Deserted Station 0.0

Fr'm'tcase 7. 75m Based or‘- an roea Dy Ashas Karcstam. there are srmrlarrtres ne'e .‘.'lI". t're lrar‘..arr drrectCrs The limo Ca"; An urban COuple trod the"‘se\.es caught bretly rn pro\.r"c:ai rte. a wartrng game that '.-.':?: a“ec'. finer .ZIILIGS. maybe eyec the-r

s A‘te' a mrnor car Crasrt. the "‘rr 'teips tr, to frx hrs car whrie 'rrs -. ‘e goes ott and teaches the :ocal krds as a temporary replacerr‘rent teacher. ‘.',"r.1e the husband rs rrn‘dly altered by 1'»:- experrence. rt appears hrs ‘.'.rf(‘,. yaho l‘as ghosts tr: work through rs more ’l(:(:[)l, affected especrally by the needy. loyvng krds she teaches. Drrector Alrre/a Rarsran's trlrn frnally lacks the complexrty of a Krarostamr, but rt has a charm and melancholy that makes rt well worth yrey'rrng. (Tony McKrbbrnr Feathers in my Head Cameo :3. 3pm. Loye and redernptron rn a small Belgrurn town. See Frr rs.

Capturing the Friedmans 0.... UGO, ,' lorrrrr, Home yrdeo or testament to the truth? See Sat 16. The Tulse Luper Suitcases UGO. View/n. Greenay-ray rs back, How could he haye left us tor so Iong'.‘ Thrs rs the trrst rnstalment of hrs long ay‘rarted lrrlogy, A rrch tableaux ot the y'rsronary. the grandrose and the down rrght rntellectually unreachable As always well worth checkrng out. Box 507 I... lhrs smartly-plotted. taut Spanrsh thr‘rller sees a rnrldmannered bank manager named Modesto abandonrng hrs desk for a tr'arl of my enge. Str‘ugglrng to pull hrs lrfe back together after the traurrra 01 hrs teenage daughter berng krlled rn a tOrest trr‘e. Modesto accrdentally

uncoy er s a consprracy that suggests her death was. rn tact. murder. Followrng a money trarl leads Modesto to a nexus of corrupt busrness practrce and torergn mobster actry'rtres. A b0x-ottrce hrt at home. the trlm‘s crrtrCrsm of contemporary Spanrsh socrety and polrtrcs certarnlyr strrkes a chOrd. What's compellrng. too. rs the notron of the Ey'eryrman takrng a Stand agarnst rampant corruptron. And thrs not berng Holly/wood. our hero uses brarns rather than brawn to brrng the y’rllarns to Justrce. A wOrkrng class hero, no less.

erles Frelderr

Swimming Pool 00.. UGC. 8pm. Fr'anc0rs Ozon's Englrsh-language debut has the French drr'eCiOr‘ reunrted wrth Charlotte Ramplrng to rmpr'essrye effect, She plays the rrrrtable Sarah Morton, a mrddIe-aged murder-mystoy noyelrst. who's strugglrng wrth wrrter‘s block. Enr()y*rng the peace and guret of her ptrhlrsher 's home rn the Luberon. she's drsmay'ed by the appearance of hrs norsy. promrscuOus daughter Julre rLudryrne Sagnrerl. Yet the Brrtrsh author trnds her work berng rekrndled by the antrcs of thrs erd-chrld. Both a character Study of seemrng polar opposnes and an enrgmatrc Suspense drama, rn whrch the lrnes between fantasy and realrty are playfully blurred. Snrrrtmrng Pool eprOres the yamprrrc nature of artrstrc creatryrty. Contrnurng Ozon's tascrnatron wrth aquatrc rmagery. It’s also notable fer Ramplrng and Sagnrer‘s compellrng pertOrmances. rTom Dawsonl

Young Adam 0... GFT 7. 8.30907. Barges. books and bellrgerent

Carrreo l. 8pm.

sex rs Dana Macke": es ext‘e".

adaptat cc c‘ Alexa"f19' Tvogi" 's semrnar occk See ‘-1 Document Shorts ,5 -‘ :‘rrm Showcase o‘ the t:nest fiche" st“"ts

Screaming Men .000 VOL? 9 75C” Brothers :1:";; t the'nselyes See Fr

Le Chignon d’OIga COO F’rl)‘f‘(j\lse esgue detxrt fro": mane Frees" trlr‘t'naker Jerome Horinell, rn .'."‘c" a'le'

from arOLr"d f'te .'.C'

‘1 ‘,"rer (j ‘n “1.,” ,‘ 7 IV ',1

e'rrerges rn ar‘exr‘et‘ted .'.a.:: It's a .ea' after hrs mrot'ners tleath. and the teenage Julren rHuhert Behna'ndrne rs ttrrltrrtg through the sur‘rr‘rer rn hrs steer» prouncral town Hangrng out 3'.th hrs lr\.elr, best lrrend Alrce rNatalre Bouteteu he yearns fer a beautrtul bookshop assrstant Olga. who sports the harr-do of the title. whrle y'.rrter Dad rSerge Rrbacukrw and y Ounger srster Errtr'ra IHorence l orret Carllel. struggle to deal \.'.rth therr own teelrngs of hereayerrrent. lhe engagrng performances of the ensemble cast. the ex ocatry e sense of tr"re and place. and the relaxed storytellrng all suggest that Bonnell rs a talent to match

r'TOm Dawsonr

The Lease COO UGO. 'rh'v" Produced by the frne Lrthuanrarr frlrnmaker, Sharunas lh'ee Hats, lee Housel Bartas. the frltn shares hrs tascrnatron yarth a pared-down rnrse en scene oyer dramatrc rnterplay. t‘ui ney'ertheless Krrstrronas Vrld.'rurras' trlvn farls to trnd a sense of srngularrty As \.'.rlh Bar'tas' trlms there rs rdea throhbnrg here of characters neyer gurte connectrng, usually rllustrated through a centrrtugal soundtrack y-rhere off-screen sound says more than on-screen dralogue But maybe there's strll too much psycho drama here. strll too many conyentronal ways of showrng alrenatron on screen. where Bartas strrps hrs lrlms bare to the pOrnt of autrstrc characterrsatron and socral rndetermrnacy and arrryes at somethrng much mOre drstrnctrye.

(Tony McKrbbrnr

A Decade Under the Influence COO Cameo l. 70.30pm. The current obsessron wrth Amerrcan crnema Of the 708 COrttrnueS wrth thrs talkrng heads dOCumeHIaty Co-drrectOrs Ted Demme (the late son of Jonathanr and chhard LaGravense rwrrter of The Horse ll/hrsper'er and The Frsher Krngl hay e seCured many of therr trlmmakrng contempOrarres to conduct rntery'rev.s wrth SCOrSGSO. Coppola. Bogdanoyrch. et al. Unsurprrsrngly. the frlms and the trlmmakers from l‘lollyy'.oo<’l‘s last great golden era are put on a pedestal. Nothrng wrong wrth that - who's gerng to argue Taxr Drrrer. The Godfather and fhe Last Prcture Short are not among some the trnest Amerrcan moy'res ey'Or made” But Decade's yreyy rs rose-trnted. Inflated egos and mld lrfestyles played therr part rn the reyolutrcn of Hollywood Here. such trntlatterrng detarl rs skrpped Cyer The reSult IS an rncomplete portrart or’ the era. erIes Frelder'l

A Thousand Clouds of Peace. . . .0. Furrmcgrse 2. '0 500'“ Hov. to get 0\ er an aftarr rn y'.hrCh your loye' has rrtOrropOIrsed your tenderness.“ That's essentrally the questrOn drrect0r Julran Hernandez asks rn thrs achrng look at a man who Srmply doesnt knoy'. hos. to reCOy er from fallrng rn loxe Marrtly

.1: ta". '3. ' «z: " Interstella 555: The Story of the Secret 5tar System 0.

r" 1' r ~ an a w 9013’ "‘i; 1' -'~ " 3.3:". ' .t' " MARC '~""7ti'. I'.'C:"« :3 ‘I -"°.rl " Black Box: Abandon 7'” :ia". 'f"--E‘ ' r 5* - t§7‘r“.'.\‘ritlt“\ " 3'1"} " 1.32' "kl" trl"t"‘.am'\: r' r ' ' . t‘rtatrt‘w ~ :' x‘ltrl‘Ik' E‘M' l' " T" '.r'...'

Monday 18 August

Miquette et sa Mere " ' 'X‘t‘” \Ilu‘ltXV‘R‘ Or)? 'X) '1" r‘. L..' ". ‘~ fleltlt‘”? screwy“: 'ylfn‘ [3mm l; L”. theatrrca; conretty o? "‘tt"."-r"“ Explosive Fragments 5 i 'r'"" [luv ‘t‘l t;'L‘.t-' Get 0" r. 8'2 ".8

I‘UH‘ th‘lr' t‘f f'Yt'Elr‘ 1"... r‘ I‘rli‘ ('3 " "' around the r:

McLaren Animation 1 .‘gr‘t‘rr‘rr‘ Shou'a‘asru

and your t‘l‘arm".

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‘Yt' ' " 3'59 .i""‘ award tor the tws‘. anv'xrfw r ". Crimson Gold 0.00. i -‘ 3:“), llersts. (lirfl ark: 1:.r. :1"? robbevy. See Sat to

My Way Home 0000

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Elle et des Notres‘ '

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Internal Affairs

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And Along Came a Spider

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