
Telephone Booking

Book Festival 0345 373 5888

Fringe 0131 226 0000

lntemational Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 3030


Fantasic physical theatre 0000 THE UNSINKABLE CLERK

Pathos and pure joy 00..

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. _ _ , . up any new debate on the battle between faith and fact, ' ~ ' ~ ' 1 ‘« 1 An earie, if you Will, n1ght out wuth headphones 0000 but Jo Mangants production for The performance . In , ,, . .. , . . I . 1 I Corporation adds a pastiche effect, borrowing from ' « z: . w ' 1 ' ' . ' Site specific theatre can no longer be regarded as a Hammer Horror films, Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde, The ~ ' w ' v 1 1: ' 1' " 1 v ' new trend in Britain, yet its capacity to reinvent itself Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and even contemporary :1. w: 11» 1 1 ' ' with each different location certainly shows a power to images from Abu Ghraid to contemporise and revivify 1 s ' ' ' 1 «1 . . :' compel. As the audience (replete with headphones for the debate. " 1.- . ' I ' . splendid sound and music effects) wandered about There are some good performances here among the 1.1“ ' " r 1 ' K ' Edinburgh University’s medical faculty, through elephant skeletons and test tubes, with Rae Hendrie as . . ; 1 1 1- ' ' " 1." Wctorian lecture halls, grand courtyards and finally a wife reduced to acidic hectoring after years of r ; 1, : z ' narrow darkened cellars, the tricks with lights and neglect and Niamh Daly a parlour maid unable to 1 ' : v ' I mirrors worked their magic. tolerate the secrecy of her affair with her master any 1' " '1 I. w ' ' 1“ ’1' 5 ' In the piece, the title character, a Victorian medical longer particular standouts. As the piece turns into a 1 1 ' 1 .‘ 1' I scholar, struggles to reconcile the absolute value grim Wellsian allegory about repression and science ' 1:1 ~ 1 ' :" 91 1 ' 7 1 structures laid down by religion and the relativism both in Victorian society and subsequent eras, its finale " ' ' ' ' " ' " 1’ ' imposed by the empiricism of Darwin. Torn between a is strong, if a little bilious in effect, and generally, it’s a ' . . ' "’ Christian opposition to capital punishment and a sexual good night out, as creepy as a date with David Blunket. ; : '

frustration that leads to some untidy re-channeling, Ledbetter faces pressures from his family that leads to breakdown. Tom Swift‘s script, in truth, doesn’t open


(Steve Cramer) I f’.’:‘.f".)‘.>. 5.5.1“ 21/ wt, (19.1} "’4' ."3’. Lil,"