Blogging like there's no tomorrow .00.


GORDON SOUTHERN Around the world in 80 ideas 0...

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iv‘rti'li") . ., - Slick minds and cute puppets , 000. Hi}. i' "1: 1' 1" (1.1'” Z. "1' ;;A rvltv :r, .r' A r ' A ti. ~ -.: - 'llitivrt' 'A' .I "'~' ‘1“ {‘l tii't. 1.: I. 5.. . . .I . 2 ‘M :.:* .: : :' t|12t2"“{'~t 'r' .. . ' " (mt i"".:NA .': . :~ ' . I($u:n:."'§r: " f 'H i A "f ,‘tn; cl _ ' I: .‘(iwl :' f _ , I l , f ANDREW O’NEILL ,t ., H, ,, I, . , I, . . Was Churchill really Jack the v H ' ' . _ :l‘ , A I " A

Ripper? .000

Mm \‘Jtirtit; hté whoomr; gm: " : " w : .’ . .: z w ' .t 1' 1 ' :' ' "- 2' " Tit‘t‘mmtlh t“|tit:i\(3<i .it random t‘tit ,A\.'i<:'-'-:".'. ()‘Neeiii't; l'xz'twtu : ' ES". ' t." '. '. : 1. :"f :1“ ' : '~ ; :1 2 "'- " fllt)‘.‘.l\'I)llll(IUL)Hi“)(t‘.‘."I1t)l(’f§t’)I\~. the ;>:‘,:.'tf (2" 21"": ' '

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WIL HODGSON Home town truths and Terry Wogan COO.

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Emo Philips meets Afrika \. A,“ .~ 1- I. .. . .A .

Bambaataa 0000 Q. .3, I, ., :1 , ,, 1,, .,

‘imagme.’ says Regge \‘i'atts a ' r : 1 z . : " z z .- ' '

rhiittit951'ttc his set. that voti're C: ' " ' 2 , 2

wintrd iiw‘.E ‘t‘ a coastzt tcvmf A ‘0. r : . ' ': ' ' '

Stiirw‘tm at the Superb“. ttt'ige'fi‘ai j A A I4 " A w ' " '

tone of the tY‘LJS‘CflH tt;ri't\"‘;tr"s set. n ; - .A -. . I

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the fttfltdgtlk‘ttr t‘oliittos x'utt‘ 1h»:- ' ' : t "

cortu‘hticrtgtf titirmg the I‘:"\'. 'xxx. . .: : :' I" r : z ' Stand-Lip. \Itioo t‘liostarxt :Ikitri smut-1 ' :' 2' " '2 ' ' " '

in there while the mus‘icat txintbe's \; :' 3-1--

(‘efldltth Show ott his sowfti? {‘tOCF‘, am: I .1 I . ~.- . . ' . --'. ~ .' ' heathoxmg dt‘t :tios to, great effect ; r ' -- .. 3 ~ Aithough some longer songs : -' r: ' ' " : ' w , t‘h‘HItle outsmt Iht‘lf xxoit‘omt". :1}: I A- ; '