
II eritiex. and l‘\e nn dnuht _\nu. \\i||

knnu the leeling nl' e\eitement that

neeurx \\ hell. in xnme tlltttili'ileli\ e \entte nr lime xlnt. _\nu dixen\ er a hidden pearl nl' the hinge. Snme inung enmpan} _\nu‘\e nexer heard til prndueing tt pieee til theatre thIl ix guaranteed tn xta_\ \\ith _\nu l'nr a lnng time In enttte. nllen l’eelx ttx il‘ il‘x \\tit‘lh ten til. ihtixe hig hlnated xtar \ehielex. nlten prndueed and pet‘ltn‘ttted h} lnlk \\hn xilttpl) dnn't ha\ e In H} an} mnre.

'lihtx )L‘ttt'. il- )titl ean xee lie}nnd the lile—xi/etl pieturex nl eelehx and xliekl} dexigned pnxterx It) lhttl ltitidexl little leal‘let lluttering Uli tt hnt'l'tmed liit nl' Blue 'l'aek. _\nu might lind the name nl nne nl thexe hidden pearlx til the hinge. l ean reenmmeud a ten.

.'\x lar ax _\nung nexienmerx gn. .'\dam Rapp muxt xurel} be leading the paek at the mnment.

llix lirilliant hut lileak xneial enmed). l’l'm'r

.VU/I/U (ttlHW ix [iel'httpx the leitxl heralded xenxatinn nl' the l-‘ringe. lt eame tn tnun \iith xtrnng reenmmendatinnx lrnm the ('8. but given the neeaxinnal dixparit} hetueen .-\meriean and liurnpean theatre taxtex. there hax heen xnme eautinn in pieking it up. Snme nl' the leaxt

Taking on Myra Hindley

Some of the finest Fringe theatre discoveries give a voice to the most marginalised people of all. Steve Cramer uncovers some powerful stories of a serial killer, a celebrity paedophile, and a bunch of folk who are cast aside by society just because they’re normal.

xueeexxlul tt'atixallttltlie et‘nxxitigx xinee the 'l’itanie hax e enme here with ximilar eredentialx. But here. there‘x nn need l'nr trepidatinn.

'lhe pieee. \xhieh lineuxex UH tt gt'tittp til dexperatel} neurntie. druggednut llatmatex in a grim liaxt Village lilat. xeex the attempted rnhher} nl a tele\ixinti lrnm a dnunxtairx neighhnur dexeend intn ati itiitiall} l'at‘eieal and linall} hnrrilie aetinn. What I xuppnxe ix at the eentre nl Rapp‘x \ixinn ix the xenxe nl' dixal'l'eetinn and marginalixatinn that ultimatel} trapx thexe )nung men in a pit nl' hnpelexx inertia. and the grimmer ennxequeneex nl thix entrnpie prneexx. It \\ill. I xuxpeet. he an nutxtanding memnr} n!" the l’ringe hit all \\litt xee it.

l)ixall‘eetinn. marginalixatinn and the ereatinn nl pariahx xeemx tn he a prnminent xuhte\t lnt' xe\et'al _\nung enmpatiiex at thix )t‘tit"x l'iexti\a|. .\ enuple nl' enmpaniex ha\ e apprnaehed the xuhieet h} \L‘L‘lxilig nut ax xuhieet matter prnminent puhlie ligurex \xhn ha\'e heenme xn hated. xn mueh the xuhjeet nl' h_\xterieal enndemnatinn that there ix nn lnnger a language h} uhieh the} ean xpeak nr thrnugh \t'hieh \\ e ean .xpeak nl' them. in den) an indixidual the right In a language ix. nl enurxe. a liidenux

eruelt}. hill In tlelt_\ nne lit a \\lltilL‘ xtietel_\ Ix ximp|_\ axinine.

'l'hix might lie the pt'nlilem \\l[li a ligute like mnnrx murderer .\l_\ra llindle). alteadx the xuliieet nl xnme entitt'met‘x} in Sentland thix _\eai alter a BI“. t‘adin lit'nadeaxl h} the direetnt nl the .\"I'.\'. \iekie leatherxtnne \\ax pulled lrnm the xehedulex lieeauxe l'eatherxtnne htttl remarked that xhe \\ntt|d xee llind|e_\ ax an interexting dinner guext. ‘l’hat xn prnmineut a figure ax l'eatherxtnne xhnuld be banned lrnm raixing the xuhieet might gi\ e _\nu an idea nl lit|\\ xtridentl) the rext nl tix ean he xhnuted dnu n.

Yet. a enuple nl enuragenux _\nung enmpaniex. theprnduetinnenmpan} and \Vild 'l‘h}me hax e enmliined tn axk xnme quiet quextinnx alinut thix hid} in xpite nl all the pulilie elamnur. Debut dramatixt llenr} l-‘illnux-Bennett'x Him/ml ix nnt ximpl} enntrmet'xialixing when the p|a_\\\ right raixex the xuhjeet; there ix mueh \xe ha\e nnt been permitted tn xa} alinut thix eaxe. "l'he danger that penple laee ix nnt xn mueh a prnhlem nl being able tn dixeuxx her; exer}nne hax xnmething tn xtt} ahnut her.’ l’illnu\»liennett xa}x. '\\'e all xa_\ Nina llitidle} \xttx an e\i|