Edinburgh Galleries


ll‘h’l Row Slit't‘l. 3:5 -llll5 \ltlll Sal Villain 5 i0pin

Jewellery Exhibition l’nut \loll I.\ Aug qucllcly by \I\ graduating \ludcnlx lrolu Izdluhulgh (‘ollcgc ol .\rt lcalullng “‘llk tn \.IllHll\ \lylcx and Ill.tlt‘ll.ll\ including cclauncx. acrylic ~. lll‘lt'\. xlouc. tuclal and llllllt‘l.ll\


"5 lllt'dtl \llt't'l. ‘1‘" «1515 Mill] Sal noon 2pm

More from the Heads of Dreamers l'nlil Sat *0 Aug .\ group \hou ol upuclling and \r\ionary .ul c\p|oiing lhc tl|\t'l\c nalutc ol human cicalixily


5l (icttlj._'c Sllt't'l. 330 Z-IJH Hall}

10am midnight

Otar Imerlishvili l‘nlil Mon 25 Aug ()tai lnicihxhuh'x thud annual lcxlnal c\hihilton. lcaluttng conlcuipolaly and traditional icllcctioux on (icotglan lilc. 10 Minutes, 1 Roll of Film, No Waclty Comedy Shots l‘nul Mon 35 Aug, ()xcl -10nc\\ poilratl~ hy photograpth Rich llardca\llc ol \onic ol lhc hm! \laud upx trout around lhc “orld.


5H Shandurck l’lacc. 235 7018. Daily |0atn |0piu.

Zimbabwe Sculpture l‘nul Mon 25 Aug. \hukulma (iallcry. llararc prcxculx llll\ c\hihiuon ol sculpturc hy \ttlllt‘ ol thc hcxl arlixlx lll lurihalmc.


(i5 (icoi‘gc Stl‘ccl. 225 2300. Mon t-‘n |0aiu -lpni; Sal & Sun noon 4pm. The Scottish Sale t'nlil \Vcd 2o Aug. A cclchration ol' Scollixh art lcaturcx \xorkx h) ('cltic c‘l'dllflllt‘ll to inodcrirday conlcluporary aruxlx.


(i l)unda\ Slrccl. 557-1050. Mon I-ri 10am (tlllll; Sat Ilaiu .Ipm.

Raeburn to Redpath l'ntil St) Aug. A nuth \hou ol’ paintingx l'caturing \yorlcx h) l"('ll (‘achL liA llorncl. John Philip. Aunc Rcdpath. SJ l’cploc and Sam Bough.

Centenary Tribute t'nlil Sat 30 Aug. l)ra\\ lugs and clchingx hy lhc cclchratcd arlixl Jaiucx .\'c.\'ci| \Vhixtlcr.

Lucien Pissarro t'ntil Sat 30 Aug. .-\ \clcclion ol dramngx. “alcrcolourx. oilx. \yoodcutx and ctclungx.

Gareth Mason l‘nul Sat 30 Aug. l’or‘cclatn.


I} lanxdou nc ('i'cxccnl. 07707 7h703 1, Daily llaiu opiu.

Silver at Home l'Il'l l5 Sun 3-1 Aug A \clling mhrhition ol’ \ilwr lablcyxarc

dcugncd by Stixan (‘haplur


_‘ Markcl Slt'ccl. 52‘) .W‘U. Mon Sal l0aiu 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Jon Schueler: To the North t'niil Sat 27 Scp. lhc lll'\l cxcr Brilixh rclrospccliw ol’ lhc “ork ol' .-\ulcrican paiulcr Jon Schuclcr l I‘llb I‘NZ l. a coulctupot‘ary ol' Jackxon l’ollock and Mark Rothko. (‘uratcd by Richard lnglchy ol'lhc lnglchy (iallcry in ;l\\tlL‘I;lllttll “till lhc (at) Art ('cnlrc'x Ian (YRrordan. llic c\|uhition l'caturcx owr 50 \torlu trout lll\ ahxlract c\prc\\ioni\l paintingx crcatcd Ill No“ York in thc 50\ to lll\ tuorc familiar \korkx haxcd on thc Iandwapc hcl“ ccn Mallaig and thc lxlc Ul‘ Skyc. Illtltlc‘ All'lL‘l' lll\ I‘L‘lttc‘ullttn [0 Scotland in l‘)70.

One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys l'nlil Sat 3." Scp. 'l‘hc ('A(‘\ lalcxt dt‘qllhllltlll. l’r't'Im/d Driving by Jtixcpll (‘nm hall l‘orrux lhc ccnlrcpiccc ol' llll\ c\hihttion ol' “ork by onc of thc kc}

lllt'llll‘t'h ol thc (ilaxgtm School Showing alongxldc ('rauhallK paintingx arc \xorkx by ll|\ c’ltlllt'lllpttl.lllc‘\ Including (iulhttc. \\alton. .\lcl\illc and llcnry

Airside: Contemporary Portraits l‘nlil Sat 3" Scp l.at‘gc \calc photographic pttllldlh ol \yolucn \xllo arc llllltt\.llltl\ in thctr \arioth llllllk-\\I|lll\ ll} .lllllc‘ IilL'lllk'

Portraits and Landscape from the Collection lutil Sat 3“ \cp \ \clcction ol \yol'kx ltotu thc ('tty ol lathnhurglh collcclion ol Scottixh all including “oil” by .\lc laggatl. l‘clguvon. |)oulh\\aitc and (illllt'\


33 33 ('ockhutn Slrccl. :30 l300

'l'uc Sun llatu 5pm.

David Sherry l'ntil Sun " Scp \ \olo c\|uhilion lot pcrloruiancc and \idco attixl |)a\ id Shcrry. \xho um \llt‘lllhlt'tl tor tho ycai'x llcckK l‘llllllt'\ .maid Scudrng tip \ocial com cullou and lllc nomcnxlcal axpcctx ol lllc human condition. lhc \hoxx lcaturcx .M'Im/

/'\\r [11' llllt'l \ It’ttt'l' lll \klllx'll \Illt‘ll} allcndx lob inlcn lt‘\\\ plclcndrug lo hc a gcnuluc applicant, llc hax .ll\t\ hcctl

t'ttlllllll\\lttllt'tl lo crcalc ucu \xork lot thc

(‘ollcctnc \xhich includcx a \ldco piccc Ser Im Lul. a latgc llooi painting and 41 “ll” [llt't‘ti


-l| Hundax Sli‘ccl. 557 .1500. .\lou I’ll lll.5ll;llll 5.30pm; Sal |030ant 5pm Louis Sinclair McNally l'nul \\’ul :7 .Atlg‘. .'\ \(lltl \lltm til lttlltl .tlltl t’ll}\t‘.’lllt‘\ hy lidinhurgh hawd allixt l.t)tll\ Sinclair McNally.

Robert Simpson l'nul \Vt-ll 3" Aug llllpl't'\\lttlll\l \ccncx ot .'\ll\ll';lll;l by young tlt‘llxl Rohcrt Sunpxon.


H7 (‘o\\galc. ()Id loun. 553 5| ‘0. Mon Fri noon 0pm; Sat tk Sun noon 5pm.

Festival Collection l‘nul Sat *0 Aug. A lcxli\al collcclion ol' intcrior productx l'or lhc honic lcaluring l'ul'niturc. tc\li|c\. lighting. l'loor cowringx. lahlcuat'c and laxluon and :lCL‘c\\ttl'iC\ l1) llltlcpcntlclll tlcxlgllch Ill lllt' adjoining ('oncl'clc \Val'tll'olw.

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 l)ounc 'l‘crracc. 335 718‘). Mon l‘l'l l0ani 5pm.

World of Butterflies l'ntil H: 2*) Aug. Al lil'xl glancc. l’t‘lc‘l' llttlxl llcnckcl'x piclurcx appcar lo hc a

Refugees by Benet Haughton on show at the David Young Gallery

collcction ol l‘tlllt'llllc‘\ trotu around lhc \xorld (‘loxcr lll\Pt'cllt\ll rcx calx uuagm \\lllc'll docunlcnl lllc hixlory ol lltc \xoild lioni lllc lll.l\\.lclL‘ at ()uang l'ii lll \ictruan I‘ll to Scptcuthcr | I ijllllli St'c' lt‘\ It‘“

THE DAVID YOUNG GALLERY at \lailc (‘tuic Ilothc. 3" Albany Slit-cl.»1”.\ "050 Daily 10am 5pm Back to Back they Faced Each Other [hot \‘at h Scp .-\ \lltt“ ol ncu painting\ by llcncl llaughton


Iit'llllltl Rttdtl. (LT-l 02”“ tlt'c'itltlt‘tl inloilnalion “3 Slow .\lon “cd & I'll ~\un l0.un 5pm. lhu l0ant 7pm. One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard l'nul Sun 7 Scp. Li <0 ( £3.50». undcr 150cc loint .ltlllll\\lttll \xillt \Vllullcd Nicholxon l‘llllll lhc iconic uuagc ol Marilyn \lttnroc and (‘laikc (iahlc on lhc \cl ol l/u l/l\/il\ to \luhanuuand \lt prcpaiing lot a light. ()m lImul/u/

(in t1! l’liulugmplrx bringx logclhci I00 ol thc tnoxl unloigcllahlc photographx ot thc laxl lyyo ccnturtcx 'l'hc piclurcx \xt'lt' \L'lt‘clt'tl ll} lllt' lillt' lil'tlt‘t' Hcirtaid. author ol thc Itcxl \clltng

('t II/Ill\ and onc ol lhc gtcalcxl llt‘\\\]\.tpt'l piclutc t‘tlllltl\ ol lll\ gcuctauon ax pail ol a t‘ltlllllll\\lt)ll tor thc :llll\l and collcctoi .laiucx Moorcx. Winifred Nicholson in Scotland l'nttl Sun 7 Scp. L" {.50 t£3.50i; undcr llx li'cc loinl adinixxion \\ llll ()nc llundrcd (ircal Photograph» licxl knoxyn lor hci' lloxxcr paintingx. llux mluhttion locuxcx on lhc Illc and \york ol \Vinllrcd Nicholon t IH‘H I‘lb'l ). thc ()\Iord horn arlixl and “dc ol licn Nicholxon. 'l‘hc lirxt c\|uhitton ol hcr “tllk lU l‘t' llL'ltI Ill St‘ttllttlltl ltll' ti\t'l' 3U ycarx. lhc l7 paintingx produccd in thc lllghlandx and \chlct‘n lxlt'\ rcllcct hci' lt)\ t' litll' Sc‘ttllttlltl.

Demarco Focus I: Demarco in the 19605 l'ntil Sun 38 Scp. 'l‘hc lii'xt tn a \L'l'lc‘\ ol' lhrcc tll\pl;l_\\ drauing on inalcrial trout lhc l)cniarco .-\t'chi\c and l'ocuxing on thc lll'llxl. culrcprcncur and curator Richard chiat‘co'x acli\ iticx in thc ()(l\.

After Hours 'l'hu l~I Aug. ()plll. l‘laiucnco danccr ('arincla ('ru/ pi'cxcntx c\cct‘pl\ lroin a l‘ringc \hou haxctl on thc Iil'c ol' lltc Spanixh pocl and play \\ right. l'cdcrlco (ial'cia l.ol‘ca.


I In (Lithcuayudc. oh" ‘lloh luc Sat llaru opnt

And So the World Went Pop! l'nltl lit 2" Aug A ltk'lh on ho“ thc l’op x\ll inmcnicnl hax tntlucuccd contciupoiaiy tlt‘Hg'll lcatuiing luinilutc. lighting and acct-“min hy ruodclnday tlcxigncrx along \xilh Ic lt‘lt‘.l\t‘tl with including lhc IIun/mm/JUH \u/u by (icorgc \clxon and \tWH' hy (iiancallo .\l.tllto|i


|.\‘a llundax Strccl. 55" 533" Mon Sal Warn 5 i0le

Festival Exhibition Mon 18 -\ug Sat h \t'[‘ (ill.l\l.ll \t‘t‘llt'\ Ill till .llltl \xalclcoloui by Slit-ila \laclcod autl laudxcapcx. cityxcapcx and iualltuuc painting\ by l’ctcl Kno\


ll (i.l_\llt'ltl Stltldlt'. .553 “l Ill lllt' ~\‘dl ll.tlll hpiu

Katja Strunz l'nttl Sal -7 Scp A lll\l iuaiot \olo \hou Ill thc l'K lot (icituan .lll|\l Katya Strun/ lll\pllt‘tl by llllllllll.lll\lll and inorc \pccilically. Rohcil Situlhxon‘x “all lt'llt'l\ ol (ii 05. \hc clcalcx intriguing “all hand \culplutm uhlch duc to thctl aligch littllh can hc \ccn and mpcricnccd in dillcrcnt \xayx Rcconuncndcd Scc

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.;ltlll\lttll l’lacc. III ()lNXl Daily

I0aiu 5pm

0 Black Box l'nlil Sun 7 Scp Inc In collaboration with lhc lidinhuigh lnlcrnational l'lllll l-cxlnal. l'.('A ptcxcntx lll\l;lll;tlll)ll “min by litc inlcruallonally icntmncd atllxlx. ‘l‘urnci l’rI/c nonuncc Ixaac Jullcu pl'cxcllh I’uI'm/lu' ()Im'lm a writ: aulohutgraphtcal pit-cc \ct on No l\ltllltl\. St l.ucta and Britain In thc I000» Janc and l.oui\c \Vilxon \hou (ill/mm: a lllllllht‘l't‘t‘ll lll\l;lll;lll0ll that locuxcx on lllNIIIlllltllléll architcclurc and II\ [tllttl\l;l\. Italian ill‘llxl l'ranccxco \t'I/olt'x 'I'llt' lint! o/ llu' Illumm lim't' l\ hascd on Jcan ('oclcau'x nionologuc lor lhcalrc I'lu' Illmum lillt't’, And Malcrtc Maldcr \houx Rm! Much tlt'plc'lx llllllltlllN Ill thc llccling \lalc ol \lccp. Scc rcxlc“ and llllllNl.


30a l)tllltl;l\ Sli‘cct. 5.57 5003. Moll l'irl 10am 5pm; Sat l0aru 3.30pm. Netherlandische l'nlil Sat lb Aug. Adrian \‘v'ix/nicyukt. thc lll'li\l u ho hclicxcd 'patnltng “ax dcad' plL‘ln tip hlx paintbruxh again to crcatc a \L’l‘lL‘\ of 20 hold arid \ihranl nc“ paintings. [A81 CHANCE l() SEE

Festival II Tim 2| Aug Sat [3 Scp. Painting by gallcry tll‘li\l\ including Joan chton. llrcnda Icnaghan. Hugh Mcliityrc. Shcila Macmillan and Norman .\lac|can. NE W 8} JOW


'l‘hc Photographic lixhibilion ('cnlrc. ()X (ircal King Strcct. 453 48H. Mon Sal l0aiu h'prn; Sun I 5pm. International Photography t'nul Sun .il Aug. £3.50 (£2); undcr l2\ lrcc. 'l'hc l-Hxl annual photographic L'\ltih|liotl lcaturing oycr 200 pl‘lllh takcn by photographcrx around thc globc.


33 l'nion Strcct. 557 247‘). Jim Sat l0ani ()plll.

Fresh: Contemporary British Artists in Print l'ntil Sat l3 Scp. l’or thc l’rinliuakcrs' l‘cwliyal \hou. a \clcclion ol' printx by contclnporary Brillxh .-\l'll\l\. 'l‘hc linc-up ix unprcwiyc and includes “orkx by ('Ialrc Barclay. ('hrixtlnc llorland. Marlin Boycc. Jakc 4%: “Huh ('haptnan. Damien llirxt. Anixh Kapoor. ('hrix ()lili. Toby l’atcrxon. Ross Sinclair. |)a\ id Shriglcy and Richard Wright.

1.172? A a; 200': THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 71