl'-’-l - ' t f'W't’ff/‘y:“itlll‘,"l'.":(lll;l"‘f.""i' .vxllrusiat f'n-ii'. I2 ' 2:-- ." r :2 ::.~ ' :.' ~- 22' ' ' .' 2' it r2": v 'l'fi-Tzz‘ ‘rlwxmtw, ,ll’l‘fli'l‘.’ .‘.*’l«il:rl ftmlmlll. tut? ‘» '-;v°.' '_ ' 2 . ' .' .': ' 1 : Alexandra’s Project 0000 ..':i'Jz’KU‘téi!’1‘)’,‘:'1;ir-’,',,.'.’llil‘:fll‘: lllf:’.}'ll‘:'_'iit'.85:1"? .’ . '.- """ l ,2 l.-' '2' 2' I.':' '. 2' 2 "' w, .’" .°"7 2’ °, °"" ""ll’ii‘,”',‘:’,".‘"i‘:"‘iil '11“: 1|":','\',l', J-"i ()fll'l ‘x :~-‘ .2 z' 2' ' z' '- : 2 v- 2' 2 . :2 2 if ' " " " .lzir"i.</," rlummdlu,lieu'vl’wrlur. -' 2' -.. v. i~ ' 2":’,'. ’ww‘ agii,:,:w:i.t-H'. 2I:ff’,rtl‘:'.a Saturday 16 August .' new."qwf’xx'uuzii '1fr;i';-r,su‘:"w:'ltn

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F'encl‘ MY {1 ;>.'\' firm-u" 2:; ° -- V w m" »“‘f::', 21196;: Inf: star rte—air Ledger turns 1r.

. If n i z w 0 r r n~r (.rz {, n ry-ri{.r{./i r {.(‘r In 'I In

got an opinion abouta fill???“ show?mact@flst.co.uk

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