The Lion sleeps tonight

Allan Radcliffe talks to Justin Edwards, a man who is stepping gingerly out from behind the mask of drunken children’s entertainer.

n be nnminated lnr the l’errier award

nnee might be ennsidered gnnd luek

and/nr the result nl a lxiekhander tn the iudging panel. in be nnminated twiee and get _\nur hands nn the emeted gnng is surel} exidenee that )nu're dning snmething right in the enmed) unixerse. Sueh has been the gnnd lnrtune nl the multi—talented .lustin lidwards. .-\s a member nl sketeh trin 'l'he (‘nnsultantx lidwards wnn the Perrier Best Newenmer in 3003. gning nn tn reenrd lnur series with his lellnw perlnrmers \eil lidmnnd and James Rawlings lnr Radin 4. llnwe\er. it was as alenhnlie ehildren‘s entertainer .\lr .lerent.‘ l,inn that lidwards made the shnrtlist lnr the main aeenlade last )ear.

The deep|_\ misguided l.inn. whn [k'i'lnrmed alnngside a puppet with rust} nails lnr teeth and a enw named Heel Riehards. prnx ed a pnpular ereatinn thanks In an unshakeable beliel in his nwn ability In eharm and teaeh )nungsters enupled In a squirmineg lunn} ineptitude. l"nr lidwards. the sueeess nl his eharaeter has meant a busy year. ‘lt’s great tn be \t) htls} doing sttltlelhillg l l()\ e.‘ he s;t_\s. 'l had all thnse _\ears as a jnbbing aetnr dning 'l'heatre-in-lidueatinn tnurs. perlnrming pltt_\s abnut \Vnrld War One In a thnusand sereaming l3-}t‘ttt'—ttlds. It lelt a bit like treneh warlare.‘

'l‘he perlnrmer is baek. thntigh sadl_\ withnut the stulled animal sidekieks. ‘I need a break lrnm .lerem} Linn. It‘s quite a pl]}'slt‘;tll_\' demanding shnw and a dillieult eharaeter tn maintain. and I thnught it wnuld be dnubly dillieult this 'xear. with the weight Ul‘ expeetatinn alter the Perrier nnminatinn.' lidwards' new shnw sees the perlnrmer displaying the gilt lnr musieal enmedy w hieh led tn appearanees nn the Radio 2 series .lummin' alnngside Rnwland Rit rnn.

‘lt's just me nn in) mm with nn saler net. whieh is quite daunting. althnugh

l'\'e still get the

guitar tn hide

behind.‘ he laughs. "l‘he shew in\'nl\’es me sitting talking rubbish. and then when the rubbish runs nut I‘ll sing a snng.‘ In between that. lidwards will alsn be jnining the east nl Break/m1 with Johnny ll'i/kiusmz at the l'dderBl-IHX. ‘llating trained as an aetnr it‘s niee tn speak snmenne else‘s wnrds. It's great In time the respnnsibilit) taken nll } nur shnulders.‘



Pleasance Courtyard, 556 6550, 6-28 Aug (not 14), 6.20pm, £9—£9.50 (£7.50—£8). Previews until 5 Aug, £5.

Her new stand-up show is about TV detectives. So, we thought we'd ask Natalie Haynes some questions about comedy and crime.

What’s your all-time favourite {-t t: .tl : . w ° .; - -- : copshow? uiir'ttwm-ww m

It is. ()t ()()tl"f‘>(}. [).’(l_</J.’i().';l.‘{ innit/r. is :_ l' t: w "‘l :

And hear in mind that I lia'.e What’s your all-time favourite watehed seasons; and 53mm )llf; t it sitcom? Why?

Unmet. Colt/HIM). tilt/{trey Sue r' '«I i . i. l '

l'i/rtfle. l‘t’ltfllh. Pent t'ti’it'irxm ett tn : trim» s' 1 .'l r 't research this; t;li()‘.‘.l. | (L()'lltl pintialt, wpit T: " w ‘r' write a thesis on the Aineritati a; ' 2'1' telewsuen (l(}l(}(jll‘.’(,‘. [)t'igriesis,‘ new», tn»,- " t ' Murder if; my clear tatntiritt: .' .',’uii l i: itwf ,' . 2 because I have a l)l(tlt)tilt(l anri van t ' 2"“:71'lv1‘.‘ ‘4 ' unending; leve it)! Dltlls Van l),ke twat: ti, :t- “w (not a creepy Anna Nitgele Smith x a f4 ' 1' " ktntl of love. by the way. A putt,- {Be a e t 'atw; ' I. ll w l. {U : Galahad—type level. Plus. It Sta", " a'w- ;' if ' '. ' Charlie Schlatter who gas. In turn. «‘r‘w " ;" . "' l r the teen star nt Hea'tl/‘rm‘r Ht >37. t:.‘.«t

What song would you hate to be played at your funeral?

where he kidnaps; this; wt ken: llllll£153£t[)t:ltillllll1‘3(,ti’é:f)()l‘{2':tr

Schiattei's; 'nother'is (lepresww. NOW '2: , I' v 2-» -- i' I“ Really. : .1': ' ,:.~; r: x r.» a'w: " w ' What was the last thing you tv 1."; ' ,z ,' t,- » i“ 1' w stole? Art reotl shuttle tiern ll‘. flan. et'w.” 3'r:.-',- ':' art' gt. 1' ' .‘.';»1:;l<>eking thenther He", :~-x-'/;:. wit-'1': 8, u: . blind in one eye. ‘.'."lltil‘. i'ztwr. this [MHZ-r 'vz.»- "x,- rz'i'l ’x '1' kind of evening; eatae'. lJlll also wan' :, it: I: ,‘ :‘r-w " 7’, more wrong. I illl'll‘. Wa'? tr "uh '1; "

When did you last laugh out loud while reading a book?

Tell us the punchline to your favourite joke?

.,Attttthernousxrsam.".10.: ’It ' :.' ‘2' ti" Nr' hapen't beer: .-.'eli.' rege' ' ' me. ’2 .' "nu-:21" What, if anything is too serious r I. " .f' .t a " to joke about? 'a'e ,, a' '2 ' " Nethinu. it it's ‘tll‘ll‘. to 1.x” w' 'I ' '/ :z.‘ ' funny if othertzeeiflein"? :‘w 74' " l . " ' t t god ma, nee-c: fe't'} a Leifer 'ie'a " e ;-'.-r w; u e».- ,4“: of tntfiti'iing it. but r‘etl’wx; :3 ran: sear/t " t: :.' war: is i .ntrii‘ismai', Lathe/n. T'V’flt: s ' enr’ " 'r stuff In suede. saw/ch at, ' l' " <:;it"‘.ar‘.as:a_ t; t‘t'w p‘ 3‘. X" i' .e I P C . dor‘e axatenal "xx Hasn't KL”: ’; 'fl , tCr eyertcpe. r;.i’. that‘s. e" z 3 O '7 W r .oa "€1.13." I at; ’LK‘ s " ‘* " n . x; ,g,