So what's this Vocem electric voice theatre

Sorrylasked. [),/,'.:.,1“,:;...r vr'.‘ ';" -’" ,"'. r: 21:.

Sounds like classic Fringe fare to me.

{\nydo,‘ [wiping 0 A 'l,l.',v'oo A ;;,,‘.. :0 o... irrr;r;_f'r";r." r' n. hr; '17

Ooh. radical.

to l a“, ' n ‘z,. .. .r : .I’liyr :vv:v‘ r. ."Ti‘," ,' ‘t/i‘,” 3‘ i ' °' ' I" .'.' ' ~." ° ' 'r‘ ‘n’,’ Y,‘ - t '0'. d.,}n‘

:r‘ 4 ""1'9‘”. .41 " :. ..‘ ' I l“‘)‘., Very nice. What can we expect?

‘.'.’el. " 3.7;": ,‘ exrrt-r " l" ‘.a {~"")"'ht"’.°',

:r" "“"';’r:r‘ 'rar r t .' “w t' it" "at. "M r,‘ "2 r ':~.-.e':, “nu-(flu an: t',")rr'>t.‘;"yak-J,

I' hl

mspeec ess.

t'itl",lff>l‘/1ll."i,""r'f‘t" . l‘rr; 6; her \.r‘r,?r.:;;;el WW, t;’r'r.'. :;t‘t:7; a'fr‘t 1% ’TH' a" \./r_><:<.-"‘ a'Vi a

zir‘ftif,frr,rr'r. .er‘nrt-i: gm." " N .‘r' (, '<:a:<. know, '1."

afrrr n/H ran/.rl. [)ti' A, a .our I, .'.</rr t" fr

'r.‘.'E, .n'urrd’ ."e' rum-r, Hr rrl‘a'r , (,arrt. a' t: t )"

Never heard of them.

You shot. d ire asha'wru (it; and see The t;"<>‘r.'.‘ Better air“. hon along; to the Vow,- \.'.’<;rkt;h<;r;é; two a'rd "raw:

a do yoursel‘

I St ()ut's, 069115) \9-155 {is'x'r‘ '. lfr‘, 73), 1’." J’Ja‘. 95) AM).

(S.(a’()prrr. sat; rm:er ‘.'./o'n:;.’ror>5;, 75}. (3’7 (’(r. (‘2

75> Add. lé’prn, free.


Big feet in prospect

tutturatrvely, when he expands the hand as; lire i‘eet for the Islay \Jth/ i estrx'al rn Septernher

'lhe drgs at Henry's; wrll he the usual hand. hut we should have

Drurnrner‘ John Rae enroyed a husy ra/X lestrval thrs year. leadrng; hoth the reunrted John liae Colleetrve and hrs; latest group, John Rae New Jam. {1}; well as; leaturrng wrth a host of other ar'trsts. rneludrnd a rnernorahle outrng v/rth legendary vocalrst Mark ivlurphy.

John \.'.rr|| lead hrs; exrtrtrnd ra/x folk crossover hand ()eltrr: leet rn a l'rrnde r(?:;l(i(}ll(?(} here. hut laces an e\'en hruger (:hallenue. Irterally and

some new material, l'rn \'.r'()l'i\lltt) hard on new stuff for the Bro l'eet project, and rt should he really rnterestrnd We'll haw a hruger group. and we'll also he \.'|.'()r’krnd wrth a proe hand. whrtth should he hrrllrant. Mrnd \.()u.| don't know exaetlx, what I'm gornd to get thern to do yet.‘

(Kennx Mathresonr

I Hen/r. 3; (Ie’r’ar. JU/ $900, (If) 3’ Add.

Aug, 8.[)’();)rr.‘. Eli).

NAKED VOICES They keep their clothes on. but that‘s something to sing about

()‘Uprrr, it»; A? 4")

One of the success; stones of last year's l-rrnde l esstrval. t3rrt§t<>l hased Naked Vereet; return Wrth another helprng ol (li‘.’().'f$(? vocal attrohatres concept everyday rr‘strtrrrrents;

t':; a s;rrnpie erepratte

wrth rnetreuoush arranged hurrtar‘ vorees. rnventrxe


* * i * - The Scotsman. ‘Brilliant‘ - The Herald.

3 outstanding acts in the h an of historic I.eith

from the 3rd 'til 25th.


.\I. Szymanski. (‘. Arreddondo & (i. ('eron lex- Salsa (‘eleital join forces for this Latin cocktail.

23 Commercial Street. Leith.

0131 554 9999


Hangman in ‘(iangs of New York‘ the big ‘II’ knows about life h. (fri & sat only. adult theme).


choreography and

r'.at<,hr'rdout.ttr an

rt '.‘.'()lkf; all. Nakecl

V()i(?(}f» §I()r'l.i ()‘.'(?" ."ibii'li

rrrr<:ror >horrerr Sll(i(f(?f>f;ill turn a ext'er'reu‘,

er:let:tr<: repertorre :nrtludrnd the <:lat;s;rr: \Jéillltff; Bor‘rt tl"e'r‘e:; and ‘ellox': Brrutr; ant; i)()lilf;lt(?£t(i.it|()l1tlfsl(lt? Buldarran folk rnuturi and <:!as;:;rr:al preeet; such as; Barher's; Adagro. l'rerr hroart rnrnrted rt-pertdrrt: (tontrnues to exit-"r:

nexond finest.-

houndarreé; and the r:';

talented rnale and ‘errrale :;rrt;;e':; drsrra;

some exee rtzd'ta' a

cappetra rr‘tt‘:rr>'etatr<,ns

of eye“, krrirl :;‘ 'rLor,‘

(:lar;:;r<:_ tog-.ar‘ Ma'trrfi

I r"~.’ahe:1 ‘v/iPKJL‘fi, Au; 7 C. ("‘a'r‘hers Street, {flab :

IfooO for who


Altoist hits the heights

Pa”; To‘.'.rn:lr:>'.'.' seems)

‘u/ IL:\.(, (I \A\A tA

Show“). z,.

- .,,i(‘ “V; H

UK tit) \,<1 \A\l(: .

3. (ira.'.“rr<;

arno'xz We lose"

firtairstt; 'r‘ ii‘t' l)'(:f;i1<};(>tlf1‘."."1'T‘: loundatro': \‘Jn' '2 Saxophone

(,d'nr;<;t.t-<,r‘ at We

Montreax Jitz'.’ i eat ya

at 'rvr'it’i.

H(: ‘.'.'a:, or“: N‘ 7" :.' Wager» it; 'r‘a‘m: .‘. it"ougth two turn/r" ser'rrrlrnali; 14> 1“" ":rr Inn". an: 'rrs; some: ()r'ietfé: drawer: a‘f, t;ra,rr‘.t; sun the

odorla' autlre'r:,~'r .r,.-x-

r)" the 'irdlrfr Hui f'rr'

Austrarrarr .er‘rrr may,"

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"(tirii‘f'wr’L ()‘f“ ""r‘:

:;r;} ‘.'.‘a$; at llenrfi, Ja/

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to go see. . .

The Trash Can Sanatras

by Eddr‘ Reader sister of srnger rank and partner of guitarist John Douglas)

hey‘re fantastic

I‘lpy‘ Jk 1‘ '\: \II' h " a i‘.t- :4 "

'.‘.'rt.nr; we that

They should be famous. but . . . 'lhe; have a ‘v:-ar .2? platrnr,‘ a lend of game Once you di-t rhuroized With a re(;orrt (,fr"rpart‘.c the. start Sti‘xrllq. "On, r.-.re'\.’e got you [he I, otter. Show. " and you're Supposed to he pleased ahouf that her‘ause rt's; tz') 'rrrllron ‘.rre\.'.ers;_ hut M; Mr} I otter Show rt'f; shrte'"

They are other- worldly 'l rust thrnk tlre,'r<:- ultra s;ent;rtr.e ‘.'.’at<:hrnd them rs lrke ’\.'.'at<:hrn;) some alren tro'rr Mars that flees; lit; thrng and it's heautrful and .'.'ondertul. hut there's; no .'.'a\, that alren from Mars; r:; Walkrnr orrto Earth and doing "I oak at rue, I’rn great. |"'r hrrllrant

They are poets these guys do therr 8?; fl l'ne, stand or‘ stage lrke the, “re contract .‘relderr; 0r er‘grrreers and the,/ do titerr hrrsrness and they talk therr talk What the, 're Srngrn'; ahout "."Jhat “.‘Xor'ren do :0 Men -— for me, the lrnk to Burnt; rs really apparent.

I They demand your attention 'Anyhody who's any good. yOu're reall,r gerng to have to seek them out.‘

llntemre‘rr try

Mark Fasher,

? quurd ROOM; 0870 769 0100. 76 Aug.

7 m7. {,‘9.