CHARLIE PICKERING Story of his life 0000

THE FUTURE Duo with the sharpest of funny bones 0000.

The comedy world often appears to be unduly cruel to some. While a mere seven people witnessed The Future, the next show in the same room, a dire kids

born to get their hands on, the pair are equally at ease with material varying from the dilemmas of house numbers versus doorbells or having a deceased friend's face surgically attached to your back or even conducting a sexual relationship with an

extractor fan. The comedic twists from such obtuse scenarios are delivered with precision and power. The only doubt this show raised came within the first four seconds when first appearances suggested that this might just be some cocky kids trying their luck. After nine seconds, it was evident that the humble gathering was about to witness something very special indeed. For several days afterwards as 2.10pm approached, I wished that it was time to go

Ht“) Knni'u "..'.'r ill' 4 iwiiir. Txt‘itlllfi liki- .m

TV spoof, attracted at least ten times that number. Yet, here is the sharpest, freshest, most inventive double act that the Fringe must have seen for many a Pll‘lxl‘lll‘ztl lint w; tin ill ,i:= tin- M w. long August. With their daft sketches loosely linked by corporate misery, Jonny Sweet and Joe Thomas (both learning their trade as part of the Footlights crew) effortlessly weave away from the more obvious places a single scene could go to and with almost every example conclude with a surprise and/or a belly


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shin msz him A. i‘ilk ilillil a: ‘lllw laugh. back to The Future. (Brian Donaldson) 7.1m la.“ but .wH i1l\r;irl\.t’(l ltililfip With comic timing oozing from their ears and a I " ~ ' ~ - ' ' um. All ',','li|l(> ; ii ips; alivl‘. .lf» [>ll< m: script which their elders would slaughter their first- 2 ' ' ~ '- _~ '

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Sparky set of characters 0000

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