We are . . . ecstatic

David Pollock talks to the legendary DJ and producer that is Andrew

Weatherall, as he drops by for We Are . .

llt' List is honoured. ‘What haye you heen tip

to lately." we ask l).l/produeer/hand memhei'

and generally seminal tiher-hol‘l‘in Andy Weatherall when we track him down on the phone. ‘Well. I‘m in the studio now." he says. '\\'e'\e just literally linished the last meal merduh on the final traek l'rom the new 'l'wo Lone Swordsmen alhum [the other hall. of‘ 'we‘ is Keith 'l‘enniswood .r\K.-\ Radioaetiye Man the other Swordsman]. So w e‘ye just finished our new record and you‘re the first person He spoken to sinee. you may he pleased to know'.‘

So how does it sound'.’ ‘(iootL \ery good indeed.‘ he gasps. 'lt eould he the final nail in the eollin of our eleetronie l‘anhase. .\'ah. there are a few drum machines on there. someone said it sounds like The (‘ramps playing Kral'twerk. w hieh is a pretty good reeommendation. ll‘ .lah ahoy e pointed his finger and told me it was my time I'd he quite happy. put it that way.

Not that \Veatherall hasn‘t done plenty to he proud ol‘ in the last decade and a hall. .-\ \ital part of the Madehester-era roek—raye erossoyer. his remix work on the Happy Mondays‘ ‘llallelujah' single was hut a

prelude to what many see as the defining reeord ol‘

the time: Primal Seream's largely \Veatherall- produced .S‘r'reumm/r'lit‘u. l'iurlher produetion work for the likes of Beth Orton and ()ne I)o\ e followed (and. more recently. Battant and Primal Scream again). as did the Boys ()w'n DJ eolleetiy'e alongside

Pete Heller and Terry Farley. and his hands Sahres of

Paradise and Two Lone Swordsmen. A phone eall with Weatherall finds him as talkatiye


. Electric’s first birthday.

as he is friendly and lunny. but hit someone who helped lay the foundations ol‘ tnodern eluhland he‘s also hellisth modest. ‘l dunnof he muses. ‘l‘ye neyer done anything that was eonseiously planned in that way. I'm into roek‘n'roll. I‘m into eleetro. and I don't separate the two. I'm not try ing to pull any new moyes. l just got into tittlsie lo eseape rigours and rules. and I don‘t impose them on my sell'.

‘lt pisses the purists off. though] he laughs. ‘I was at this party last year. got talking to this niee young lady. she said. “l’ye not seen you around here below.” I sport the roekahilly look. you see. .'\nyway. we were getting on like a house on fire. then I said the words "drum maehine" and she didn‘t speak to me again. llonestly it was like I‘d murdered her family. But t‘uek the purists anyway. I say.'

Now all the new reeord needs is a lahel to go with it. although 'l'wo Swordsmen are planning a tour in Septemher and \Veatlierall has designs for a new eltth with hair Smagghe. He‘s also \isiting art galleries and getting haek into his own art alter the alhum‘s two-year gestation tas \Veatherall ealls it: ‘six months work. eighteen months l'ueking around~ l.

‘l5or \arious reasons I won't go into] he laughs. ‘l‘m using my time a lot more wisely now than eyer. | go to the theatre and read hooks rather than he around in a eoeaine and hrandy indueed stupor. Time management dear hoy. it's a long old proeess. it‘s taken me 43 years to figure out.‘

Andrew Weatherall plays We Are . . . Electric’s first birthday at Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Wed 9 Aug.

'I think computers are the most important thing to happen to musicians'

Dfrnt Trouble tiarrulous indie. punk and new wave disco lJfrnt Drum takes over the main rooni at lroable this month as Max lundra (Warp/Domino) l)llllgi3lllSCl'd/(Xl(}l(?(3lr()l)(f(ll:1 and warped pop to the party. See prey/rear, page f6. Cabaret Voltr'rrre. 8/0 b 1 MS, I rr «1 Aug, llprn barn, 57' do).

i’ Logjam [here's nothing like dancing wrth abandon under the stars. lograrn brings the best Ill lettfield DJ and live electronica (including \’Vlll|£tlllt3. Sriailrnan. Operator and the Hexen Brothers Soundsyslern) to a secret forest location (bus and BBQ included in the ticket price). Secret forest Location (bus pick up at 8pm Stab/es Road, Grass/r lat/(Cl). www. / r iyspace .coni/to/‘estpar‘ty Sat :3 Aug. 8pm— alr/n, 5-20.

2"»? I Love Acid lhe celebration of acrd and warehOnse classrcs throws open its doors to the broken beats and deep house of Don u and Belgian UJ/Producer Red D (live PA featuring Yasmin) for a night of 30d based classics. (,‘aba/et l/o/tarre, 220 b‘i/b. Sun (1 Aug, l Iprnwbarn, £5) (£4 wrth Mark Henson or My Robot Friend ticket stub;

iii Vaudeville lwrsted cabaret. burlesQue and decadent Circus s‘rdeshows featuring music performance and gypsy punks. Transforming into the One O'Clock Club lat lam surprisingly) wrth more live musrc. Mac‘s Big Gay Disco and other antics. the Bongo Out), 558 /604, (iv-10, 73-77, 20—24 (9 29 Aug. 7 tprn~5arn, {‘70 (E5) before 7am; [5 after.

>E< We Are . . . Electric The electro punks celebrate their first birthday wrth a guest slot from techno dub warrior Andrew Weatherall. It's what r'riidweeks were made for. See preview. left, Cabaret Voltaire. 220 6 7 76, Wed 9 Aug, 7 Iprnwéam, £5 (£3 members;

For venue addresses see index page 80.