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retrarkabre T'W: [rota A." :x a NOW CON {)0 I, ’1’,“ L,’ 11' ’1 {XXX/I tor, Mat he belle/ed .‘xa', harm ec' " drearr of settr g or, "we a at deter/Janet E nope Ea' Ma". 11’, the Beetle/er 1’, Cl" p 4. 3'. r'r't rr’;

auk Hard. tortured at ’l er‘t rer,

DEW: rahle ll‘r’, I’, 8 WHO}, 03. Ill/Yr,” SIIC‘: 0t ‘:8’l:lttral thusr’, Niall/C.

A Big GIrI Like You .0.

Fr/thr/se 2. 8. 7‘3prn [Mentor Chrrstophe Blane") stud; of a 7‘, ,ear- old dart", mo .Ie towards a ',e'ta2'r t,pe of enquhtennterrt rte/er darte trr‘rd'; a tr»’;‘,ll enough perspeetr /e to ,rustrf,’ rts presence. llflllq to (,orrrbrne rnterrral self

drseomry mth external e/er'tts. Blane".

frlm feels almost oldrtashroner. the problem lres In the obxroustress of the external events that create the rnternal ruptures. Pro ,rrncral Sabrne's hole to Parts doesn't reall,r work out. she takes up wrtl1adodq,a rmmature explorter, and betrays her frrend. l/luch l rencl‘ crnema of recent /eats though has trred to make


Remembering Uncle Henri

the rnternal rupture and external exettts Claire Clouzot is genuinely delighted at the prospect of the Edinburgh retrospective of the films made by her late much more obiroue. We see rt rn Brerllat's uncle, Henri-Georges Clouzot. ‘He‘s been a taboo subject in France for so many years and I hope this season

work, rn the new Dans Ma Pearl and restores his reputation.‘ she explains. Because he made Le Corbeau for the German-owned company, Continental numerous other frlrns about the female Films. during the occupation, people thought he was a collaborator, which of course is not true.‘

psyche as they push rnto drstrnctr/e Claire herself, who is artistic director of International Critics Week at Cannes, picks out Les Diaboliques, the areas of perceiving the terrtaie bod, and Grand Guignol thriller, as her favourite Henri-Georges work. ‘It was filmed in Niort, my family‘s birthplace. which rnrrrd. But not here, l'l'ony tvchrbbrnr was right in the depths of the provinces. It was particularly narrow-minded and Catholic. lt made me laugh because

The Rage in Placid Lake OH (’3, he made Niort so dark and disgusting.‘ 8.30pm, Ben l ee rn Australrarr Catcher rri Dogged by ill-health - initially tuberculosis and then a heart condition which claimed his life in 1977 - Clouzot was the Rye shocker. See l'rr 1:3. unable to get a number of big-budget projects off the ground in the 19605, as the young Turks of the New Wave rode

Belleville Rendez-Vous 0... its crest. But was he as fatalistic a person as his films suggest? ‘He was totally obsessive,‘ replies Claire. ‘One year UGC. 8.30pm. French anrmatron fun. all he'd want to talk about was psychoanalysis, the next scuba-diving, in another it would be orchestral scores.

see Sat 1.6. Small talk was an anathema to him. Cinema was his way of dealing with his demons.‘ (Tom Dawson)

Christmas 0... UGC. 8.30pm I the(Jr'orrxrtHat/um1.. '.' r r-t . r." ' - : :. " '- " . ‘-.' . ,' ...' . .-

Atter the yawn rnsprrrng, self congratulatony, comnxercral success of Wha/errder. rt looked for a moment as :1 Since Otar Left / .'77’7l/l/.'r‘.‘ ', Tuesday 19 August ' l " 1’ t" to”: ' I

New Zealand Crnema may Just bask rn {lilo/>171, lblrsr. mo'terr: 'la, three v ' ' :~- ‘r u

the moneysprnnrng medrocrlty tor a few Geordran women lz‘xt: rr: the arm; Wages of Fear 0.... r- ' Evenfland Q... ’,~

years. Not rt drrector Gregor“; Krng has apartment. the; are all cortrrr: Aer: t', r ' 1' w r 2' ' ' 5 r- w r '. -- -- : anythrng to do wrth thrngs, Hrs blacker ()tar, who lrues rn Warm. the.“ war he , '. " ' r ' ,r' :‘ ' Kamchatka " "' . r- ' ' - : " than black comedy. Chmtnras. carrres and two of the ~.-.'or'rerr start a r , .‘ Explosive Fragments 4 " ' , w ' ' v z' 2' z" :' .,' ; r' " r- "' Wrth rt the drrbblrng scorn of Mrke Lergh's ruse lauded lirench frlrrr a '. - : ~ ;":I -- z' - ; "' 'z'. .: :' l ',-;"-: ' ' very ear‘lrest works (notlceabh/ B/eak Torremelinos 73 O... r. “rm.- 2 " w ' " ' " ' ' r r" ' :’r : ' z' ' ' ::' Monte/NS). Jane Campron's Sweet/e and I, 70.30pm. Super a sex zrrvr serum. BAFTA Interview: Terence ' ' ‘- -'

Bart Freundlrch's remarkable H396 flln‘. see Sat to. Davies ,0 - . : r .- 'l Deserted Station .0. " " ' lhe Mvth ofFr/lgert)rrnts. When four New Life 0.”. [l/lli’ltr‘fr'.‘rt'.'. tr : '~ ':‘ r: ." . ~ '- " " -- r:' :«--‘ ;:'

srblrngs descend on therr parents lolfioprn. Pnrrrppe (3ravrrlrre.,r ‘. 't' r.- t' 2" w : 1:: '. :'_ ' '- ; z" : ,.'

suburban home for Yuletrde, the result known here rn Hrztalr‘. on. re" :; f ,r , 2' z r: : ' ,' r»? ' ; Laurel Canyon .0. ,’r’, ' can only be traumatrc As we kl‘t)‘.'.’ by health; reputatrovt ,n l rarw'w- ta «a: '~ Cinema Extreme " ' '- ' r ,' r ' ' ' I ' now, rt rs all about secrets and hes rn two trlr~‘.s: Sorrrb/earrr:rrr,.~.r1'~ i .v ' " .

famrlres. and Krng catches ever, nuance almost ‘.‘,‘<)ttt|ess sttl’l, r at ;~: ,’ lr Saltire Society Grierson Award ': " - : ' :' :'. :w' l . :

Of (ll’SlUHCIIOH lJCrfetitl, wOrkrng on DVD some .‘Jtnrtl llt; rrarr's ar: 1. (my: x- Screening s": ' " : ' ' r' 2. - z z' ' ' '

thh a brrllrant (Last. who have (:leart, have then desrres net, t'we' . ._; a ;-'. w : "' ' " -' '- '~ : f z' : .' 1- " been honed by hours of rmprOu'rsatron tortured and therr ."nl‘lf N :' ;-:': v:, : ' :'- ' "- x' ' ;' "' " ' z -‘ v": : ' ' : ' :' ; Thrs Is the type of tlln‘ that n‘ag, not see Grandrretrx gyms tn! 9: s ‘,". ' t-v ~ . - z . :- : :.

the lrght ot day attt-Br the testrval. so XOl‘O despart. It's as th , ,<;' '. The Round-Up ~ ~ ' . v . " -.' : I 'r: " .: check It out whrle yOLr can. tPaul Date, to escape the sotymln an: -.,-’ ° ~ : " 1 :" "' -- r- 2' " ': ' " :" .' -' ,' 1 .z ' "- Sophiatown .0. Fr/rnhoase (3‘, a mrserable (lxlf;t<:t‘r<;~i: l..'-:f,‘:"'. r‘ ::.. :- ' 2' : -.:- -'. E‘ :' :.-: '~= '=' 1' ' 9' 9pm. South African Bt/ena Vr'sta Soc/a’ l't()tl(:ll(2l)(}(i(] rn trr:tr<,t‘. l .l°:'. 3a Intermission " ' . r- " I " ' " r- " I" ' '2 " " ' ' C/ul), See Sat 16. ,A Vend'er. Xa‘.:er E3t:;’:_r.’,'. r')’ '3' z ' ' ~. ' . ‘, ' ' Spun UGC. 8.30;)r77. Enthuslastltiail, forget You're (hr/n; ft " " " All Tomorrow’s Parties " " . v - ' l ' 2' =" =' " ""1 awarted debut feature from promo klth then rsgrx't that {ho (fluff ,1: Kg 1' . - - ; r- r .' v. . ' ,' ,' ' w r: ' ;' -v ,:' 2' ’. .’ Jonas Akerlund, Thrs rs drug fuellel gornt; rn (:larre [‘)e.~ 5, 5 ~~ 'r , '.'. 'r y .' ,' w

adventure that plays out over three days. Dar. Brerllat's fr‘n'rtar‘ :3' Q ~ :2 The Mansion by the Lake ' " ' ' ' ' JaSOn Schwartzmann ot Rushmore seerrrs to he rrusl‘rrrzi rt v.» ' 4' - ;~ I, ' ; : 1;: ' y ' ' 1' 91-“ w :r: -a-' "

tame. John Legurzamo. Brrttant Murpth at>s‘t'a<;t:, than (Starry t- r;- : .- r . " .- r ' .v : ' ; 2-:' ' ' '2 '

and Mtckey Rourke Star. NO brevret'xs l‘tlllll‘tlsC-i;t"tt£1lzt’:t‘:trf;gtt‘ ,' '- " " 2’ : w :' ,- . 1' r 1 1' z" "' -' ' ' 2'2' :" rz' ‘~,- ~':' :1 ,' r. .‘ 'r were avarlable at tune of gomg to press. the use of it)‘.'.’ lrghtmtt. ' ' ' ' w

Sorry folks. sor‘tethlt‘t; <1ufiestafi‘rv; . "wt." A Boy’s Life 0... i "' ,' -r -, ' " -’,- Ir" :-:. J ': z r-

tTort. McKrhlsrr,

NEXT ISSUE OUT New workmen -~ TIIRSDAYZIAUGUST Swimming Pool on. . .

art music ‘.‘fl€:’ s 2y 1'»,- . . .

..'.'(:':ll. 1 g v _'_’ 1' 1 "1 ' . 1' 3’. y:' .1 f '_l,:'l/