IIndgxnn. 'I‘he e\eitement \xax perl'eetl} itixtilied and IIndgwn uItrmateI} eIaimed the Neuenmer Award despite heing enm meed that the \ietnr that night unuId he either .-\Iun ('nehrane i'hi\ \Ittm \\a\ hrilliant'i nr .Inanna Near} t‘xhe \\;t\ in a hand I liked eaIled IIItititI\;ttI\ttgL" t.

While his main memnr} nl that night was getting in meet ('hrixtian Slater. the knnek-nn elleet \\a\ terril}ing. .‘\\ part nl the I’errier paekage. the \ietnrx thimerl and Will .Xdantxdale .-\K.-\ .Iaekxnn\ \Va'w had In perl'nrm at the grand (iielgtid 'I‘heatre in lrnnt nl’ Xllll penple. \Vhen )nu ennxider that IIndgxnn had heen speaking tn 5“ penple a


night at the IIHI_\l'tH)tI 'I‘a\ern. that amnuntx tn a \eixmie euIttire \hnek. "I‘hat \\a\ tea”) intitnidating and \er_\ ner\e—\‘.raeking. I like the audieneex tn he a hit \maIIer. 'I‘hnugh. \nmetimex an attdienee is \n \mall there‘s nn pnint in playing and nther times _\nu‘ll pla) hel‘nre a fire extinguisher heeauxe _\nu‘re \n pxyehed tip lnr it.‘

It has taken man} wars l‘nr IIndgsnll tn get lull} p\_\'ehed up l'nr this limited hnut nl lame. ()n the haek nl' I’errier glnr}. he \\a\ awarded a \pnt in (‘hannel 4’s \hnrt-IiVed entertainment maga/ine. 'I‘lit' .llnrning JI/Vlt'l' Slum: "I'he} said the) \\ ere lnnking l‘nr the next :\Ii (i and Dennis I’ennix and the) ended tip with [Ills gti} \xith \xeird hair and satiety pins in his giaeket. 'I‘he nne they

hrnadeaxt me in \\a\ nne nl the \knt‘sl preees nl \IllI e\et‘ nn IV. 'I‘here's nnl} \n mueh _\nu ean dn \\ ith the .Int'\ ik Viking (‘entref

'I‘hix I-ringe marks \nmething nt' a lull \lnp lnr IIndgxnn. .‘\lter gixing ux l\\n \Itn\\\ almui his dilt’ieult lnrmati\e _\ear\ in (‘hippenham. ‘li/It' III/ llmfgwn lln/Iu’m Spa M/ will hring that ehapter tn a elnxe. .\'e\t _\ear he \xill reinxent himsell \\IIIl a hrand ne\\ \et nl material and enneernx. But it's unlikel} that he.” gn haek In the day \\ hen he \\;t\ dning enmed} \enue\ in IIt‘ixlnI and attempting tnpieal enmed}. He l'elt the \tull he \\a\ dning “as 'ruhhixh' and that his \t}le \xax tnn aggrewne. ‘()ne ernud turned prnperI} naxt} when I did \tull ahnut the IlarnId Shipman enquiry 'l‘hnugh \xhne\er thnught it “as a gnnd idea In ptit me in hetxxeen :\dam IIile and .I\nd_\ .\Ia\\\eII muxt ha\e had web in their head.‘ .-\ pep talk l'rnm .Iimm} (’arr irnned ntll UIIL‘ ttl‘ I\\U \t}Ii\tie I-tllIIIN "I‘he III(I\I impnrtant thing he tnId me “as that I \hnuldn't tttn\ e arnund and just stand at the mie. .-\n_\nne uhn has \\Ul'I\etI \xith me a Int \\t)tlItI teII )ttll that with m} huild. \xlien I tttn\ e arnund I ha\ e the unrxt miernphnne technique nl an} enmedian eurrentl} \xni‘kitig.'

IIndgxnn has gnt rnund that h} \tanding \tnek \till helnre his audienee either \\ith Ill\ ill’llh linItIed. Iti\ Ittttldx ill Ilix pnekeh nt' Ilix Ltt'ltt\ \x'rapped rnund the mie \tand. a \tanee that hringx tn mind his l‘elInu \Viltxhire resident. .Iulian ('npe. Me \inI interrupt it nnl} at mnmentx nl' high passinn “hen herating the lam nl‘ I’eter Ka) and their Na/i karanke nr the editnrs nIi .\'1(l.\ and X00 and the Iadie\ \\Itn adnrn their en\er\. ’I‘hnugh he has \nlitened his I‘Uxilintt nn .-\hi 'I‘itinuxx \nttteu‘hztl. nnu that she has an extra leu‘ eentimetrex nI I-Iesh rnund her \x'aixt. \thexer Ilix targets are in Illx l/n/n/ui‘ .S'pt't'iul. this :\ugu.\t Innkx like being annther triumph nl‘ the \\'i|.

Holyrood Tavern, 556 5044, 4-27 Aug, 2pm, 8pm, £4-6.

Ex-wrestler Wil Hodgson isn't the only Fringe act to have a fascinating pre-comedy employment record. Brian Donaldson rifles through the CVs.

Jeff Innocent

Paul Lyalls : Andy Zaltzman

Alex Lowe . - T a" r ' Simon Munnery' 2 z'

' = = Boothby Graffoe t- ,: . ,. . "i ' l ' -' Paul

Sneddon AKA Bob Doolally z.»

' ~r Russell Howard '

11""‘4‘ '. I

Inder Manocha

lx‘ ‘. l , (1..

I’». '<f?io"i:,“ Scott Capurro t».

th/c‘flt r" ‘17 0".) Jr I. J ‘0 ' Frankie

Boyle sown: .v a." 1., Brendon Burn ' w


Nam} I.’ 2'“: #:I’,’ K" ‘,i It‘t' (I'I tl "' i i I

iii" i‘ I I" '

(- Av‘."” 7m: , _, bJa

Boldsworth AKA Ray Peacock ma {aw

{Ali’lshfl ,‘dv fupp h, I: tigirttigi" Andrew Lawrence 1 v.» flIII'itfifl‘ CIare

Warde ,‘°n,ti,»,,..._,y I(,.;l.rn .2,” I: it/‘S , ’1


'flI‘rél " amid Lewun. aw, 2 1w: it .' l’ .w' ,, a r’ ::’1‘: l'y'

I/‘lzwlw‘ (mi '2 1:“: a".

I‘l' Ill-1 /‘~/’ .Ji ‘/ 1':

[J‘:r"<:'.‘_i;: m?” Phil Nichol «Mi LIMP”. liii’x” ’1 {,iii'

Mark Olver 1;: grim-w;

(II.;/ t,. I'M/(,1 , 1‘,

Reggie Watts (was.

(o . , , s, [I I / v ', o. y 9 ‘1 , : at, Miami: ':1 A (1“. 4 ‘, n/{. ,I i, 1- f

1/, f' ‘: WEI/1"." ‘:' .r .'."“:"': '4’: '3";.": ZI/fl CU"'I,J":’ C’; l' 'I I/ .//‘:", Rhys Darby 5: I’VE 80",”. 7 " ‘: II‘:.‘. /‘:?:~':' ’2 I31," 1 L .7 '6'"? 1/:9'1 ff: ' (Eff. get’. ' ’5‘ 3?}. I See Dr: Planner for ful/
