Edinburgh Thursdays


I Affiliate at Htineyeuinh. llptii iaiii.

£5. Weekly. The higgext “£1”le «iii the Seuttixh \eene all gather lnr llll\ neyy lllltiWNCCk \L'\\ltm. |)rtiiii A; ha\\ I\ the llllhlL‘ til ehmee and NIH ltirtntght\ prilL‘lllltlllL'l\ are (iiMae and DI) ttiined by In e l.eed\ ereyy laptie i ll Atig l. Syyiltly lulluyy ed hy the mighty (‘atixe -1 ('uneern thrust till I‘) Atig \yhti tutti Itieal lads li.\'() and DJ Skye yyhile I)J ('halyya prtiy ides a reggae. dtth aiid daneehall yet iii the haek rtmin.

I Audio Tourism at t’tm liar (‘Iuh ()plll .iain. l'ree. Weekly. Start the yyeekend till niee and early yyith a \eleelittn til hreaks. Rik“ and urhan traekx li'uiii (i«.\1ae and (ienrge.

I Born to Be Wide at the Venue.

l lpiii .iain. l'i‘ee. Weekly. Neyy lltll\lt‘ induxtry metal eltth that platix tn hi'ing lllll\t)\. lttlll'llitll\l\. [ll'ttllltllt'l\. reetti'd shop Will‘kL‘H and titusietanx together. With a yarted \utindtraek lrtitn \(tl'ltillx induxtry' hnds. l‘) Atig \yill \ee DJ \et\ l'ruiii l’hil Kay. I)tll Allixutt and Jamey Ytirkxttin \ti eeleelie \\ ith art edge (ll insanity.

I Bounce at l’n .\'a Na. l()pin 3am. £3 £4. Weekly. Student night dttyyn l’ti Na Na quite literally getx the plaee juinpin' yyith itx llll\ ul' hip hop. RM; and drinks [il'tllll(l\.

I Club Simba at the ('ellar Bar. ltlptn .iaiii. l-‘i‘ee heluie l lptii; £2 alter. Weekly. The ('ellat' liar L‘Ulllilllle\ itx reelaiiiatitiii ax a quality eltihhing yentie \y itli lhix llll.\ ul' Al't‘iean. (’at'ihhean and Latin itit'eetitittx heatx.

I Disco Decadence at \‘iee Bat: 0pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. llaptie'x mighty (iianni and (‘tilin mash tip the house.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. lllpin 3am. Free. Weekly. Nightly liexta iii the ruin- \uaked Latin Quarter 01' lidinhurgh.

I Fast and Ride This Train at the Bungu (‘luh. llptii 5am. £5 (£4). ll) Attg. Fortnightly. 'l‘yy'ti eltihx lot the priee til une. Fast tillers the hext iii hiin energy t'nek ‘ii' l't)”. garage and pttiik \y'hile Ride This limit guex all rehel euuntt'y on your £t\\. l.iye aet Neil's (‘hildi‘en (yy'hu'ye heen etimpared tn the l.ihet'tine.\ atid haye heeti reeently tipped hy Nil/2') guest on I‘) Aug.

I Filthee Disco at City: lidinhui‘gh. l Ipiii 5am. £3 before midnight; £4 alter. Weekly. l'i'han intixie fur the modern eltihhei‘ l't'utii |)J l"i|thee and Disco Dan.

I Genetic at ('iti'ux (’ltth. l lpin 3am. l-‘ree before I l3”ptn; £2 at‘tei'. Weekly. Still a mighty popular \Ull‘t‘t‘ that shtm'eaxex altet'natiy e. indie attd lti-ti. Nu \tttttktttg at the hat‘. mind.

I The GOuLaG BeAt at lign. Next date In .Atig.

I Green Onions at Rt-Ll) Vodka (‘ltih ltlpin 3am. £2. l2 Aug. Monthly. With Iidinhurgh'x liyeliext dun .\l(' l’rtilisee tSeutland Yard) and .\'axty l’ (Soul Biscuits) bringing the hext in ‘nitixie t‘ut' aequired tastes' ll‘ttlll tild .xehuul hip hop to tank.

I Inna Soul at Rlil) \tidka (‘Itth .\'e\t date 2 Sep.

I Late Night Sessions at Rlil) Vodka (‘ltih ltlpni .‘yain. £2. Weekly. The Mighty lluyyard kiekx thix night 01' daneeliall. .xka. duh and roots into higlt gear.

I Manga at lluney eutnh. .\'e\t date 20 Attg.

I Me Suena Tu Cara at the Bongo (‘ltth. llptii 5am. £7 (£5). 12 Aug. l-‘utit‘ pieee Spanisli/Bra/iliati hand yy ith Atriean rhythtits plus a hit of ska. reggae aiid hussa action from the UL.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. Input-Rani. £3. Weekly. (‘laysie danee anthems and funky meal huuxe from J'l‘. I Phutune House at Rlil) Vodka Cluh. Next date 26 Aug.

I The Pidgeon Club at ('ueteau Lounge (downstairs at Ego). Next date l9 Aug. i

I Poison .it ()pitiiii llptii ‘aiii l-iee Weekly ()ld \ehtml nietal Wllll a glain edge ax all the l.t\tttll'llt'\ are \yheeled nut in the ~hape tit t'tll\ ll'Hlll Aln e ('tmpet. lilaek Sahhath. l.ynrd Skyni'd. \eimtiitth. 'lyyhted Shlel’. Iron .\1.tidenele

I The Realness .tt \tethita

lllpin iain £2 Weekly .\li\tng tip underground hip hop on a yyeekly ham yy e hay e l'L'\lthlll\ Jee-Jee. I” ii. I)! l)a\ e atid lSl’ With regular \peeial guextx and liye \l\ll;tl\. l2 Aug \L'L'\ another heathm \peeial tullttyying the huge \tlt‘L‘L'\\ ill the prey lttth eyent itk haek tyith a yengeanee tut the text yyitli Siiittl ()ne \llppttl'lt'd hy tellmy h hint-it Break Illllt‘ t/iiiihahyyei and liek latk tl’tilandt. Syyitty lttlltiyyed on I” .-\tig hy .\l(' I'.;l\ll\ttl'll \yith \tipput't tinin l).l Syytteli and DJ l’xy eliu li.

I Red Light Gang .tt RH) \htlka ('ltih. lllpin 3am. £2. l‘) Aug. Monthly Hip hop. \ttlll and ltiiik iron] the huyy lt'uin Large inyiting you to tutti them iii a \lllll'} eyeniiig yyith Mr .\leak\

tStnii'null DJ til the Year lllll.i I. Wilmn tk Wilmn and the legendary lee Marni» I Reflex at Why Not .’. lllpin .iaiii. £-l. Weekly. .\'eyy Hllx i'eyiyal night playing the hext and \\Ul'\l ltlllt'\ hunt the deeade taxte “Will”.

I The Snatch Social at the liquid Rtiuin. l()..itlpiit 5am. £-1t£.i.5lli. Weekly. l‘tinky tll\L‘tt-L‘lllllAgitltill‘t‘l etiinpered hy Tap Water Ayyat‘d yy inner 'l‘uny ('ai'ter and Harry .'\lll\\\t)l'lll. With ttink atid hip hop lllllL‘\ ti'uin liahex and 'l'i'endy Wendy tiiintilhly l’t‘\ldt‘llll.

I Soul Searching at Medina.

ltlpin .‘yaiii. l‘i'ee. l3 Aug. I‘ttl'llllglllly. Night til l.atin attd Alriean llttlht‘. di'uiit ty haxx. hip hop. reggae. an arid liliii all under the \lt‘\\;tl‘d\hip of Howard Iil'ldgex yyith liye lllll\lL‘ ll'ttlll i‘eggae/xuttl aet liiiia Soul.


I Spank! at the \iiiitntttt l iidethelly iiiidntght Jam 1" tzM Weekly ,l.tlllt‘\ W ieii and l ewn l lettiy htiiig then Spank' eypeiietite tip llttllt l Ulldt‘ll hltiiiing the line hetyyeen t ltih. tttiiiedy and tahaiet l-ypett lty e llllhlg. \lattd tip. Ill» \ltllt'.ill\lll and plenty wt i'lilt'l llllei.l\\lll.li‘|k' C\ll.t\

I Touched by the Hand of Scott . . . at the “.hll "l‘lll l.tiit ltee l" \tig \ night eelehiating the genitix «it Mutt Walker \yith l).l\ \piiiiiiiig the Walker lilitlllt‘h. Ill\ .teelaiiiietl \nlti \ttiik. \ttlllltl ll.ttk\ and all llllllgN Men

I Toxic .tt l'gu llptii iaiii {the Weekly Billed .l\ ’gay lite on the edge Wllll \like liltlllllt'll and gllt'\l\ «tint tn he entittixed yytth the metal night “I the \tlllt' naiiie duyy n ( )pititiit

I Whoopee .tt (‘ (t‘llllal

tiiidtiiglit 2am £‘l 5H 1 £5 5“; t 5H tiiiige paitieipantxi Weekly lzditihttigh guex httilextttie .l\ the glitter eaked W'htmpee lll.lkt'\ it‘x Izdtiihttrgh dehtit Rey eied hy the llkt'\ til Hit [in (. Hit (ittttrt/ttiri .tiid ("liannel -1 iii ll.\ Itindnii itieaiiiatiun llll\ |\ etutte. eheeky eahaiet yy tilt nape/e. lil\\t‘l\ and ll.tll\lttllll.tllttll\

Chart & Party

I Espionage at laxptttnage "pin iain I'l'et'. Weekly in e ixilx tiy er the litltll\ playing eyeiytliing lt'ttin Rtkli in lllallhlt'eitlll eliat't .tettun yytth plenty tit dark eurnet'x tut enpping utt.

Telephone Booting Book Festival 0131 624 5050 Fringe 0131 226 0000

International Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 8030 Jazz Festival 0131 473 2000

The best block party in town just got better

I A t0 - . . .tl \lt‘\‘\i

"l‘lll :alll ltee hetnie llpt'i. 13.:ttet tl'iee tn tiietitheiw Weekly t'liazt :tttiex llt‘lll the Mk to yeyteitlay. \yitli ltye ttthttte .l\l\ dittpping l‘y eaeh \yeek

I Vinyl at \l.l\\.t \pnt “.tllt l tee Weekly ('uiniiieietal than .itid daiite entiitexy «it l‘aul l tiiikxtei. [‘llh ditnkx pintiim aplenty lttl thine \\llt\ yyant to \l.-." the \yeekeiid taxliinttahiy eaily

Edinburgh Fridays


I 33/45 .tt (‘ahaiet \ultatie

ltt illpiii iani £5 Weekly ltattiii \e\y \tllllllll llitllu‘ llitlll lllx l t‘t‘lt and t .hl‘t‘l I Access .ll the Httiieytnnth

llptii iaiii t“ t£5| 1“ \ug lethnw. eleetin .tiid lltttht‘ lltllll the lltttputtt ll.|\ «liudyttink. lx’ehah. Illhllt‘l. lilend .ttttl litl\l yyhtt limt llll\ \\lt\lll\ Rettitd patty lhexe iiitilti itiedia \peeialixt yytll he t.tktn:' met the yentie itiiytng tip the utgatitt and the teehtiulttgieal. ttill 1‘“ \ |\ll.tl .ttid .ttiial tit'llg‘llh .t\ \\ CH .t\ .t \llt‘dk l‘t'k'h .tl gtaplittx tiuttt l’mtt .’ Hall/m it. It tl‘.l\t‘tl Hit the Hit/t [iii 3 eiit'inet pith liy e \etx. i‘llldl Setateli. l.tp tnp\ .tnd ditttii lll.tt'lllllt‘\ truth the lliyt'\ Hi It W tldet. l‘|.t\lnl‘.tl\e. In An and l’atiiek Walkei

I Alterna .tt ()pitiin bltlll iaiit l tee Weekly lidinhtiigh\ littlllt' «it tutk gum .tllt‘l'ltdllyt‘ lttl the” end itl \\ t‘t'k \t'\\ttitt I Audio Tourism .tl law it.” t'ttth ‘lpiii iaiit. l'iee Weekly. Digging deep intti their \yell \ttteked hu\e\ lHl llttllh wt etml t'tll\ \yith .t ti.tii\.tt|.tntie llttlht' llaytiui

I Beatroot .tt ligtt \e\t date 3'7 Aug I Bio-Rhythm .tt the lltineyeuinh llptii 5am. £5. Ill Aug (‘ttiittiiuiiig theti i‘eyei'enee hit all llllllg\ datiee yyliateyei the genre it e haye a gllt'\l \pnt littlll \leat


The first of two Festival guest nights this month sees the fabulous Martin Brew return to the Headspin party. Hailing from the Manchester hip hop scene that brought us Rae & Christian, Aim, Mr Scruff et al, Brew has been less prolific in his releases and appearances, but that looks set to change. One half of druggy disco producers J- Walk, he’s putting the finishing touches to a solo album at present and a mix album is in the offing. Headspinners will remember his March 2002 appearance as a whirlwind funk bomb, party hip hop shaking the foundations of the old Bongo and electrifying the heaving dancefloor. In a timely return he’s promised to up the ante. ‘I guess I’ve gone a bit more up tempo since then,’ he says. ‘l’ve started to focus on the dirty, driving, grinding funk that I love, but it can go anywhere on the night.’ Closest to Scruff in sound, both have found Edinburgh’s revellers ever welcoming, describing Auld Reekie as something of a home from home. ‘You always get a lot of feedback in Edinburgh, everyone‘s so enthusiastic and responsive,’ gushes Brew. ‘lt’s just a fantastic crowd, up for anything.’

(Mark Edmundson)

I The Bongo C/t/h. Sat 74 Aug, I 7;)Illr‘3’it’i/7l. 5‘8 tl‘h‘t.

