Slaughterhouse Live coo \n I!!q'..'.’u':l llIlII‘.‘.lI.II lII lliL' .lelIIL'llq dip or lI_-_'hI t‘lllk‘lldlllllit‘lih IIIIx \.ll1.llt‘l :rIm IIII 'llt' l‘l\\ oIII oI ;"._-I_'.mI.c IImIII 11.:i.'\ltI'lllL'Iildlh IIj.IIIL' lI'lll‘IIillt' Iht‘lr IIKIYI':-l‘;‘;)l'.l‘n.jl).i'-1.\1\.‘il-1 Illa. :Il l’IIllIu l I": I. ~.I.'/;II (w.I/I‘.../I," \ V, II‘ ‘1) /,r. 3/ 3-1 .‘\ luv /IIIv",,II/I! 1" ‘Il'f\I. /\ 3U ._‘\ 37' law // J‘pm f/I/ <II INII

Karl Spain 000

IIIIIIII'II'IIIIoIIx I Ioml Pl'x'.l\t'l. \IMIII l'llk'l\


.l tot l‘lJIl ml \ll.lll_‘.'t' hut llllt' lumg'mpluorl lt'llllllhtt'lltt'. III-Iit'lrtall} L'lNNl ll.lllllt'\l llllt'l.Itl|Hll .llltl lll\L‘llll\L‘ \L'll IlI'IIIt'IJIon. ;,'.I},'x .IhmuI lIIx .IIIIIIlt' ll.lll|\‘ My [Mum lII.Il IIIxh lt'lt‘lt'llttW .llltl ‘..Ill.llll lllll‘lII\l\.IllHll l.I||x ll.II -\.IIII llk'.ll} I (II/(Ill ll, HIM/III”! ll .III/ (I/I\ If) \' ". .IIIIII/ 3 \IIL'. /II /‘/mI, IV ‘II t” (I! II VII 1X ‘1);

Rob Spence 000

lIIIkx IlI.II \IIt-IIII' employ III.I_\ ht- IIIxI_\

lllt' (I Illlt'tl}

l‘lll \\ lIIIIIl. l‘lll llt'.\ I.'llIIlllt‘\\l} .IIlt‘IIl .Ix .I lllllllt' .IIIle | \lt'lltlk'll xkt'lt'ht'x oII \'\Hlll|lIIll .IllIl .l IlIuIIkI'II lllleil ouI .llt' IlI-inouxl} lt'.lll\t'tl. \\llll .I [\llllt'lllilll} .IIIIIIxIII; \t'll\t' loI phtxitul IIt‘x. II);I\III l’ollot'k I /'/I (IN/III! (IIII/luml. “(I 0* VI. llll/I/ 3v\ .luzg. hill/Irma H” t// (1\ SI) III \III Gary Le Strange 000 .\llt‘l .m otltll} \llllk'tl opening. hc lilllllt'llt'\ IIIIo hIx llt'\‘. Illl‘lllll, lht' l.III;:|Ix urt- Hilt'll Ill\;I[\lII)lllllll}'l} t'htulp. \\ IIlI \lL.L'tl\lllll.ll hIIlhguIl ll;Ixhcx. xIIt'h ;l\ lhc cpu' ‘l );I_\ ol lllL‘ \lJ‘L'fJle. l‘t‘llt‘ti Hlll \\llll Hll\\lt' k‘\l|llt' \ |_‘.'Hlll. 'l’hc lt'\llll Ix ;III t'IIII'IIuIIIIIIy \llim chokt'tl h} l;I/} \kllllllf.‘ ISIJIII llt‘xgmi I 'III/I'I'III'HI. IIN'II 1/“ WINK. IIIIII/ 37.\II2. OJ Vim.

IUJII 1/1) SI) I 1515” {(IISI/l‘

Dudley Sutton 00. Illll_\ llltl huuycl huI ;leo ;I \IoIIIlt'I'lull}


t‘t't't'IIII‘It' lllt‘\l‘lllli. hoII.I litlc l‘tlllt'lllldll. Ultl xt‘hool It‘lIIt'. coIIIpoxt'I‘ ol I‘Ihultl \cI'xt' .llltl IIIotlcmlt'l} ut‘t‘oIIIphxhul hlllk'\ xIIIgt‘I1\\III_\. \\l\L‘;llltl lrt'qucull} lillh}. Ihc oIIl} t‘IIIIt‘IxIII Ix Iht'rt”x Ioo lllllt'li Io t'I;IIII III. I.\lilcx l‘lt‘ltlk'l'l I’lmmm t' (hm/mill. 55/) (I550. lllI/l/ 3.\' lug. .I'..\'(I/Im. to t" I 16,5“ tail/I. Synphonia 000 xlzipxlit'k III the l'oI'III ol ;I IIIIIII‘IL‘I oI llllt‘

lop lllll'UPt‘illl

lllll\lt‘l;lll\ ;IIItl llllllilt‘\ \\ uh :I \Plk'lltlltl line III xcll dcpruxuiou. 'l'hc grand finale ol ;I \t‘llll lllltlt‘ heath I'\II‘;I\;I3_';III/;I Ix ow “.Ilt‘l'lllg. IHI'IuII l)oII;IltlxonI

I III/I'I/II/lr. “NW/l V5 XII-Vi. IIIIII/ :~,\IIL.'. /3‘ /.‘_/’IN. 135!) {NF—II I 10.5!) 1—3.5”). Ava Vidal 0..

ll IIIt'uIIx Io he I'cxponxihlc and along: Ihc

\Itlul mphutx \xhul

\\;I_\ Luncnlx lll\lll;ll‘ illllllltlt‘\ Iouunlx Incc. tlt‘ploI‘Cx Hun-xi} lc hilt‘hIIIt'xx. .llltl ;IIlIIIIIx xlit'kl IIIIht'I' xlup hcr lole Ih;III \\;IxIc \midx “llt‘ll the} 'It‘ II.Iu3_‘hI_\. le’ohm l.L\'l I’li'uximu (‘ourlum/ 55/) 05"“. llH/I/ 3‘ .lug. /II._"II/Im.

15150 10.50 I I 1m.

We Don’t Have Husbands

0.. -\uxII';IlI;III xpmxIcrx \\ho xiii; popular

l‘ht‘ Kixiuxk} Sixlcrx are three

xongx I’roIII lllL' Sugthth Io ~\‘IIIIoII .llltl (idl'lllllkL‘l III '.I peculiar \\.I}. The llllit‘x III‘C punt'quIctl \\ iIh dark I;Ilt‘x. untl cwr} gcqurc xuggt‘xIx lll.ltlllL‘\\. l\IIl;lllUli um! t‘t‘lil\;It‘_\.I \xhlt‘} l);l\lt‘\l .\\\(‘III/I/\ Roomx. 33’) 3435'. IllI/l/ 3I\‘.lu:. I) XII/mi. MINI t’l3.5III:'/II.5II 1'//,.“III. Steve Williams 000 Thu .IIIIIIIalctl \Vclxh young ckt‘x huIIIouI' l'I'oIII _\o:_'hurl tlrinkx. rucixm and \ngr corI‘CxpoIItlcmx \\ iIh llIIIquIicul \lUl'lL‘\

tnhIth Int-Irv t luxurlj. hIII IIIIloIIIIII.:Icl_\ hIx l‘llilxl up :x IIxIIali} ht'IIcI IhuII llIk' IIIIIItlIlIIIc I|{.Ithiicl \IIt't‘II lI/l'f‘I/IX’C (,mIH‘I‘ /\',,,,,I~ {I}, /,,,,I- “Sr, (HI/HI 4:33: 3‘ lug WWI/w: “I {In 3\ :‘I

Andy Zaltzman COO

IIIohII}. \I'Iw .llltl IIIII. o: IIhIIIxt'.

\iillt'ti ‘.\lll

/.Ill/lll.tli llhletN .I l.II-_'t'l_\ \ll\\\'\\llll .lllt'llll‘l Io IIprIIII lllk' \IxII.IIIIx Io hIx \lllt'll} mIl} IIIIrt'xloI \IIhII'tI lll‘Illt‘l Ix IlllllINl cu lll\l‘.t'l_\ pmhlrt .11 though .llltl .I l‘ll oi ltuIM‘IIIIIj; ‘.I..Ih meIIt' lt'xx t'IhItull} Illyk'lll j3.lj3\ \l'llltl ll.l‘-k' \IIllL'llt'Il lllt‘ xhou'x xIIIl lllllt' (\Illll llml} //n VII/xii

“\ ’3 ‘3, Hui/I" 3\ in; 3 lem. 1’~ 1\ III, 4 ‘,

According to Jesus 0. K.I\.III h.Ix IlIc.IIIIt'Il up lllHlt‘ $ng loI hIx


lI‘llllllt' III uhuh llt' .l\\lllllt’\ lllt' Itlt'IIIII} ol lt'xux Ih.III llqutl ll.l\l lI.IhIt'x xl.Iu§_'hIt'It'Il \Ulllt' .llt' gt'IIIIIIIt'l} IIIIIII}. oIthx Int-II} pht't'x}. huI K.I\.III Ilot-xII'I ll.l\t‘ lllt' uIIIIIIlt-III xIIIuI‘ III‘t'xt-III'I- Io dchwr t'llllk'l xut’t't'xxlull}. [\lllL'\ l'lt'ltlt‘ll \[H I ('l/\ III'II/ (/5 fil/ II/ "I. HII/l/ 33 lug, USS/nu. 1" .‘II I 1/) {I/I Stephen K Amos .0 \ll Ion Hllt‘ll. \IIon tll\L'\ lol [he lmut-xi \IIIIHIIIIII \lL'llHllllllillHl 3mg; \tIlh .I xl} \tIIIL lo the audience \xhcn IIIoIc l‘llt' Ix IIct-Ilt-Il llIx opt-III'I‘ phi} III}; II \\cxl \lllt'dll \\ uh .I runnipulgilIIIg l'.ll},'l|\ll II.IIle.IIoI Ix [I.IIIIlIIll_\ ll;l(kllt'_\k'\l huI IIIx Linn!) lllL'lllHllt'\ help hll lllL' llIIIIIIl Ilhmu l)lIll;ll\l\lIllI I’M/um” ('IIIIIIIIIIII. {II 055“. {lllll/ 3‘ \nu. ‘1 3II/IIII. .I/l 1/3

I 19.51; Ill/SUI Maria Bamford O.

IlIIx Ix lllL' court-thth~ xl;IIIIl up ol t‘lIoIt'c.

:\p[\;ll't‘lll l}.

uml Il thII’IIIg; xqumk} \oIt‘cIl IIIIpt‘I‘onIuIIoIIx ol people _\ou‘\c llt'\t‘l llk'illtl ml and luIIIhL‘IIIIg: IIo gag: _\;II'IIx gut- )IIIH‘ hug. good luck. llll‘lllll l)oli;lltlx0lll .\\u'nI/I/\ Roomy 33/) 3433. HIIII/ 3N .luu (Ho! 3/ I. «NU/nu. 1/!) ill 5!!

I 1‘) {HID—(II.

Laurence Clark 00 'l'hc polt'IIIIul Ix oh\ Ioux III ('lurk'x .lIIIIIII}

Sm Ilc-hiIIIIIIg: IthIch xho\\. hul pic lilIIIt'tl xt‘pIIII‘IIIx illltl IIII ;IIII;IIL'III'Ixh lt't‘l lt'l him Ilo\\II. HL' tlclhcrx ;I lcu hclling UllL"llllL'l\ llml tlt‘WI'H‘ l'ul' llIIII'C l't‘\[II\lI\L' hul. yin-II lllllL‘. IlIIx cIIIII‘IIIIIIg III;III “Ill \\ in L'\L‘l'_\UlIL‘ owr. ISII/unuc Blucki I’lc'uumi I' Homo 55/) 0551). llIIll/ 37hr; "WWI/m1. mum LIISII l t 1M Brendan Dempsey 00 Mult- II‘Ixh t‘oIIIthuII Denipxt') kccpx hIx .IudIt'IIt'c engaged \\ iIh gI \wll I'cxt'urt'liml II'cuIixc on me loIhIL'x oI l~LII_~_'l.IIIIl. hIx \llo\\ \xoultl \Mlll'x hcllcr :Ix ;I lecture llltlll xI;IIItl»up. HC Iout'hcx on IIx I'cluIIoIIthp \\ Ill] lllL‘ I'L‘\l Ul lllC Bl‘lll\l1 [\IC\. lIIIIllXIll and II;IIIoII;Il paranoia. huI hIx IlclIu-I} IlocxII'I ;Illo\\ the audience much IIIlt‘I'IIt‘IIoII. Il);I\ ltl Pollock) l/II' XIII/III. ."."I\‘ ~3 ‘3. IlIIII/ 3‘ lug. /.4."/Im. 1* I UH. Ed Weeks Variety 00 .\ chlhook comic IlclIwI'} ucqull} lltlllll‘L‘H the Hindu) ol' IlIIx xho\\ xIIII‘I'IIIy ;I Slcphcn (I'm II llIIIu/I'mIIIII/ .\l;III}.'.III lm‘lxdlllxt‘. l’l‘L‘tllL‘lul‘lt' \kt'lt‘liLW ill‘nlll IIIIL‘ III;III'x III;IxxI\cl} l'r.IIl [it-I'onIuhI} tlt‘lhl ;Itltl up to \CI') much ;II .III. lBl'l‘lll l)oII;IltlonII I’huwm I' ('IIIII‘IIIII'I/ 55/) 055“. IIIIII/ 38111: mo: 3/ l. 3. /II/mI. ("in 151504?) 1"».

Amy Lamé O. Rumhling t‘oIIIIIIcqur} IIIItl lilIIIx ol' liIIIIIl}

llilL‘l'\ Ic“ x It'll :I \litlgg} dog onI'_\ .IhouI \ldllld (“.Ixx uhtlucling .-\III} and her xihlingx gmtl Iurning Ihcm inlo child xlgu‘x. .-\II Inuiginzuixc Idea that tlocxn'I quite

The Writers’ Guild


The shortlists are announced


So, a vast number of shows have now been witnessed by our scouts and reviewers and this year's nominations have been plucked out as the cream of the crop. In the main writing award, judges are set to descend upon Reginald D Hunter, The Receptionists and Mark Watson. Hunter‘s show. Pride 8. Prejudice & Niggas was described by us as having ‘an arsenal of killer material' with Its themes of alienation and compromise. A lighter but no less exhilarating ride is taken by Trippplicate with The Receptionists in which two PAs are taken on a journey into hell to save themselves. Mark Watson (pictured) brings us his show I’m Worried that I’m Starting to Hate Almost Everyone in the World which left our critic breathless with its pace, verve and ability to hook out several funny lines a minute. In the newcomer category, we have double act The Future and character comic Simon Brodkin, all of

whom have received rave r

{..,.I I ,‘ .‘ -/ II p.’

\onk huuuxt' llHlllL‘ IIIo\ It'\ .IIc oIIl}

lIIIIII} Io lllL' [Icoplc III IthII ll)lk'\\ loth

(/I/I/I‘I/ li’u/lmon /I'I Iml. NIX //I.".". [III/// 3‘

>\1(I\I.A\3U\’I//)/;] {(l 1/!)11.\' 1‘); Oliver Maltman 00

[Inc l‘t'l\\L'Cll [\lt-uxIIIgl} xIll_\ and \\ Illull)

lht‘ IlIIII

IIoIIxt'IIxIt‘.Il Ix IIpIocIl along: h} \l.IlIIII;III ()l [he \;II’Ioux t'huruglux llL'lL'. \Hlllt' tqu l'.ll\L' l‘illL'l} .I llllL'l .llltl olhcrx are fit'llllllit‘l} lI_\xIcIIt‘.Il .\l;IlIIII.III hIIx ii [Hump Iiilt'III IhIII L'Ullltl \xorlx \\ IIh \HlllL' xlccring. IHII;III |)oII;I|leoIII /’/I ummi ("our/Mini. 5‘7) 055”. lllI/I/ 3‘ lug. V.-/_‘-/)III, 1x51; w 57111051) “SI/I, Star Trip 00

IIIIprcxxIw hIII olhcm l\L‘ no l‘l'tllllL'l'


\Ixu.Il :_‘dj_'}.‘k‘l"\ lIoIII \lmlritl‘x IIIIIIIc L'l‘lllt'tllilll II'oupc. \llurm. l'ht‘ ;IxIroII.Iqu- ;I\\;Il\L'-ll'IIlll t'l‘_\IIgL'lllc-ll't't‘lt' \L‘L'llltl‘lu prme Io he ;I rut-II} LIIIIc cu'IIxc lor otltll} l‘l'lIx-Ihcmul f1;ng ll]\IIl\lll_‘._‘ ;\ll'o\. L'lgilh \llltl Ihxt'm hurx ‘\lllk'\ l'lL‘lLlL‘l I /’/¢ mum: (murmim/ _‘- ‘7) 05"“. .'lllll/ 3\ lug IIIm' 3/ I \A‘II/Im.

1/II.."II 1//.FIII:I/ z/III Take-A-Break Tales 00 ‘1)chciouxl} “JIPCLI \lUl'lL'\ IoI'II lI'oIII the

pnng oi the II;IIIoII'x l;l\UUl'llL’

eviews from our critics. (Brian Donaldson)

III.I;_'.I/IIIt-x‘ poulil l|.l\t' l‘t'k'll I.I/oI xlI.IIII xot'Iul t'Hllllllt‘llliIl} huI \I. |llIl\ up .Ix .I Itlhlllllt'tl hour. lllL' thhhfghI ol \\llltll Ix .III IIIIIIIIt-IIIIoImllt .IIIIIIxIII;' xI.Ih .II .I \t'mIIIxh ilt'k't'lll Il'.lllll|.l \k'V- l.Il|lel /’/I'II\I1IIII'('mIIIIII1II/_ ‘7; ID {IL HHII/ 3N .luu, / /,*/)/II_ 1.5. VI 19 VIIL" {M Breakfast Bedlam: Live!

0 S.IIIIIxIII_«; Salurtlu} IIIoIIIIIIjJ kIle ll \ \llIi\‘.\ Ix qut-l} lllt' Inuit-xi IlIIIIj: \'\L'l 'l ht'on hIIIt-l} .I IIoII xIt-II-oIHutul chum lk'l llk‘lk’ IIoIII .l IluIIIh l‘llllltlt' \ll IIIt'chIIt-I' to II hitch}. xmuull} llll\llillt'(l IIIoIlut‘cI .llltl Ihc IIIIc llIIllIIIj: oIIl} luphhuhlx lllt' [\Illpll} ml lllt' \Llll)l IHII.III l)mII;I|lemIII l III/I’l/H’HL II\’"II 71" .I’IIV'. IlII/l/ 33in: I' ,I'II/Im, 17 ‘7! .‘\ ‘71 I105.“ {Tim

The Dark Show 0

\lilll‘tl} t'oIIIIc. l'l lluIIIcI'x chch ol


t'll.Il.IclL'l \hL'lL'llL"~ \‘~ L'l'L' llL'llllL’l. l‘tkti oIIIxI;IIIIlIII;.' lllIIlllL‘lll\ .I tlItthl IIlIoIII \[IHllllleJ l‘ul} IoIl IulochII ol //I(‘ I'm! Vim: .llltl it lolch eloun lllllllL' are not enough Io xaxe hluml. Ill-contuth IIImIIoIogIICx. ISII/nnnc lilacln l'.(/III/)Iu'g/I (Ill/("JP Hf .ll‘l. 057/) 34/ 0/36. [0111/ 37'

."llL'. 6.40pm, 17.51) I £6.50;