

Alex Horne loves a good concept. From the joys of Latin to the art of communication. he’s done the lot. What's next? Birdwatching, that's what. Yes, Horne's dad was a passionate twitcher but his lad just couldn't understand the appeal. so he went on a big adventure from Bahrain to Bill Oddie to find out. Welcome to the weird world of Hornithology.

I Pleasance Canny/arc. 556 6550. 5-27 Aug mot 74). 7.400m. 5950-970. 50 (EB-£91. Prewews until 4 Aug. £5.

Fast becoming a Fringe staple, Lucy Porter will this year invite us into her Love-In. Here, she gets all intimate with our limp Q&A

5 words to describe your show this year

Better than mg. other shows.

4 acts who should be more famous in September than they were in July

t3. Sttttte. Jon thhamsom. Chrtetrart Rel, ME:€;.€: H g; 3 things that you love about Edinburgh in August

Mor'tmg Ch Broughton Street. sum, fterviy/V; w tw;

Pleasahce Cowman. CO 14', rights 1" the Grin-c: Bangor

2 things that you hate about Edinburgh in August ‘.'.’aikihg Lil? nits am the TV Festre.

1 thing that you would change about the comedy scene

More 'ttohe; ‘0' the acts :1 5e 'ttée. sari-2:, ar 1. at the Festna. A; that t 3er exert. a”: the act: eee harcil‘, an; 0‘ :t.

I Px‘easartce Cowman). 55 7.50007, 0250—57350 If»


r\t‘l: 7‘1"“ l],.<1«‘v,.lv

Reginald D Hunter N" l‘1tT " "it" ff‘tt" t“ a“? ,mtr Fir:

_]é:'t31‘,f;.:}"fl t‘f ,thw Err» .‘.:th {\u:" it’ll

(“Hemm’re .th tw l'ftl...

tht (M , t rum t, (1,9171 l'.1_" 1" )fl \‘ [1/ [MRI (7‘ 1' In rttvt ‘7 ~’.' ‘7' ~' ‘1' er‘H’LK H". MIX}, 3‘,

Murray Lachlan Young It“, El (imam: smut) m: 1:1th mw the {MM :th hat} a hattttfshrht: (lb-gt: mth E M! before the, rlwwiw: iv: ‘.‘.';t_~;h't the next hug Ittttttl titty-r ;a!; See: l)l‘:.'ltf‘.'.’. ;m<y:1’fi". (MM) fit/mm fez/wt. UM“) 70(7‘3‘, 7', N,’ Am; "to? 171.702 ftp/h. .‘W 5 HI «5‘8 51’)". /)'e,“./t'?'.‘./f. 5‘) J zit/(j, ft)

Rebecca Drysdale the utm 07' the Aspen testum! ‘rmrvt I’hh‘f, 'tn‘thtgi; His h :r 213mm ‘.‘.th'ttr1r; fshr‘tvxx ‘.'/ht(;h (teitgtzr', saw/2“), 3mm; {HM the ()(ltl a.'.'i<.'.';ar/i vim/:0, Bat); [Be/h”. “8/0 H") 5’08}, ‘1 I”) Aug «not 73:. )".Tf'5;m).

59.350 3“ 70.350 t.‘ 8. it" 5"}. 50/, P'U‘.’I(}‘.‘.’S 2 £2 '2‘ Aug, 5""),

Sean Lock the man :th urn/rote ’me of the UK"; flitt’flyi SllCOtttS (shuttles Ohio the ‘;TE1(}‘: t0 l)éi.’l‘1l)’)U/i(:(Ml/NV; .‘xho )‘l'Si thmksswthm:(haunt/21m rmtatga Show ’jil,’ See weptexg page 90. Plaz‘xtrtce Chart/{W}. 5:36 £550. 3 72AM}, 8/217). $72- :"73‘ 67050-617 60/.

{UV/6.1"; 2 Aug, :7").

Daniel Kits n The former Perrter “.‘Jll‘fler sttll smh't speak to us. but that Cit/:87 ~t stop as from a'mtt'mg thts she-mar corner}, rvacfirme. The Stand. XZ/Q. 5—26 Aug tn”): Fr/ #3 880.

7 7.30pm. {.19.

Jim Jeffries The outepckert AUSSIE 0 mg: us 30. a SMH 2". math he ref'ects back or: a tam; rrtorumertta! fear, See Dre/ten.

9e 12. UdderBEU-/': Pasture.

For venue addresses see index page 80