II) lurking It‘lllltlllllttlh In heme II part)

girl lIII\e heeii put l'irIiII_\ niI Ihe hIiek

hurner h} Maggie (i_\l|enliIIIIl \xhn. zllIL‘l' II I‘uiI nl' rnlex. ix Ilexntiug her time In hemp pregnant and eiiin} III}: it.

She and hn} lllL‘lltl l’eter SIIrngIIIrII III‘e e\peeIiiI;: their lirxt hIIh} in ()etnher. 'I'he nIIl_\ drImhIIek is that \IIe‘x running the gIIIIiIIIeI nl' the prurient press III .\'e\\ ank \xhile Ir_\ing_' In li\e II iIanIIIIl life. She eIIiI‘I quite understand \\lIIlI all the Ill\\ ix Iihnut. ‘\\e tr_\ In ignnre it. hut \IhIII eIIII }Itll dn'.’ I’regiIIIIIe). iIn IIIIItIer \\Itn _\nu IIre. appears In he II \er_\ eniIIpelliiIg IIllIIir.‘

(i_\l|eiIliIIIIl. 38. has heeiI hux}. IIIIII IInt just. \xith prnereIiIinii. IIIeIIIIiIIg she's unlikel} In IliinppeIIr t'i'nIII \ie\\ in the enmiiig lllttlllll\. She \niee\ Ii I‘Itlt)\lIlL‘l' \\Iltt \\IIIelIe\ n\ er II Irin nt' IIIixelIiewux eIIiIIlreII III the IIIIiiIIIiIeIl

.I/HIMII'I' Hit/(\i'. SIIL‘ [tIII_\\ IIIC \\IIIL‘ Ill~ IIIIL‘ (II.

the t\\n .\'e\\ ank l’nrt .v\thnriI'\ pnliee nt'tieerx \\llII \xere tirxt niI the \eeiie III ()lner SInIIe'x iiIImiIIeiII Iliir/i/ 'l‘riii/i' ('I'iim'. .\iIII \he\ rniIIIIiItieIIII} imnlxetl \\lllt \Vill l'errell in .\IIIre l-‘nxteI'K SIM/lei r I'liii/i I'ii'linii.

Yet it\ her \\nrk in the ln\\ hutlget .S'lii'riji‘lni/II' \\hieh \\nn her II hext tlt‘lI'L‘\\ II\\IIrtl IIIIIII hext lilIIII III the Ix'III‘lnx} \'III'\ I'ilm I'IL‘\II\1II lltItl \ltL‘ \II} \ l\ eln\e\l [it her lIL‘III'l.

Based nII the lite nl‘ II \\Itlll;tll \\ riter/direetnr l.IIurie ('nll}er greu up \\ ith. (i) lleIIhIIIII plII}\ Sherri Sugiiixnu. thrnxxii III III” III In, mm released and hnping t‘nr II \eenIIIl ehIIIIee. She has In enpe \\Illl tlllL‘lllpltt}lllL‘lll. pIirnle IIIId IIIIlt‘\\II_\ Ittltl\t‘\ and III the \dlllL‘ time \he \\;llll\

In reenIIneet \\ith her daughter. IIer hrnther

Illttl lll\ \\IIVC. IIU\\ L‘\Cl‘. It;l\L‘ tIIl‘I‘L‘I'L‘III ltlt‘;t\. \\ ixhing In raise the ehild ;l\ their nu II.

‘II \\II\ \ei‘_\ InIeII\e illltl \hnI in niI|_\ 25 IIII} sf \II}\ (i_\lleIIhIIIil. ‘\\'e \\ ere \hnnting I4 hnurx II Ila} \n llttt\l III III_\ \inkiIIg me during that period “In plII}iiIg thix \\nmIIII. going hnme In eat and sleep and then hIIek In unrk. I‘m in e\er_\ IIInIIIenI nt‘ it. II takes II little while

Maggie Gyllenhaal as Sherry. just released trom jail and trying to reconnect with her daughter (bottom) in Sherrybaby


In reen\er tI'nIiI \nmething like that. It‘s hIIrIl l'nr me In Ie|I uhether the llllltgs IIIIII I‘m feeling we heing IItl'eeteIl h} the \\nl'l\ I‘m dning IIll IlII} nr \xhether the \xnrk I‘m Ilning IIII IIII} ix hem; Iil'l‘eetetl h} the thiin I’m l'eeling.‘ 'I'he rnle eIIme In her \ III her iIInIheI'. ()\L‘itl'- iIniIIiiIIiIed \eripturiter .\'IInmi Iinnei‘ \\ll() \\1l\ \Inrking III the SIIIIIIIIIIee Seriptxxriterx' I.IIh III the time (‘nll}t‘t' “as in IIIIeIIIlIIIIee In polish it nlt. I‘ItllL‘l'. \\ hnse IIIIthIiIIl Stephen (i_\lleiIhIIIIl Ilireeted their daughter in her lli'sl three lilm pIIrtx. suggested \he send it In her. (i}llt‘llllitill ltl\I) \\;tlll\ In unrk \\IIII Ihnxe \\Itn \IIIIIe her Input. "I’here IIre II lnI nl~ penple \Ihn IlniI‘I e\peeI II _\nung ttL'Il'L‘\\ In hIi\e IIiI III‘IIine npiiIiniI. I mean. \IliIII'." \he says in nuIrIIge. ‘lIn\\ eIIII _\nu he gnntl III \\IlitI _\nu tIn IIIIII IInI hIi\ e II pnIIeI‘t'ul itl'll\IlL‘ npininiI IhIII‘x gning In mnx e _\nu and push )nu. She eitex llnll} lluiIIer. (ieiIII RnxxlIuile IIIIII .\ler_\l Streep as prime em elnpe [tll\llcl‘\ penple she greu up IIrnIIIIIl in her t‘IImilvx L‘l'L‘illIVL‘ IIUll\CIIUItI. \Vnrking \xith Julia Roberts niI

.Ilnmi lim .Vnii/i' itl\tt helped In lnt'mulate her \IC\\\ Iihnut \lill'tlttlll. 'I think that lex'el nl‘

Ittlllt‘ enmex \xith II hardship. I \xnuld like In hIn e \nme nl IIIIII ptm er. hut In tl\L‘ it \\ ell and make mn\ie\ that are prmneIItne. .'\ll agent nIIee IUILI me it I reIill} \KLIIIIL‘LI In get parts I had In \IeIII‘ mnre make—up and \Il;t\L‘ under m_\ Lll'lll\. I hIneiI't Ilnne either. and I am nnI Ilniitg Inn hadhf \he \milex impishl}.

Sherrybaby, Cineworld, 623 8030, 15 Aug, 7.30pm & 17 Aug, 8pm. £7.95 (£5.20).

w o. ‘0."


Sigourney Weaver talks about her new film Snow Cake in which she co-stars alongside Alan Rickman as an autistic woman confronted with the death of her daughter in a car accident.

“It was Alan who actually suggested me for the part. When he told me the story of Snow (Jake my immediate reaction was that they would never even think of me for II. He told me In get my agent to call, so I (lid. Ihen they sent me the script and I thought II had this fine balance of comedy and romance yet managed to throw some real light on the rare suhiect of autism.

‘One of the reasons; I wanted to do the film was that it was not just about autism; It was about a very unique woman who also happened to have autism. As for the preparation it took me a long time even to understand how to prepare for this part because every person with autisiiI Is so unique and to find someone like my character Linda took me a long time. I have to say that researching the role was one of the most fascinating years I have ever spent.

‘I think it's hard for actors to find protects as challenging as Snow Cake ~ It raises the bar and also I relished the experience of working together in such a tight ensemble l have found that With acting you have to set sail and go and see what comes. You cannot iust set extraordinarily high standards for yourself but you have to follow your gut and look for something that moves you. and Is a story you would want to tell.

‘I am always amazed by the way such parts come to me. People presume you have a lot of control over where y0ur career goes. I think that is an illusion. You make the most of the hand you are dealt. l have enjoyed life after Alien because I have gotten to do so many different things and l have been so fortunate wrth the choices I have been able to make. Are the women I play always strong willed and strong minded? Yes. but I think we women are strong and, you know. we hold the world together.‘ (Interview by Richard Mowel I Snow Cake, Dominion, 623 8030, 75 Aug. 7pm 8 Cameo, 623 8030, 77 Aug, 5. 70pm.

E 7. 95 (£5.20). Reel Life: Sigourney Weaver, Cineworld, 623 8030, 76 Aug, 5.45pm, £75 (£9. 70).