biteh who killed ehildren and ~\hould be loeked tip for lite. But that'.\ not sawing anything new. The problem happem when you 11'} to open a debate. and il~ _\ou xa} “hang on a minute. let‘s look at the detail. Do we. as young people. know aii_\thing about her aside from that inlamoux pieture‘.’ .-\nd do we need to know more?" Then it is dismissed it.\ nonsenxe and it seem\ that in some prol'ound w a_\ people are .ximpl) not able to listen.‘

The pla}. whieh was read b_\ llindle} \ former partner lan Brad} in his prison eell. and ineludes fragments of hix \tor} a\ well ax llindle}'.\. is not intended to gloril} thexe ligurex. It takes ll\ instead from the night ol the laxt murder to the present da_\. \peaking ol' the dill'ereneex between retribution and redemption. h_\ \teria and Met.

So too with the stor} of a GM} (ilitter

impersonator. Sam. whoxe l‘ortunex deeline with the dow Mall of his hero in .-\ndrew Barron and .lessiea Beek\ 1]) (lie (iurt'. llere. e\ en the east ha\'e been \ub‘ieet to harawnent in tr_\ing to open a dialogue. Barron talks about hix night at the Fringe opening part}. not one hell easil} forget. ‘I went with the regalia on. and a few people ga\'e me dirty looks. btit thix one gtt}

started following me around. pointing his finger

Making waves (clockwise trom main pic): Andrew Barron in Up The Gary;

Parasites; The Unsinkable

Clerk; Finer Noble Gases;


at me. and \houting “Siek. \iek. \iekf”. l ol‘l‘ered him a ther. and he threw it at me. and I walked aw a}. But he l‘ollow ed me and \\;I\ getting more aggrexxhe. l \tarted telling him about the nature ol‘ the \how. and he ealmed

down a bit. But then he \aid. "il' (lat) (ilitter

w ;1\ here. I‘d \tamp on hix laee." I thought. w hat doex that tell ux'."

l \uppoxe what it tell\ u\ i\ that there are \ome \ubieetx that we are denied language about. where e\er_\ attempt to dixeuxx the


L‘Ltll\;tlilie\ (ll. \ome e\ent lead It) LlCCll\£lll(lll\ Hl llx endorxement. '\\'e want all thoxe people who don't underxtand w h} we're doing it to eome along and we it. We hope that it open\ \ome \Ul'l Ul- dialogue‘. \Lt} \ Beek.

()ther marginal tigurex at the l'ringe are neither eelelu‘ated. nor ha\ e the_\ l’allen trom \ome great height. Yet there\ a eertain appeal to the protagonixt ol ’lilit' [.IHl-IIku'll/e ('lt rA. Here. in a eo-written pieee b_\ l‘eli\ lla}e\.


'l'om Hank and .'\ndrew l’aton. a eompleleh (tllttll}lllt)ll\ olliee worker iuarginahxed b_\ lll\ \er} t'tllllttl'lllll} l\ ll'alhpnt‘lul tan a \llallfJe under \ea world. realixtng lll llll\ lll_\llllk realm that the iiiaiii\ti'e;iiii i\ Il\ own kind ol marginalixatitin.

\leanwhile that \\l\ll lo

lllU\L' \l.t_\

anon_\mou\. but ean't. in llll\ ea\e a eouple ol aeademiu at a ll}l\ln\\n unnerxit} department. are alxo unemered in Ilimx/lm. a plat that

\tartx ax w hat lookx like a \tandatd undergraduate laree. but whieh li'a\el\ in more prolound. and eeeentrieall) lunn} du'eetiom ax it progrexxex. \ot unlike thi\ }eaiK lalmburgh l'exti\al l‘ringe. in laet.

Finer Noble Gases, The Bongo Club, 557 2827, until 28 Aug (not 19, 20), 7.30pm, 29-210 (£8419); Wasted, Pleasance Dome, 556 6550, until 28 Aug, 6.55pm, £8.50-£9.50 (£7-£8); Up the Gary, Underbelly, 0870 745 3083, until 27 Aug, 8pm, £8.50—£9.50 (£7.50-E8.50); The Unsinkable Clerk, Pleasance Courtyard, 556 6550, until 28 Aug, 2.20pm, £8.50—£9.50 (£7-£8); Parasites, C central, 0870 701 5105, until 28 Aug, 8pm, £8.50 (£7.50).