Not sure what do you with your time, but really want to see some hot comedy? Brian Donaldson helps map out your day between noon to midnight, from Free 8: Easy to the Free Beer Show. Though not much of it is actually free, mind.


Free and Easy ( 'omedic alchemy each l'ritigc weekend w ith xomc mad gaiiiex and impioy ixed xilliiicxx l/u81und. 558 7373. 5 d; I). /3 A'- /.\’. l‘/ A’ 30. 3/) it 37 Aug. noon, llt’t' Iu /ut\

Kirsten O’Brien & Ruth Bratt ’Iwo ltixxlcx till the telly ltltili'l worry. they 't‘c not the new Mel and Sue or anytlitngi help tix tuck into /.('\/i‘\ 'x [um I: lluui. 'laxty /’/t’(l\illtt (' (till/Hill”. 55/) 0.5.5“. 3 3'5 .‘lllL’ (Ito! 8. l4). /3.45/un. £7 50 £8 50

(£0 £7;. l’tei ten \ until 4 .lug. £5.

1 pm Nigel Collins 8. Toby Leach A mad

haired Kiwi comic and a littleihaired Kiwi comic combme lot a tale ol property dcyclopiiig Iiiadticxx .‘l\\t'l)l/’/\ Rummy. 330 3438. (i 38xiug (not I4). l/nn.

£ “1.5” £//.5ll “(1.5” £/U.5//I. /’I'i'i it'ii\ 4 A" 5 .tiug. £5.

Abie l’reparc }()lll'\L'll ltil‘ .leyui.‘ 'li/u' (itutntttnmno lean. one ol the iiioxl glaritigly contrmerxial comedy xhowx ol recent liiiicx. ('Iu/er/ie/li‘. 0870 74.5 508.". 5 37xlug (not 7. l4. 3/). l/int.

£7.50 £8.50(£(i.50 £7.50). I’I'eiien'x until 4 (ll/l". £4.

2pm Aggie Elsdon Barely controlled

ugyrexxion ll‘tilll thix woman who ix ('rone Alone. linter il' you dare. lung/ting Home (H (unon '.\ (init. 550 448/. 5 // .Iiug. 3.35pm. free.

Sister Mary McArthur A lollipop» xucking iitiii perl'ormx xonie hit tuiiex. (ii/t/t't/ “(ll/(Hill I/i'i‘irtl. ooh‘ /()_i_i’. () 35' .-lug (not 9, Hi). 3.30pm. £9 £/0(£8 £9). l’rei'ieii'.x unti/ .5 Aug. £5.

3pm Dudley Sutton lle'x hack w ith xonie

warped prox and \crxe. l’leusnnt'e (lull/YUM]. 556 (i550. 5 38 slug (not /4). 5.50pm. £8 £‘ll£().50 £7.50). I’reriewy until 4 Aug. £5.

Paul Lyalls Will Sell ix a big fan of the chap who hax xwapped hix intio\ati\e kidx xhow x l‘or a more adult approach. l’leuxnnee Home. 55/) 0550. 7 38 .-\ug (not [4). 3.45pm. £8 £9 t £0.50 £7.50). l’rei'ien'.\ 4 A'- 5 slug. £5.


God’s Pottery :\ lati\-(‘lii‘ixti;iti band with a mexxage from the lord: muxical comedy can actually be quite good. I’letmuu'e ('ourtyurd. 55/) (i550. 5 38lllk’ (not [4). 4pm. £9 £l0t£7.50 £8.50t. l’rei'iein until 4 .-lug. £5.

Jeff Innocent He may come acroxx ax an liaxt l€tid hard nut. btit he'x right worried about the en\ ironnient. The Stand II. 558 7373. 5 37.-lug tnut l4). 4.30pm. £7t£m. Preview 4 Aug. £6 i £5).

Simon Munnery lllL‘ L‘timCLl) ttlltil‘clllxl returnx with more rayingx l'roni let’tl'ield. lite Stand. 558 7373. 5 38 :lug (nut l4t. 4.30pm. £8 t £7). Preview 4 Aug. 4. l5/mi. £7t£()l.

Ryan Paulson l’entecmtu/ ll'i.\'coii.\'itt is a tale ol‘ loye. .xex and religion and

S\\Ctll\ll lL'L'll\ (it/t/t t/ [ltd/HUI! It 110/. 5’” IOU. h 35.1w: Innt If“. 4 .i'II/nn.

'5 50 1‘! 50 I 1 7 5” £5 5“; /’u in w x untt/ .lug. £5

Toby Mitchell lhc man who brought you .\ Iii/tixlt (iutdt to l'l't'llt /I I’m/i. l\

1 S

domg the xame again. but thix time the xubicct ix world tcligiotix. r. ('Il/l'il/. 0870 70/ 5/05 4 ‘llttg. 4 40pm. 175041!) 50;_ Godliman 8. Lane l-.axe your worriex about the world with a xkctch xhow which may make you more worried about the planet by the time it‘x oyet l’lemnm e ('utittiittd. 55/; ()5 5H. (i 38 .Ilug (not /5t. 4 45pm. £8 50 1‘! 50 t £ 7 £8). l’rei ten \ ltll/l/ 5 .lug. £5.

The Runaway Lovers .\luxt be the tune til day It” xkctcli \ltti\\\. llclc\ another one /’/ettutnt e (‘nui'tittn/ 55/) 6550. 5 38 .-\ug. 4.45pm. £8.50 £9.50t£7 £8).

I’Iei ten \ until 4 Aug. £5. 5pm

lan Kendall 8. Friends A daily xplaxh ol magic hit all the lamily. ('n/e Row]. 55/) 354‘). 4 37.’\ug. 5.30pm. £7.

Alex Lowe'x hear the xtory ol Barry. a man who uxed lobe a regular caller to a popular London radio xhow bclore being banned lrom cyer calling it again.

I’leuyunt e Home. 55/) 0550. 5 38 .lug Inn! ‘1. [4). 5.40pm. £8.50 £0.50i£7 £8).

I’rei'ieu x until 4 Aug. £5. 6pm

Funny Women |.ucy l’oner. Jan Rayenx. Shappi Khorxandi and Zoe l.yoiix w ill be among thoxe popping up in thix l‘ella-l'ree lone. Assent/iii lx’oontx. 33/) 3438. 0-37 xlug (not /4. 3/}. /)./5/nn. £// £I3

(£9 till/I. I’rei'ieii'y 4 A‘ 5.-\ug. £5. Jason Kavan According to Jenn imagiiiex the iiiexxiah ax a xtatid-up kitig. If that doexn't get the ecclexiaxtx baxhing their Biblex. nothing will. Sweet (imwnurket. 0870 34/ 0/57), 4 37.-\ug (not l4). 6.55pm. £7.5U(£().5U).


Vladimir McTavish The man behind Bob l)oola|ly xhil‘tx gear itito another ol' hix perxoiiac to chat about the hixtory ol' thix wee nation. l'lie Stand II. 558 7373. 4 37.-lug (not 14. 3/). 7pm. £7t£6).

Inder Manocha 'l'hix ()\lord graduate went into the therapy btixmexx bctore launching a comedy career Natural progrexxion. we call ll l’lemttni e (t'lll/Mt’ll/ 55/) 055”. 5 35 .-\ug Inut 5. /.5i. 7 l5/nn. £ 8.50 £9 50 I17 1M

/’rei u'u \ until 4 lug. £5

Jason Wood (iloi'iotix camp lunacy ax Jaxc Ictlcctx on hix slntn Horn/idly. Saucy. /’/euutni e (intrimrd. 550 (i550. .5 38 ring Inut 8. I5. 3/ t. 7.35pm. £85“ £9..50

t£7 £8i. l’rei ten \ until 4 .iug. £5.

Paul Morocco 8 Ole! l‘lamenco inn with eggx and ping pong ballx xhootmg out eycry where (ieorge Square I/ietttre. 003 8740. (I 37slug inut l4. 3/i. 7.."lI/nit. £l3 (£9; l’ret'ien 8,-lug. £6.

Boothby Graftoe .-\ccompanied by the \ery muxical Nick P} nn. the man named alter a Lincolnxhtre hamlet ix campaigning in!” thc releaxe til ti political prixoner. 01‘ maybe not. But there will be amuxing xonib. l'or xure. The Stand. 558 73 73.

4 37.-\ug (not [4. 3/). 7.50pm. £81£7t.


Kevin McMahon Some time back thix .-\u|d Reekie rexident l'o\ed l’aul l)anielx on l-itking It. Now. hix magic act ix the real deal. Rocket (U Demurco Run .'II'/ Home. 087/ 750 0077. 6 [Wing tnnt l5).

8. Ill/mi. £7 ( £6).

Olivia Poulet & Sarah Solemani A double act with a \ iew or two abotit the public'x reaction to the bird liu pandemic. l’lemunce Dome. 556 (i550. 5 38 Aug (not 35 A" 3/». 8.]0pm. £8.50 £9.50t£7t. l’rei'ieiiix until 4 :lug. £5.

Phil Nichol What'x a Naked Rueixti‘. The lit/It Rodin guy will gladly elaborate. The Stand II. 558 7373. 4 37.-lug (not I4). 8./5pm. £7 £8l£() £7).

Mark Olver He once broke hix leg on .xtage arid xtill cracked a few jokex while iii agony. Now that'x pi‘ol'exxioiialixiii for you. I’leusmu'e ('ourti'urd. 556 (i550, 5 38 :lug (not 15). 8.35pm. £8.50 £9.50t£7 £8). l’t'ei'ienzx until 4 Aug. £5.

Brendon Burns The completion of Burnxy'x manic trilogy will haye you weeping tearx ol' pain/joy/recognition/fear. I’leumnce Home, 55/) ()550, 47—38 Aug (not l8). 8.30pm. £ll- £l3 t£l()r£llt. l’rei'ieirs until 3 Aug. £5.

A novel idea this one as comics get to act their own death and we follow the clues to solve the mystery. Victims throughout the month include Sarah Kendall, Jeremy Lion, Topping & Butch and Phil Nichol. Bloody great. Sam Bel/y, 08 TO 745 3083, 5—27 Aug (not 7 4/, 77.40pm. 59—570 (EB—£9).

Prewews uni/l 4 Aug. £5.


Russell Howard The chap w ho hax gigged with e\~wrextler \\ ll llodgxon and leg-breaker .\lark ()ll\Cl chatx about monkx and robotx Plenum” ('ourtmtd. 55’) 0550. 5 35 ring inn! /5 t. 8 55pm.

1x 50 {U 5041‘ {\‘i l’rei ten \ until 4 slug. 1.5

Jim Henson's Puppet lmprov: Adults Only ('omedic unprm ixatton liom people w ith then handx tip \ery taiiuliar-lookmg bitx ol material .'I\\t'lll/’/\ [It/ll. 33/) 3438. 4-3ll.-\tig inn: 7. l4i, 8.40pm, 1/750 13o I 1’15 1/“ 5m


Glenn Wool .-\pparently. )ou Don "t (in In //e// for lattttng [ale/dumb lhalik (‘hrixt lidtn/uug/t (‘onu'dy Room. the lion. 330 (ll/(Ml J :.V.-\11Lriiiiit /())_ V/ntr 1‘) 1/0 (18 £9; /’reiteii fixing. £5.

Robin lnce ’l‘lie btttt ol Ricky (ieryaix‘ cruel humour xtrikex out ol hix lamoux pal'x xhadow to gently pleaxe ux, .‘lui'm/t/i Roomy. 33/) 3438. (i 38.-lug INN! I4l. t[AW/int. £// £l3 t£lll £//i l’rei ten \ 4

A" 5 .iug. £5.

Scott Capurro You'll haye to be braxe to conlront thix San l-‘ran chap m thix \eiy compact room. I/lt' .X'tnnd ll. 558 4 37,-lug (not l4). ‘l..i’(l/int. £81£7t l’rei'ieii' 5’ Aug, ‘l/nn. £7 ( £0).

Andrew Lawrence Homicidal muxmgx have ney er xeemed xo appealing. l’lemnnee ('ourtiurd. 556 6550. 5 38 .-\uk’ Inn! 3/ t. (1.45pm. £8.51) £9.50 t l 7 £8). l’rei'ieirx until 4 .-lug. £5.

Rhys Darby New Zealand'x layouritc

pliyxical comic gtirnx and grimacex hix

way through another energetic hour. l’leuxmu'e ('ourtwttd. 55/; 6550, 5 38 slug (not 8. l5). 9.55pm. £9 £IU

(£7.50 £8.50). I’rei'ieii'x until 4 Aug. £5.

1 0pm

The Witching Hour II: The Harum Scarum Keith from The (Wire xcarex the bejexux l'rom tix again. Baby lie/Ir. 0870 745 5083, 5 37.41132 //).3()/mt.

£9.50 £/0.5U (£8 £9). I’t'ei'ieicx until 4 Aug. £5.

Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolte Ill What Would ('Iutrlie Sheen l)o." lt‘x a big quextion. 'l'lie .S'tund II, 558 7373. 5 37 :lug (not [4). [0.45pm. £7(£/it.


Ray Peacock Promixing no propx. no coxtuniex and lexx xhouting. Ray will juxt he himself thix year. l’leuxnnee ('ourtyurd. 55/) 6550. 57738 Aug (not l5). l/pm,

£8.50 £9.50t£7 £8). Preview-x until 4 Aug. £5.

Reggie Watts Looped yocalx and improyixed chat l'rom thix xupercool Comic. (ii/(led liu/luon let‘iot, 668 IOU. 6-38.4ug (not /4). ll. l5/mt.

£9.50~ [ll/.50 (£8.50 £9.50). Pl'l’l'lt’lt'.\ until 5:1ug. £5.

The Murder Show See caption.

Doug Stanhope (iet xet l'or comedy hixtory ax the l‘uture PotlfS thayen't you watched The West ll'ing. people'.’i preachex to hix llock. Edinburgh ('omedy Room. t/te Tron. 336 0000. 6- Ill/tug, H.55pm. [1].


The Free Beer Show Among lhtixc appearing thix year are Jim Jel‘l‘riex. Paul Proven/a. [)ex Clarke and Rhod Gilbert. ('heerx. (,'Iu/erhe//y's ('ow Burn. Reid Hall, 0870 745 3083. 4-27.41“: (no! 7—9. l4-l6. 2/23). 12.200172. £8—£l() (£7—£9/. Preview 3 Aug. £6.