V. .,~ “with .xfi fly}. “fig: _c,’,'t~ .v’r" 1313.2


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3‘)‘)3. Mon Sat

l0am 5pm. 9.5 (£3.50); family ticket L'l2.50.

Cecil Beaton: Portraits oooo

l'ntil Stilt 2o Sep. l'irxt xhoyxn to great acclaim at the National Portrait (iallery in London. an e\hihition celebrating the “ink of the influential portrait photographer ('ccil Bcalon t I‘M-l WSW.

From Castle to Palace: Artists on the Royal Mile t'niil Sun 26 Sep. An exhibition tracing the hixtory of the Royal Mile and the Old To“ it through the cyex of artixtx. including hixtoric and contemporary paintingx. printx. xculpture. photographx. poxterx. hookx and xound.

Titanic: The World Class Collection l'ntil Sun 26 Sep. An exhibition charting the xtory of the doomed ocean-liner and itx tragic xinking in ND featuring hundredx of artefactx.


22 2X (‘ockhurn Street. 220 I260. 'l‘ue Sat noon 5pm.

Marianne Greated and Michael Hill l‘ntil Sat 7 Aug. (Project Room). A tyyo-perxon .xhou of uork by Marianne (ireated attd Michael Hill.

New Life 0... [mil Sat 7 Aug. A xolo exhibition of “ink hy artixt and critic l)a\ id Burroyxx that lillx the gallery xpace \\ ith colourful dehrix and heapx of axli-like hlack' glitter. lending a xtrangely celebratory feel to imagex of dixaxter. See I'C\ icyy.


75 Belford Road. 024 (\200. Mott \Vcd ck l-‘ri Sun l0ain 5pm: 'l'hu 10am 7pm.

0 Paolozzi at 80 CO... l'ntil Sun 51 ()ct. l5ree. Arranged in chronological order. the exhibition ix a dil/y ing array of the talent and intellect that Paolo/Ii

The Fruitmorkel Gallery

Fred Tomaselli

Edlnburgh An miivai Exhlbtlon Unlll 3 October 2004

Admission tree

‘Arf of rigorous oxuborence' me NEW vow was

Gallery, bookshop. cote bar Dom—7pm daily

45 Monte? Street remain an: 10:

T +M(O)13l 225 2383 I hto'siilmi‘lnmatww vmwtrumvcxkelcom


imexted in hix \\ot'k. Paolo/Ii took the tench of xurrealixm and e\tended them to help create and deyelop Pop Art. The collagex and xcreen printx on dixplay are textament to the inxpiration he deriy ed from popular culture and hix determination that there ix no limit to the imagination. The central motifx in l’aolo/li‘x \york emerge ax xoldierx. clockx and xpace tra\el; today they produce a potent noxtalgia. l’aoloui yiax able to not only deconxtruct the barrier between high and lo\\ art hut alxo the human hody to c\poxe itx frailty. Dynamic. inxpiring and fitttlllcxx. See lltl l.lxl.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 74 I.aurixton l’lace. 22l (i000. Mon 'l‘hu 10am 8pm; l'i'i Sat l0atn 2pm.

0 Sam Taylor Wood oooo t'niil 'lliu 2o Aug. 10am 5pm. l-"ree. Darling of the Brit Art xccttc. lay lor-Wood hringx Strings. a film inxtallation \yith xound and xhot iii the Royal Opera llouxe'x opulent ('i'uxh Bar. featuring the Royal Ballet'x principal dancer l\an l’utroy ax he mm ex in xuxpenxion ahme a xtring quartet performing

'l‘chaikoyxky ’x String Quartet .\'o 2. See t'L‘\iL‘\\ tttttl llll l.txl.


23 l'nion Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sat 10am (ipttt.

Gavin Turk - Faces t'niil Sat t8 Sep. lixciting xlttm of xe\ en ne\\ xcreenprintx hy (ia\ in link. xi\ printx by Peter Sa\ ille attd tyyo ncyx printx of thc Beatlex called ‘l.o\e Me I)”. h) PL‘IL'f Blake. in axxociation \y ith the Paul Stolpct' (iallery. London.

FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market Street. 225 2583. Mon Sat l lam opm; Sun noon 5pm.

Fred Tomaselli - Monsters of Paradise l'ntil Sun 3 ()ct. liree tl’reet. rm- itx 2004 lidinliurgh Art l-'exti\al li\hihition. the l‘ruitmarket (iallery prexentx the fier xolo e\hihition in the l'nited Kiltgtloltt of \c‘\\ Yot'k-ltttxctl artixt l-‘red 'I‘oinaxelli. llix meticuloux hyhrid picturex made uxing a daI/ling array of inaterialx including paint. pillx. inxcclx. photo-collage. lcay ex and floyxerx ha\e gained him a reputation ax one of the international art \yorld'x llttixl rapidly rixing xtarx. See big picture and Hit l.ixt.


'l’he Mound. o24 (i200. Mon \Ved &

l‘ri Sun 10am 5pm; 'l‘hu l0am 7pm. Festivals, Fireworks, Feasts and Funerals l'ntil Sun 12 Sep. 'l'yyenty - tiy e paintingx xpanning 300 yearx from l7th to l‘)th century featuring dramatic. extrayagant celehi'ationx and requiem maxxex hy artixtx xuch ax Ruhenx. Rohert Adatn and Stefano l)ella Bella. Translucence Mott ‘) Aug. 12.45pm. lirec. l’rey ie\x performance of the higth contentioux xong cycle by Derek Jarman and Mercury Mtixic l’ri/e nominated l)onna McKeyitt ‘Matthcyy f” 'ketl Mark f‘ "'ed l.uke f 'ked John . . .' performed cloxe to xoine of the National (iallcry 'x religioux art yxorkx. ()Nl" ()l l‘ Iliiii'I/inrni/e/i Lecture ‘IA/ll'tl/I't'. lli’xlult Link. Play/air link. .Vulnniu/ (ml/m; The Playfair Project line H) Aug. l2.45pttt. Michael (’larkc. director of the National (lallet‘y giyex the inattgral lecture at the neu l’lay fair link.

David Roberts in Rome \Ved I 1 Aug. l2.45pm. liree. Suxanna Kerr. curator of at the (iallery of Modern Art giy ex thix lunchtime lecture.


(ieorgc l\' Bridge. 226 453 . Mon Sat 10am 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

Read All About It! l'ntil Sun .‘sl Oct. The xtory of the neyxx iii Scotland ix explored in thix e\hihition \xliich takex you on a journey through 400 yearx of

An; 900.2

for GLASGOW ART see non—festival magazine


l’alacc ()f llolyroodhouxe. 550 5100. ‘).30am 4.30pm. £5 t£.i-t:4ll famin ticket £13.

Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age l'niil Sun 7 Soy. .-\ xelection of Dutch paintingx from the l7th century. \\ ith e\amplex hy Rembrandt. Vermeer. (’uy p de llooch and 'l‘erhorch. featuring xtill life. e\er_\day xcencx. portraiture and landxcapex.


’l'he Motltttl. (ll .il 22.5 (m7 1. Mott Sal l0atn 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

0 The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections l'ntil Sun 5 Dec. £7 l£5i1 free to children under l2. (‘elehrating the

completion of the final xtage of the Play fair

Project. the Age of ’l‘itian hringx together \yorkx \xlticlt haye entered Scottixh collectionx alongxide \iorkx by lllx ciintemporariex 'l'intoretto. Bellini. l.otto. \ik'lillllt‘SL' :ttttl Bitxxilttt). SCL‘ I'L‘\ lL‘\\ illlkl llll l.txl.

Alec Finlay - Bynames Thu 5 Sun 2‘) Aug Artixtx' and \yriterx‘ namex get rearranged and then “men into the kind of lahclx you w“ llllll xcltool clothex tttttl linally xtiched onto little hankiex. Kenneth White HRSA - Geopoetics 'l‘hu 5 Sun 2‘) Aug. l’oetry. hookx and manuxcriptx chronicle Kenneth \Vltilc'x life-long “ink on gco-poeticx.


7.5 Belford Road. o24 (i200. Mon \Ved tk l-"ri Sun l0am 5pm; 'lliu l0am 7pm. Past Things and Present: Jasper Johns Since 1983 0.. [mil Sttit l‘) Scp. £5 IE5.50i: under l2x free. The fier major e\hihition in Scotland of \york liy one of the forerunnerx of Pop Art. Jaxper .lohnx. 'l‘he xllt)\\ concentratex on the laxt 20 yearx of hix career and reflectx hon. xince receiy ing critical acclaim for hix paintingx of flagx. targetx and letterx in the 50x. lie hax continued to i'einyent himxelf. See I'C\ ie\\.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY l Queen Street. 024 0200. Mon \VL‘il «K l-ri Sun l0ain 5pm1'l‘hu l0ain 7pm. Once Upon our Time: Portrait Miniatures By Moyna Flannigan O... l‘ntil Sun 5 Sep. l't'cc. lidinhurgh—haxed artixt Moyna l’lannigan. hext knoyyn for her fictional portraitx. hax heen eommixxioued to create 50 ne\x contemporary portrait miniaturex painted in \xalct‘colotu' and gouache on \elluin. 'l'he

Convex by Lucy Skaer on show at


\\ot‘l\x focux on uniyerxal themex of youth and age. ritex of paxxage and drexxing up and. in the accompanying catalogue. uriter l)ilyx Roxe hax \yritten a xhort \ ignette alongxide each of l"l;iiiiiig;iii’x tiny imagined characterx.

Portrait Miniatures from the National Galleries of Scotland l’ntil Sun 5 Sep. (her 70 of the National (‘ialleriex‘ moxt important portrait miniaturex go on dixplay.

My Family l'ntil Sun 2‘) Aug. One hundred \\ inning entriex in a competition run by l’amily Mediation Scotland to paint your family and \\ hat it meanx to you are dixplay ed ax part of l'AlS'x 20th anniyerxary and coinciding with liamiliex Day on 2‘) Aug.

Why they Made Me King Thu 5 Aug. (i.3(ljiiii. l-‘ree. l’rey ieyy of l‘ringe play. ll’lii I/Ii’l‘ .litltll’ nn' King. xhort-lixtcd for the Royal ('ourt Young \Vriterx liextiyal 2004. xet in the linglixh National l’ortriat (iallery. dealing \\ itlt art ax a cathartic e\perience. 'l‘hix performance takex the form of an uncomentional guided tour of the art \xorkx. led by the recently hereay ed

gallery curator. ONE—OFF


(i5 .IL'IilIC} Slt'L‘Cl. 550 5552.

Still l'ntil Sat 25 Sep. [minenxe four- Patttel inxtallation h) Alxion “all. created for the Memorial ('hapel.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmerleith llouxe. 552 7171. Daily

l0am 5.30pm.

Robert Therrien Sat 7 Aug Sun 3! ()ct. l-ree. lmerleith llouxe reopenx after major returhithent with the fier l'K tnuxeum xhon hy l.ox Angelex-haxed artixt Rohert 'l‘herrien \ilioxe \york recallx memoriex of the home and childhood. See prey ieyi.


2 ('hamherx Street. 247 42 l‘)/4422. Mon & \Ved Sat |0ain 5pm; 'l'ue l0am 8pm: Sun noon 5pm. l-‘ree.

Treasures from Tuscany t'ntit Sun 3| ()ct. the. An inxight into the litruxcanx. an ancient ciy ilixation of highly xttpltlxllc‘dlctl people “lltl \\ L‘I'L‘ contempoi'ariex of the ancient (ireekx. featuring nearly 500 ohjectx from the collectionx in 'l'uxcany.

Go Play Games Sun 3 Sun 22 Aug. lidinhurgh'x only gameplay e\hihition featuring the hext examplex of contemporary computer and \ ideo gamex.


23 l’almerxton Place. 225 02%. Daily l0am 12.30pm & 2 3pm. Desideratum l'ntil Sat 4 Sep. .\'icliolax ('harlex \Villiainx hangx hix huge l)exideratutn.