Fee the force

David Pollock chats to the king of out and paste, DJ Yoda, as he brings his audio-visual show to Headspin for their Festival special.

ore and more thexe da}x. an} eluh xet ix going to henel‘it l'rom xome xort ol‘ \‘ixtlttl element. .luxt xeeing _\our deelx-drh ing idon on xtage ixn’t reall_\ enough an} more. \xith man} artixtx \\ho proudl) dixpla} a le\e| ol‘ xhoumanxhip eomparing the e\perienee to ‘\\atehing xomeone eheek their emailx‘. So xome eluhx hook handx. xome laptop perl'ormerx put on eoxtumed xong-and- danee xho\\ x. and man_\ l).lx p|a_\ hel'ore a proieetor xereen dixpla)ing xome ol' their o\\n xell-ereated l‘t‘t‘lx.

In thix latter lield. I).l Yoda ix an inno\ator. .-\ l).\l(‘ ehampion xerateh DJ and xoon-to—he reeording artixt

in llix omi right thankx to the Septemher releaxe ot' hix dehut alhtun proper '/'/It' .lmurme .'\(/\'('IIIIH'('\ of.

IN )i’t/(I and quite poxxih|_\ the old} man in the \xorld \\hoxe anxuerphone mexxage hax heen perxonal|_\ rapped h_\ Bi/ .\lai'l\ie. axide l‘rom Bi/ himxell‘ ol eourxe London‘x Dunean Bein} uxex computer teehnolog} to xpliee muxieal xamplex \xith t‘lll“ iil'tllll liix U\\ll DVD eolleetion. .-\x he \L‘llltt‘llcx the muxie the hex alxo. quite literall). xeratehing a l‘L‘;ttl_\-\Utll1tltl';lt‘l\L‘tl lllU\iL‘ lllltl L‘\i\tL‘liCL‘ till tllC xereen hehind him.

'l'liix liiglit ix part Ul. liix \CL'Ulltl ‘l).l Yoda (iocx t0 the .\lo\iex‘ tour. the laxt ol 30 international datex. \xhieh meanx he \xon‘t he xhort ol praetiee h} the time he getx here. ‘It‘x reall} ximplef he axxurex me. 'lt'x _iu.xt a huneh ol m} lamurite lilmx xet to l).ling.

Well. the eoneept‘x ximple. it takex a huge amount of

time to prepare the xet. to “1;!GC xure that e\aetl_\ the right ehp tx pla}mg hehind the right hit ol' tnuxie. that‘x \xh} it'x xomething l tour. rather than itixt

heing a one-ol‘l' l).l xet that l ean take in an} direction. The ‘(ioex to the .\lo\'iex' xho\\ ix . . . \\ ell

. it'x a proper xhou.‘

l‘anx ol' Yoda‘x \olumex ol’ llon‘ In (’ul (HUI I’m/e xerateh mi\tapex \xon't e\aet|_\ he aghaxt at the direetion he‘x taking here. ‘I ehooxe \ideo elipx in the xame \\a_\ ax muxieal xamplex.‘ he xa} x. ‘\\hieh haxieall} meanx l uxe an_xthing that inxpirex me. I eome l'rom a hip hop haekground. xti that l‘ormx the haxe ol' the inuxie and a lot ol the mo\ iex are related. l‘rom there l take it in exer} direetion. touardx anything I lind amuxing or limit}. I tixe a lot ol‘ Htlx tilmx. a lot ol‘ Will Ferrell. .lapanexe mmiex. \xexternx a there are a l(l() l5tl lilmx in there.‘

Yoda'x l‘ortheoming alhum xeex him meld all M hix muxieal inxpirationx together. ‘lt‘x a hit like in} l).ling.‘ he xa} x. ‘all o\er the plaee. I tried to get all m} inl‘lueneex on one alhum: there'x lotx ol' hip hop. a drum & haxx traek. a reggae one. a via// one. a hluex one. I \xorlxed \\ ith ahout 3t) rapperx too. it'x an L‘ClL‘L‘IiL‘ l]ii\.'

llandil). hix ereating the Me \ixualx to go \tith the alhum tour meanx that eaeh xong \xill alxo tune a read}made \ideo. "the \\a} l xxork ix dexigned tor e\er} emironment.‘ he xa}x. 'You ean danee to it. )titi ean xit dou n and \xateh it. I don't think there'x an} douht that in ten }e;ii'x' time a lot more l).lx \till he doing \\ hat I do. Then I might e\ en he ahle to eall Ill} xL‘llitilLl-xclltitih

‘DJ Yoda Goes to the Movies’ will be part of Headspin at the Bongo Club, 558 7604, 12 Aug, 1 1pm-Sam, £10.


'r-xk‘i' Wit-“z tam


'Last night a DJ saved my luellndeep.

'l t‘ "it ll' 1' [III/"ll " t . Ag,” ,' n ' I. it «i tiff?”

Fast (3.1. /.\:;.trl:..‘. i. [)lt‘Utlt' t?» 't‘.‘.' '15: He: :; )'.llV(i't.'it ‘r t ‘- ti'n ’. lllfiiélllllttlli at f'tt- " tittt'zity‘ l:w..<:;;;i". WWI/'1‘

(/li(/l’). i\')>‘ «()I ‘0, flu: 1'. I', 1'" ryv ,-.

I,)/il [ti/ti. ..

Club Noirf‘)- it i" 1*

intrautxf "all" inn i u- lo;;itiir1n<; 2w,- :;'_t : . anti étll 't‘Ellltttft t w:n.'t’;.'

freaks. l’ltif; .lll‘rfxi t).J itvr Mt;Mt."rar. tttiw (ittl

'(}/,"\(,'ri) fleiii. I (I. i.

lt'l‘ill fits)! t.”/i./:l ti; it"? 5‘7? f‘i‘

Headspin Anna gm. lllét‘fli‘ill! as t).J Yoda , (itlfl scrsitclws. [Ni ii. 41‘ records. l xpmt heap, lat.- “oz, .1.”leth ltllltl‘n’ltltf‘} :n 1r“ (sound and min-Ur h'v 5w.- l)r(,‘“.’ltf‘.'/. tfrtt. Hit; [in/1,”, (Jim.

.) Ni //)//-1_ i/ ALF/l. i.’ ’t‘ tilt.

5 ’2. White Heat Soho". ‘axzzn "x- Ilifilt,‘ rock mint, ntril‘t lt‘:£:’t‘, ‘lt, nortl: once (try: it; iitjiii‘lt'fl‘ ; .1: sets.trori‘:(31a<x;n.';a .115) DEN‘Fttlé:"£it1éi‘,’w0,“t at host-tiarllcc-m. t l’r/Jw A ,72',' signings; Errors. .,.'i.",r:/r:.’

22/) C 7 TC. 7 / Aug, '


,./,’ I /II' t.

51'} Lilli.

Solescience til Heather ft. Chicago or a" :31. .. Siz‘; 1271', amazing. CHI/7170.9 i/U/VJ'I'N’Q. i/i/f/ C 7 76, 7 7 Aug. tho/avian. :7/7

Meek DJ Btaiti‘;"/"Y a? Txxeek. for pure nostagia, a great tecnnc right. Cid/Met ‘/o/ta/re. 220 6 7 76. 70 Aug.

7 lpm—fiam £5.

lt‘. the nfiiddlr; of the '