The real deal

Think hip hop, think head spins and testosterone- charged breakdance battles. Not in the MyoSung headquarters. The Korean dance collective is fighting a battle of its own to give streetdance the recognition it deserves as a legitimate artform. Although, according to MyoSung’s artistic director Wave Zino, not everybody practises the style in its purest form.

‘True streetdance and hip hop is about using everything you need to express yourself,‘ says Zinc. ‘80 my style of choreography is not streetdance fused with other dance forms, but streetdance as it should

hop with the elegance of traditional Korean dance, Streetdance explores political oppression. love and heartbreak, war, social control and the division of Korea into North and South. All bound together with an eclectic soundtrack of hip hop, disco, Korean and Scottish folk music. On the surface, Streetdance is a visually stunning hour of dance, but underneath, Zino has a far more important agenda.

“I don‘t fool myself into thinking that I can change the world,’ says Zino. ‘But if I can, I want to shift some of the attention we normally give to celebrities and sensational news to the fact that we are allowing our leaders to create history that we will someday be ashamed of.‘ (Kelly Apter)

be, in which there is no limit to what you can express.‘ I Annamh’: H w W", ’M , i )1 , ;. " Combining the strength of the MyoSung brand of hip ’5‘ 3‘7 '. I’m. .1 5-; A. 5 '

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The writings on the wall

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Fresh Prince

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