
Index of shows included in this issue

Alice Through the Hughes, Shirley ' I '~ Iceber Lgokmg G 85,3 g IAmberRoomeS-79 IOominlon 18 Newbattle IStBnde‘s All McGregor 5 Opera Budesque 'mmorta' Cumberland 51. 558 3352 Ten. 623 8030 10 Orwell Terr. 346 1405 And Even My Goldfish ~" In Between Days 1' I Assembly Hall I E I St George‘s West 58 Apollo/Dionysus ' Indian Dance fround PI. 226 2428 SW Tron. Hunter 50. Pl, 226 2428 . Assembly Rooms _ I Scotch Malt April Snow Intalax. Marcus 54 Gauge St. 226 2428 U 590 ‘4 PM PI. Society 87 Giles St. W Bailey. Bill James. Jimmy IAttIc Salt so Thistle 51 N E :33; 554 3451; 28 Queen St. Bho , Danny Jeffries, Jim UL 225 2093 I I I 220 20“ Bissiett Alan ' Jimeoin ' " 4’ nge N 3635 S“ I scom W can.” ' . _ . . I Bridge. 0845 226 2721 of Modern Art 75 Bellow Bowerbird Intelligentman Kamikaze Bard Little Davy King . m Nov. 362:0 21% 8940 Rd.0870118 1859 Brand, Russell Kay, Phil . r. - 9 St Stephen's I Ffiw'm um I seamen National . . St Stephen's St. 558 3853 Portrait Gallery Brodkln, Slmon Kennedy, AL ~ Nicolson St. 473 2000 a . , .. . IBabyBelly loueenSt.08701181859 Budapest Festival Orchestra . Killing Tlme .g. me Caves. Nde 3, South. :S'DM: .m Scam PM Burnside, John 1/ King’s Got Donkey Ears, The .1 0370 745 3083 . W “Mot HOMOOO Rd. 473 2000 ,1 . I The Bongo Cltb . I Scottish Storytelling Byrne, Jason . . Kirkman, Lauren 37 H I [Rd 558 7604 13871510 Sq. 68 1633 c I 43.45 High 8‘ Campbell, Menzies l" Kirshen, Mark . Mon M Ladywefl gegeorgszséaem 556 9579 ' Cargo Knight Time 1 Rd. Musselburoh. 665 2240 I G 98 I ', m H I'Ihe Garden -:' ' ICabaretVoltalre - - 0"” GeorgeSquns.6678940 Clerks ll 1 . o . Kyna, Alyssa ' . GreytnarsPl. 0845 226 2721 C 90 H Lab E I F , 3GBIairSt. 2206176 .Hmmc " ' ITheStand ComedyCIub Coma, The l . Last Detail, The in Theatre 17 West Register 31. . Hm St M g 11.. SW Comgdy crab Comedy Club 4 Kids, The ' Laura Ford - Armour Boys c. 19 Hill St. 226 6522 $135727? A“de 5‘- , . . .‘1 "0"“ I H Tavern Could You Make a Fortune in Leimbach, Marti - . \ 38 Home St 623 8030 9a Hde' 556 5044 .36". 23 C [bum Sh Scotland? 1 . Little Miss Sunshine 4‘ r I Ca . Kirk . The .09..” can.” 622 6200 Crude Awakening, A 4-2 Lucas, Laurent -1:’ 2°23: M'Ie' 31,6233; 9 6 Carlton Terrace. 556 4441 :piwget grassrgarket 5.. -- :1 "to" IJ Centre TheLt x "V Oiel- cmnCh! " Mc'lvanney’ W'll'am (" 1“ 121 Montgomery St. 4 Grssnmm. 4.67 520; Grassmaiket. 0870 241 0136 Cutlery Wars -1‘l McTaggart, Rebus 1‘ 1 0775 735 2709 . Jam '0" I Talbot Rloe Gallery Dalyell, Tam 11“. Man Who Planted Trees, The .1 l'. 411 I 9 WI Carlton Hotel 43 Jeffrey Si. 556 0476 Edmbu'gh Un've's'w- D St t ,_. M d B d , C t (3, North Br.0870 701 5105 .uughm HomoJoky" OIdCOIIege S. Br.6502211 am ree a on ran. 05 orse xi ICC, I St. anymnzHamvefs‘. .mmmm Dandy Warhols, The :11 0:1 Martin, Demltn 1 l 0870 701 5105 225 2022 7 Hanover St. 225 8998 Dead Man’s Cards .15, Mazepa 5153 :Cmcmdog%d$6s (£35205 I The Liquid Room 9c 5: meal ' .W 11:, 0V I . 1 VictonaSt.08701690100 ecu nil/er o 095’."°ted 'f \ Méssfenge' , , I c Too Johnston Ter, I Meadowka Stadium 500000” TM” P'- DIskI. Jenny ’- Mldmght My Love w 0870 701 5105 139 London Rd. 652 0927 228 ‘404 Donaldson, Julia 1-1 Midsummernights Tree, A L111 I Charlotte Sq Gardens I Ocean Terminal Ocean mmghggg?“ Doody, Nick 1 1’1. 1)?» Mikelangelo and the Black Sea 0845 373 5888 . D" Lem" 08700600100 I "age ' B", H : ,) I Cineworld Fountain Pk, I Pleasance Courtyard WEI-LY 510 Sq. Dreamers i1.) Gentlemen i 1., Dundee St. 523 8030 50 pleasance’ 556 5550 0870 745 3083 Dr Ledbetter’s Experiment til 1 Mitchell Leisen Retrospective :17 I City Art Cam I m Dom. I Underbelly 56 Oowgate. Dumbly. Tug 11’ Motion, Andrew S), 1“. 1: Mark“ SI- 529 3993 1 8W" 30' 555 5550 2850 745 3% Cow 88m Dutch Elm Conservatoire L’li Munnery, Simon 2:? zzgccgkbul'cum'gsa'l°~ émgztm 5200 Rad Ha". Eds“) Sq, Editors :11) Muttnik ~17. if) 220 1260 I Rocket 0 09mm Roxy 0870 745 3033 Elektra Glide in Blue ‘15) MyoSung: Streetdance :l-l ' Corn Exchange 11 New Art House ROXY A" H0059. ' "9"" "a" Eua Meet Mar" n (3., Neo Ned ,w Marketh 0870169 0100 0871 750 0077 Lothian Rd.2281155 r y . ‘\ I David Hume Tower I Royal Botanic Garden I Venue 13 Lochend Cl. Fernandez-AmestO. Felipe i-1 Next Door ill > George Sq. 650 3620 20a lnvedei'th Row. 552 7171 Canongate. 0707 420 13 3 Fettes Jazz Festival 51-1 Nicholls, David 1.1 l Dean Gallery I Royal Museum I goo SoutheisdeGGZ 6 92 Few Kilos of Dates Noé, Gasper I? 73 Belford Rd, 624 6200 Chambers St. 247 4422 11 Nicholson 1, 8 for a Funeral, A ’10 O’Doherty, David 21: Finer Noble Gases (31 Oh in Ohio, The ‘10 Samudra $1.1 Tits and Blood 1 ' First Love .151 Olver, Mark 21 Schama, Simon ‘. Toulouse Lautrec Focus Space 4 72 One Fine Day 11 Scottish Ballet and the Art Nouveau Poster 4 Noels, The 2;? O’Neill, Andrew 21 Sedaris, David 1 Travelling Gallery Jaggy Edge Francis & Power 251 Parasites (31 Serious Fun for Kids 4 Two Men Talking Frank and Ella ‘1-1 Particularly in the Heartland SE) Shaw, Ian v Understanding the Middle East Franz Ferdinand 0 Past Half Remembered (32 Silly Billy Bum Breath 1 Unlock the House French, Vivian 1.1 Penny Spubb’s - Prawn Free 23-1 Snow, Dan Unprotected Freshmess :1-1 Performance Poetry 12 Soma Night Unsinkable Clerk, The Friendship Across Pickering, Charlie 20 Spektor, Regina 1' . ‘11» Up the Gary 1 the Political Divide 78 Professor Bumm's Split «"1 VISitOf. The ' ' Future. The 1 7‘. .91 , 26 Story Machine ~17, .18 Spooky Men’s Chorale in Concert '3‘. Wainwright, Loudon " " Gimme Your Left Shoe .17, .18 Pryor, Rain :36 Steele, Colin Waiting for Romeo

Gordon, Douglas .10 Rainbow Fish Underwater Activity Sutherland, John 1" Wasted

Gorski, Hedwig 12 Afternoon .10 Swing High, Swing Low '11‘ We Are Klang

Haddon, Mark 1;? Realism ‘38 Tango Fire We Don’t Know Shi’ite

Haines, Luke 51-1 Receptionists, The 28 Tapeire Winterson, Jeanette A ' Hamlet Project, The 0"» Red Shoes 41“?) Taylor Mac World Press Photo I Heather McLeod Reverend Obadiah Thatha Wright, Luke Hegley, John 2 1 Steppenwolfe Ill 26 Them with Tails Wristcutters: A Love Story Hills, Adam 1 Right of the Weakest, The 37 They Might Be Giants Season X Factor I - Hired Hand, The 11 Rosie Kay Dance Company 3.1 Third From the Left, The I/ Zelda '3‘? Hotel Harabati .2 Saadi, Suhayl 15 Thomas, Mark 12 Zidane '/'. I. '1‘] House of Sand 37 -15 Same . . . But Different, The 66 Thread ZooNation: Into the Hoods ’22


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