
DAM STREET (Li Yu. China/France. 2005) 93min

L: {as rrlm rs, rrreerv,’ sl ot. trut s; (,rass/

scored that any s.r:;t'et, "r the carr‘rerawork. the soundtrack promptr‘, ol,rlrtr‘,-rates. One {)‘r'lfil'.'(:l‘, framed morrrent at the top rrf some steps has rrraudlrn musrr, rtifilli’i al. “)‘JC'r 't.

But then the story lends rtseif to the «gentrrrrental. Serteerr—yeav:rlrl Xe;t(;,rrn erruyao Huang: (Jets pregnant and prerrratrrrely owes hrrtrr. Afterwards her rrrother tells her the harry was strllborn. The trim Jumps ten years and the talented Xraoyun rs stuck srngrng wrth a rrredrocre song and dance troupe. She also befriends a ten year—old boy wrth whom she feels a strange affrnrty. From there the frlrn offers some nrce touches. but often settles for the predrctahle. rTony McKrl)l)rn,

I Crnewor/d, (5215‘ 80330, 77 Aug}. 10. ISpm 8. 7?) Aug, .2’. liSpm, .“r'fifi r5‘:3..’_)0r.

FIRST LOVE (HATSU-KOI) (Yukinari Hanawa, Japan, 2006)

115mm 00.0

A frctronalrsatron worked around a real- lrte event. Frrst Lorre captures the bored. destructrye anger of late 1960s student radrcals rn Japan. Based on the true story of the theft of 300 mrllron Yen rn Toyota employee bonuses on

I Crneworld.

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Sensrtrvely shot. Hanawa‘s second feature allows plenty of trme for the characters to reflect WrthOuI transferrrng therr frustrations to the watcher, and plots great beauty rn the subtly changrng emotrons of Mrsu/u. r’Robrn Leer I Crnewor/d. 623 8030, Sat l9 Aug}. 70. 15;)m 8. Sun 20 Aug, 2.45pm, £7.95 4520).

THE HOUSE OF SAND (Andrucha Waddington, Brazil, 2005) 115min 0000

Despite the fact that Brazrlran frlmmaker Waddrngton (Me. You. Them) handles the trme tranSrtrons rn hrs new frlm a irttle brt clumsrly (as rt covers the perrod from 1910 to 1969.. thrs rs a stunnrng precc-

This silly but enjoyable comedy about one woman's sexual transformation is something of an oddity. Low on dialogue and full of the kind of slapstick you might have thought died with Jacques Tati, this tale of a young waitress' passion for all things frozen will divide, delight and surprise audiences.

'23 8030. 79 Aug, 5450/77 8 20 Aug, 6.30pm, £7.95 (55.20;.

e... H ’,1 ' 5 " W " _‘ ‘A ' l \‘ \b Li'ti A A A! A 3 n . «I A x 7, r7 . ‘v. v r I , : A A. (A t_‘ . l 4 o t'K‘ {W ' . ' O'W'. 't" 'A.‘ 'r', ' ' " r'ti' ~,tf‘.,' .' ., ' i (I , it: I /| ' v I tAt (;l(1l]\l/A(1k‘\]]_{f- Wt t. Ati‘, titu‘u )( .r ('Itt'V'fl‘tR ‘4" '1'“ l'mt.’ ‘v: AlA\A' \\ Kl; (i H J It M t .t , J. . A r 1' .r A 7 4/ K‘ F’."‘ (I r ’\" .7\ .. " r‘tAJLAldru 9 r‘k‘A" Ati VI KAN” (A! A

Fernanda Torres :‘v’l'LKdtm

I CrneLt/orld. 0:." (£0530, 73) A115,: far": 5'; 22 Aug, ftp/n E I' 9‘7 r'f‘fijflir.



(Clive Gordon, Spain/UK/Sweden, 2006) 90min 0.

Wrrtten by Paul Laverty rT/re limo trra.’ Shakes the Bar/err. and Siéil'l'lllf; Peter Mullah. Cargo rs one of the bro Scottrsh entrres at thrs year's lle- l: Unfortunately, what starts out as an rnterestrng take on the 'beast rn the hull' scenarro. centred on CHUCK; yOung stowaway Chrrs rDanrel Brllhlr, Captarn Brookes rMullanr and hrs SQHOUSly demented crew. ourckl, descends rnto rncoherence. Drawrr‘rg on themes famrlrar from Krng Kory; rthe ()rrgrnalr. Antonro Brrd's Rive/roar; and Roy Boultrngs Thunder Roar: notrceably shared guilt. shared madness and the drstant men-ones of freedom. Cargo eventuall, runs agrOund on a rock they named ‘rllogrcal'. rPaul Daler

I Cameo. 623 8030, 23 Aug. Z'.4'7,',rr7 8 24/44/51, 50/77. £7.95 r5320,


DEAD MAN’S CARDS (James Marquand, UK, 2005) 92min O

Thrs trul; appallrng :.r“-der.'.rc.';d orarrra set in Lwerpool .s prett, near unw tchabre for aracne rut“ an of taste. Boxer Terr“ James lr‘rclflartrn rs forced rnto earl, retrremmt and so he becomes a dbC'rr‘ran alongsrdc

7J4; Aug 22/,



Robert Blake Thrs former chrld actor celebrated for hrs performance rn the film of Truman Capote's In Co/d Blood. was trred and acqurtted for the murder of hrs wrfe in 2001. Blake hasn't acted Srnce hrs creepy turn as the Mystery Man in Dar/rd Lynch's Lost Highway. James William Guercio Made JUSi thrs one frlm. After rt bombed mrsunderstood as a fasost road movre GuerCro Quit the busrness to manage soft rock bands Chrcago and Blood. Sweat and Tears. Chicago The band members appear rrr the frlm (thrs may be a reason not to go see).

Dialogue Motorcycle cop Brg John Wrntergreen (Blake): ‘There arn't nothrn' I hate more rn this world than that elephant under my ass.‘

Bikes The slo-mo scene rn which a cop drives hrs Harley thrOugh a plate glass window rs as awesome as anythrng Sam Peckinpah ever shot.

I Fr'lmhouse, 623 8030, 20 Aug. 9.30pm, £5.50 (£4.20).