No jokes about Iraq? Nope. Sarah Kendall sticks to death, lies and gangsta rap videos

Australians appear to be over here in their droves. And they’re not all in the comedy or catering industries.

Kylie The pixie pop princess has one abode in London. but tends to spend most of her time in the UK fleeing the sharpshooters of Heat.

Germaine Greer Has scared n ore students during her spell at Warwick University than The [)emOn Headmaster. We still Suspect that her former colleague on The Late Review COtich, Tony Parsons, has always been the t 3acher's pet.

Mark Viduka The square-faced Aussie- Croat am ed in Glasgow to play for Celtic and then immediater returned to the sands of Australia claiming mental exi‘taustion. Since leavmg in 2000. his agent in s attempted to engineer more moves for him than th re are in the Kama Sutra index.

Rolf Harris 'Manim rnanim: heh. heh, heh. wobble: can you tell what it is yet?“ A iivrng Ieger i.