
we're eatehmg ltlltl It) the Ite\.l xtet‘ alter the inttttte} had lteelt xe\eted‘. x.r_\x (‘ha\l.tu l<e\llllt‘ellttlll\lll Ix. nt \ttlll\L‘. a Inuehtet xttltteet Ilt ldtnhutgh ll).tt) autuhete tn the \‘.r)Iltl. hut gn \\ Itlt lltlx,

lhe xupeiuatmal tnn. ix endlexxl} tetmeuted. tnnttugent nIt the Itnlttttal ettetttnxtaneex //4(II/\('H\lr'/Il. \lat} \helletix gnthu nn\el_ might haw xtatted lite ax .t \lttt} .rltnttt lltt‘.\ men dnn‘t lllillxk‘ gnnd mnthetx_ hut tt hax endlexxl} lteett ietmeuted. ettllllltflt'lll nti the tdenlngieal etieumxtaneex nl timex and t ulttttex lhttx. lillllL'\ \\ halex l‘til Itlm utiennxeinuxlt telleeted .t teat aittnttg the ruling ttltlt‘l\ nl the Itxtng l)t)\\t'l nl a tathealixed \meitean \tntlxmg elaxx .\t a time. \\ hen the mdttxtrtal xtntltmg elaxx \tete hemg ttmnmxed. tut'ketmg their l;telttlle\ and heing maehme :‘mmed h} (i men. Il.\ tin \tttltll\e that Hnitx lx'atlnll‘x mdttxtttal \Illttel’x. ltea\_\ ltnntx .md Iaetni} met hanixed appeatanee xhnuld mamlext that xlteetre nl entmmmtxm again ll} l‘W-l. \\lllt lltattagltK \eIxinu. Rnheit l)e \un‘x eteattue Ix Inemntahle lnt hix xleelttttg m alleyxap and xittmg t't}|ttg under treex Ill tam) l'nIextx nut lailure In itel’xlltt\\lL'tl:_'C nttr lxtnxhip \xith the hnmelexx. :tur delthetate eteatinn nl nthernexx hete ix delinitel) part nI thix. and we didn't need ('t_\xtal \\aterx. and eertainl} Itnt l’hil ('nllinx. tn remind ttx nl tlte laet at tlte time thrnugh pnp xnttgx. l\\n \erxinnx nl I'I'u/I/u'mlt'lu at (‘ \ettuex ainne pinmtxe tn enntempnrixe tlte pnlttteal tIItenttxeintIx agaitt tltix _\ear (Frankenstein. ('. ()870 7(ll SIMS. H l‘) .‘\ttg. 8pm. Ulfit) (£3.50); Frankenstein the \lttxieal. ('. ()3 ft) 70151051) 13 .-\ug. ll.-15pm. (XSIHUSIHI.

llnmelexxnexx. ax \tell. ix tlte xtartmg pnint tnr ()nysns the Wild I'l'raterxe. 33.x HIM. until 37 ;\ug Ittnt l-l. 3|). timex \ar_\. LN H350 H.315” (0)). (Mix l’nrter'x tranxlatinn nt l.aurent (iaude‘x eelehrated tale nl' a tramp in a .\'e\\ ank xttlma}. \\hn tttrnx Ulll It) he the glttixl ()l. l)tt)It_\xttx. lle takex ttx tttt a jnurne} itttn nttr nun reprexxinnx, ;l\ l)inn_\.xux ix apt In. ‘I guexx \xhat'x itttet'extmg

.tllet llte ttltxel ttl tlelttexxltttt

ix tlte \ta} \xe'\e ttxed xttperuatural heingx lnr a \er_\ Inng time.' explaiux direetnr Sexeritte Rttxet. ‘.\'nt itth (ireek Itt}tltnlng_\. hut religinux helielx ax \tell. Supernatural heiugx are u.xed tn xupprexx the xhadnu} xide \\ e all earr}. \Ve ean‘t reall) tattte it. hut it'x pnxxihle



In den_\ nt xultprexx ll. \\ ritmg ahnut ()n_\ xnx ix a \\a_\ nl xuggextmg that xtittptexxmg thix xide Ix e\treittel} dattgernttx. ()n_\ xt)x heenmex the hixtnt_\ nl all the [tenple reprexxed and Itnt reengntxed It} xneiet}.‘ xhe addx. "l'hix tramp ix ieprexentatne nl a \thnle I'eprexxed hixtnr}.‘ .\nd he prnmtxex tn he a \txttal attd ph}xieal treat I'm the lextt\al.

.ltmg had hit mnre tn xa_\ almut xpiritualit} aitd the xupet'natttral tltatt \\e’\e xpaee l'nr here. hut ltix m_\xttea| \ixinu nl tlte enlleeti\e ttttennxeinttx had a pnlitteal edge. lltlx ix an aeknnxxledged inlluenee nu Banxheex (\entte

Parttcularly in the Ho ~ I3. 0707 430 NH. 4 l‘) .-\ttg. timex \ar}. L's (UH). h} \Velxh entttpatt} Sitting l’rett}. a dark. llt)\lle;tl explnratinn til" the meaning nl xuelt m_\thx. e\antining the rnle nl hierareh} in their ereatinn tltrnuglt pnetieall} ph}xiea| and \ixttal theatre. Were pt‘tttttlxetl tt [)ttlitiettl edge. tun. lt) Maeheth Re-Arisen Illill Street 'l‘heatre. 330 0533. 4 33 .-\ug (nnt I). I5. In. 33). lll.~l()plll. £5 L") ($7.50)). a xpik} attd enmedie .xatire h} .-\ttxtra|ian theatre enmpan} \Vhite Whale. \thieh Ittakex a hi/arre entitlunatinn (it a xequel tn Maeheth and a /nnthie Ittn\ie. :\n_\nne \\ll(t hax xeen the anern trilng} enuld hardl} den} the pnlitieal natttre til the xatire. but what nl Sltalxexpeare‘.’ \Vell. lttx gltnxlx \xere prett} datittt idenlngieal. Hum/('1 xeex the appearanee nl‘ ()ld llatnlet. nnt tn alert the title eharaeter tn the perxnnal tragedy nl' hix death. hut tn the laet that there'x ‘xnmething rntten iii the xtate nl’ Denmark'. We are nlteu Inn \\ rapped up in the l)ane‘x perxnnal traged} tn rememher lltttl tlte gltnxl alertx ttx It) at et‘ixix (Ill idenlng).

.'\nd then there are the mnre perxnnal talex nl guilt hrnught ahnttt h) apparitinnx. ;\ delittite dark hnrxe lnr the liexti\al mtth he Silter 'l‘nngue 'l'heatre'x Shiver tl’leaxanee. 550 (650. until 37 Aug (nnt 15. 33). I335pm. 15 {Ill (Ur-{ML ()li\er Iimanttel’x tale nl a \Vttlttitll \\ltt)xe paxt Inter. nntt lnitg dead. appearx at her lrnnt dnnr nearing alt lil\ix xhirt and hearing l'lnuerx. Direeted h) l)aniel l3}e. a lnrmer theatre \triter ha The List. tltix pieee prnmixex at) explnratinn til the thingx \te hur} that enme haek tn haunt ttx \xhieh might xend the xenxatinn nl the title thrnugh all \xltnxe lmerx ha\e [UlLl them '_\t)ttill he xtH'I‘} \\ hen I'm dead.’ The guilt that u e ratinnalixe ix liable tn haunt ttx perxnnally ax \tell ax pnlitieall}. ‘|i\er) dillieult) xlurred n\et' \till he a glian tn dixturh _\nur repnxe later nn.‘ ax l’rederie ('hnpin attd Rahindranath 'l‘agnre are hnth eredited u ith xa_Vittg.

()n a lighter letel. there'x I’erki and Mann are Sptmked Il’leaxanee. 550 (i550. ttntil 37 Aug (nnt l4). 3.30pm. 15 U) (£6.50 $7.50)). a piece nl enmed) theatre that explnrex all the haunted hnuxe eliehex _\'nu‘re liahle tn enenunter in a lifetime thrnugh the tale nt a pair nl' rnek n' rnllerx \t'hn t'ixit a deeeaxed unele‘x xtater manxinn. That'x exactly the xpirit nl‘ the Fringe . . .