Dawson in Kids (top right); Sin City (middle); and in her new film, Clerks II (bottom and

main picture)

l)a\\\nii struggled for three )t‘tii‘x In \xin another part until nne da_\ \he walked iiitn the l'ttt'l (ireene ttlllc‘e Ul. Spike l.CC and he (ll-lik‘l't‘tl her the [‘art nl~ l.a|a in [It' (inr (iii/mt "l'he c\[k‘rience \\a\ :Jrcat.‘ recalls |)a\\\nn. ‘lt t'elt likc I hadn’t \\nrl\cd on a film hel'nre and that this “as m_\ first I‘nle lni' the \ecnnd time. Spike encouraged me a Int and game me a Int nt' cnnlidcnce.‘

In the late ‘ltlx. \till nii|_\ |.\'. l);t\\\trn mun hecame hettei‘ knnnn as a part} girl nn the .\'e\\ ank scene. ()lten nut \\llll ('hlne Se\ign_\. \he \\a\ cnnxtanII} appearing in the gusle columns. linked In a string nt‘ heatix. But her career chnices \\ ere pnnr: \n tnuch \n that \\hen l.ee empln} ed the actress In \xnrk nn 351/1 llnur in 3002. \he \a_\\ he \cnlded hci' h} asking. ‘\\‘h.\ did _\nu dn thexc \hit ninxies'." He might ha\e heen referring In .lmn' um/ I/n‘ l’ir.\.\_\'i‘ul\. .l\/I ll't'i/m'u/iri; liln' l-rrxr \le .llt/ltnrt [x .‘l/lt'tl\'\ I/lt' Hun/ml ni‘ 'Iiln .-li/i'¢’uliu‘t'\ n/il’lutn Mix/i. to name a ten nf~ Ihe stinkerx (‘axting dii'ectnrx ltlll\l ha\e heen ahle

10 \tttL‘ll ltL‘l' (‘V L‘\L‘lt l‘L‘l‘Ul'C lltL‘} “th ll tllll Ul-

the en\e|npe. .-\II that changed \xlien her performance as


\aturelle nppnxitc lid\\ard \nrtnn in 351/1 llnirr \ltnu ed a hitherto unseen maturit}. (hernight. \he hecamc lint pi'npei't}. She \Ll}\. ‘Spike l.L'L'. ltc‘ \;I\L‘tl ltt_\ L‘ttt'L‘el' tuice.‘ St) much so. that \xhen he apprnached her to appear in .S'lit' Hun .llt' in 3004. Hanson \\it\ in a pnsitinn In refuse the director. ha\ ing heen handed a part in ()Iner Stone‘s historical epic .l/(‘ttlllt/('I'. The more mature performances and

roles lune hecn matched h) a change in her

l‘t't\ate lite. and \he left \eu Ytlt‘lx Lllltl the gnxxip cnlumnx tn ninxe in \xith model-turned actni‘ .la\nn l.e\\ ix nl' Set um/ I/II' (’i'lji' fame.

.-\I heart thnugh. and as Smith \n i'eadil) proclaims. l)a\\\nn \till has that Izast (‘naxt

CNN“ that makex her unique amongst man} of

her peers. lame and her rising cache as an ttc‘lt't‘\\ ha\c nnt gnne [0 her llL‘Lttl. She \tlll \pnuh nut e\ei'} sentence in a thick .\'nn Yorker accent at Ititl miles an hnur and. \xnnderf'ull). :JHLN nt‘t nn inni'e tangents than a ttt;tllt\ hook. \n tlnttltl. \he lt;t\ c‘tltltttlc\\ faults. hut \he sure dnex hide them \\ ell.

Clerks II, Cineworld, 623 8030, 18 Aug, 8pm & 20 Aug, 6pm, £7.95 (£5.20).



The original Clerks was a benchmark 90$ cult movie. Here are five other films showing at this year's EIFF that are possible contenders to the cult throne.

Wristcutters: A Love Story O'l(f\)fllll)i)t)31 English language films showing at the l (*‘Slhutl that all those 70s US Illcllt' onesi, this lll‘.t?.’ll|‘.’t? occasionally ethereal and pleasing black comedy is set in a bi/arre Ullltltlltflltll half way station which IE} reserved for people who commit suit ide. Croatian director Goran Dukic's; gothic sensibility. sense of fun and Lithfl‘llttll to detail lend this love story an unusual edge.

I Cameo. (523 8030, Qt) Aug, i'tlprn A) J” Aug. 5.30pm, £7.95 (£5.90),

Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait Artists Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno nray have l.)orrov-red the idea of using several cameras to centre in on the performance of one footballer for the duration of a match from HellmuthCostard't; 971 George Best tribute filni Footbal/ like Never Before. but this film really c0u|d be the beginning of a whole new footballi'arthouse film crossover.

I Cineworld, 623 8030. 79 Aug, (5pm 8 22 Aug. 8pm, £7.95 (£5.20).

Red Shoes Subversive Setith Korean horror homage to Michael Powell's timeless CIaSSic which heralds a whole new type of film hybrid. Or then again maybe not.

I Cameo, 623 8030. 78 Aug, 71.45pm 8 IQ Aug. 72.30pm. £7.95 (£5.20).

Neo Ned Unfortunately this is not anything to do With your proverbial Scottish ‘ned' (a derogaIOry term which we use with no pleasure whatsoever), this Amer/can History X style trawl through a neo NaZl youth's ' difficult life was a hit at the excellent Tribeca Film Festival. a good gauge of the modern cult film. I Cameo. 623 8030, 7 7 Aug, 9.5300ni 8 79 Aug, 2.40pm, £7.95 (£5.20).

A Few Kilos of Dates for a Funeral Few countries are making better films at the moment than the Iranians. Unfortunately they are probably about to be invaded by infidel FaSCist hordes so enjoy this delightful. dark comedy ab0ut familial madness while you can. Fans of the film include Jim Jarmusch.

I FI/mhouse, 623 8030, 24 Aug, 8. 75pm 8 26 Aug, 3.30pm, £7.95 (£5.20).