Scotland's premier comedy thriller writer on top form

While some Scottish writers spend their time worrying about literary kudos. Christopher Brookmyre is happy to write belting. entertaining. r.)age-turning thrillers which. as a result. absolutely fly off the shelves. His latest. All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses an Eye. is his ninth novel in as many years. the unlikely hero of its Bond style tale of international espionage is an Fast Kilbride granny.

‘I wanted to contrast that mundane exrstence With this extraordinary escapist world and show the sacrifices and horoism that are unsung in millions of ordinary people.' says Br‘ookmyre. ‘l'he heroine of the story is as brave in everyday life before she starts getting involved in anything exciting'

Havrng already finished his next novel. Brookmyr‘e is currently writing a screenplay about some typically bloodthirsty shenanigans in the north of Scotland, although he admits to finding writing for screen tricky. ‘lt's such a different discipline. the great fieedoiii of Writing prose fiction is if I want to blow up a mountain I can do it. I don't need to work out the logistics'

Recommended reading: James Bond meets East Kilbride in A// Fun and Games Until Somebody loses an Eye. (Doug Johnstonei

I IS Aug. 6.30prri. 519015;.

CAROL ANN DUFFY Brilliant poet kicks off the Book Festival

If there were such a thing as a household name among contemporary British poets. Carol Ann Duffy would be it. Ironically. it was the fuss surrounding her being overlooked for the position of Poet l aureate in favour of traditionalist Andrew Motion that really propelled Duffy onto the letters pages of [he Guardian and into the public arena in 1999. But the Glasgow-born poet. playwright and critic is also rightly feted for her outstanding 2i) year body of work. Duffy's thematic scope is ‘.'./|(J(). In Mean lime she applies her sharp eye to past experiences and the unreliability of iiiemor'y. while The Other Country proVides poignant snapshots of ordinary lives. Her work can be at once playful. funny and accessible. as well as movrng and thought provoking. this is most strongly evidenced in collections such as Hie World's Wife. in which Duffy

for BOOKS REVIEWS see non-Festival magazine


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14‘ P . r o" ' r. 9 i ‘I 4- .J 1 lo z," ' " 'r' r/. .- o, J, , .. -. .

Doris Since her debut novel, The Grass is Singing, was published in 1950. Lessing has written challenging, individual and innovative works, dealing with everything from politics, race and gender to the environment and the individual’s role in society with an intelligence that remains as acute as ever at the age of 86. She has always taken risks, refusing to be pigeonholed, and her latest publication is typical. The Story of General Dann and Mara ’s Daughter, Griot and the Snow Dog is a deceptively complex futuristic table which deals with environmental destruction and the loss of human knowledge in typically subtle fashion. (Doug Johnstone) I l/Aug. i..’i()prii. .V/ 15");

argitirruits; for Yl‘trl 1:}, nastin- "art!" Recommended Reading: til/lit; am: ass: 4" [4/ the "1st Century. for

tl‘e 'tagis:;'i:iit; behind the soundbites.

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creates vibrant wo:ct:s for llltllh, ct

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po=.vr,-i'fti. lea. :-


littlueitt union horn, Dundee

Duffy .sacrzriiriellrigaud After fll(:5)litt"‘tt‘\lli'lrfsfitlt’of lSos'ia. '.:|:u;:tl .'

v' at Pier o.'.'.'i .'.<)r'r\' ls l‘(: explaii‘s llt).'. .'.a.' trr:1.'.t;t:'i t 'ri luffitl‘ illl‘ail‘:

aplrropiiatuthai '.":s'iit,sti::.:t:/,trt.a'i(l statesisr‘os. .l‘fifilll€:I.ttl)lr'.:"ll"fi.'.. "Uni-'8 suci‘.

insightful of poets .'.’|Il be fling fix;- the make o' ii‘t' l ()lltll in

starting gun of merits at tlti‘; year's

t)-.)."ll)-tt(_l5;. .'.r.— silo-aid "one! tit." stor‘. stcr cs flaxe hecit f5'lt)‘.'.’(l£i‘_;(3(l in

B()()kti:‘)1lvéti. i/\llanltadcilfei blessings. 'lt:l'()'.‘$l'i1¥; Yiiu't’lil , We linseuri‘ of Horror and Rebel Inc's I lgf/lug. ill Harri. 3‘ Tl.(_)l‘1(:ltlll(llLtlf :::..'i‘:::a'-_-:i it: N‘s-fli'lni’. ":iljf$llll) collisgticr‘. (Ill/:i'rw‘ o‘Xi’brerl

l’t’.;'.e,':; ()‘.er t'lir: last 1);) ,ears. Meek Pulsarso car\.<:doat {t'1<?(ttl;rl|‘,

f‘ré }‘~.'."f3[ Xi; )(El

()f’llfliitfii.’ .'.£tl l)t:’..'.‘i’?i:’i/\'l2t:'-(I{lftllil MARK LEONARD Why Europe rules

Hassia. ‘.'.'<;- {feti'ii.-:~,

optiiiiisr'i.' saigtestz‘ul career as a

rervr'ttr recently picking up (th'lltltif;

It scarcely registered as air ssue ‘or *‘ s .'.r.'.iigs all the lrati .‘Jétl and

during the ceiieral €:|(r(l7.i()l‘ but Mark ;2...:rtfariar'i;‘ Hay. As the l‘ltllii

leonaid l)(:'l(}‘.'(}T; that l uropc. and not newt-z: :;r:' l)!’ expla lt:;_ his career Aiiiei‘ica or (Iliirza. .vill rui‘ the 71st f”-;~:;'“‘ Te”? so l“;l(f.". f§lilll.r’(ll)"‘.l(?lil(1 as cer‘tury. the man .'."’i(/ (.4;th tl‘e l liar l

e r‘azt To take on

he says.

l)liiase ‘(Lool t-lrita':i‘.ia arirl t:,t.i‘<l<::t .(Lf'llfllr

....iv\ 3., pan t,’ laIs.

illllun. itillh ti? ~ ‘ESaT. vat cari'se. :I's also an incredible

the l oreigii Pol; the age of 2.1 no.7 (li'er‘tt, lo'r:iti'i policy at the (lentil,- for l iiroriea'. it) be able to report on

.x lilli merits and ‘.‘."iltt3

“ilk-lisp? Hetoirii. .‘Jliicli looks as (full a :lllllilltttllt Hill I eoiaitt a a -ii

"til (t '::l,' '


published Illllll'.(:i. " ate-sf Villas f’eo.’r"e':; Ac!

making coriiiilex bureaa rav “as t~"r,’.>\.s‘-,l a :lecade of

understanttable and engrossing. ills. titmtttir ~i‘ .Ii‘t’fk’.’ trinigs tentl to brew

tfr Aug will: