
of nature

With its mix of acrobatics, dance, theatre and Club, Fuerzabruta is impossible to define. Claire Prentice visits South America for a sneak preview

he I” \xhueks up Ihe \nlume nu Ihe

tlk‘k'hx .llltl \Ilthh‘lll} Ihe \xhnle tllldlL‘llL‘L‘

\‘l'll|\l\ l'ilIeeu luuuh'ed pt-nple jump in Ihe an in lime In Ihe mmng Iluuee musie. Retl. pmk .mIl purple lighlx l'luxh n\eI‘ Ihe \\\e;ll_\ L‘IHNWH \\hn shriek ;I\ water jets «hmu nu IheIII llnm \[ll'lllhh'h nwrheml. Hul [his NI‘I II eluh his .‘I lheull'legll slum.

Speeilieull} n\ u m Ih‘nppm}: hleml nl~ zieriul uel‘nlmlles. eullmgz edge perlnruumee. Iluuee um] eluh mfghl. I llI'ILYl/U'lel mezmx 'hrule l'nI'ee‘. uml l|l|\ \e\_\. plu}lII| uml (luring; .’\I';_'euIiue;Iu pimluelinu Ix h\ m; up In iIx uume. .'\u ;I\\;IIIII nu Ihe senses. iI's unlike tlll_\l|llllf.l else )nu \xill euenuuler this summer.

\\'e me m u huge IeuI m :I llL‘lLl nu Ihe Ulll\|\ll'l\ nl llngnlu. Ihe (’nlnmhiuu eupiIul. \\ here I'm Ig'u/n‘um has been playing In lull Ilt)II\L‘\ l'nr the puxI l‘anmghI. II is quue uu uehiexemenl in u


enImII'} mnre Ihuu Jll _\e;u\ mm u m il \xgu‘.

.-\ \niee enmex met the quun}: ‘\\'hen _\nu Inueh Ihe \eeungl'uph} please Iln iI \nlIl} mm the palm nl'}nur humk.’

'l \\;uu Ihe umheuee In gel inxnhed. | uqu Ihem In Inueh Ihe prnpx and the ;IeInI'\.' \;I_\\ l)iqui .lumes. I’lu'riuln'uIIIK ill'll\llL‘ Illl'CL‘IHl' uud pl‘e\inII\l} en-l‘numler nl' Ihe legeutlur} .>\r:_'enline;m enmpzm} He [.11 (iuau‘du \xhieh Inured Ihe glnhe in the l‘)‘)()\ \inh l'i/lu li/lu. plu} mg In mnre [ham l'nur millinn \pL‘L‘lillnl'x.

‘l’uerfuln‘ulu has nn nzu‘I‘uIiVe.‘ \Ll}\ James. ‘I tlnn'l \xuul In pul u \Inr} nn iI. II ix up In L‘\L'I'_\Une “ho CHIIIL‘\ [U \L‘C ii In judge it l'nl‘ Ihemxehes :md In eujn) iI nu their nu u Ierms.‘

.'\ \xhiIe lighl “:1de Ilnun nn :1 mun in u erumpled \uiI and lie \x'hn \Izu'Is running nn :1 Ireuthuill. .-\ series nl~ nhxluelex ure Ihrnxxn in his pth huI he keeps running. l‘usler (llltl luster. (Is it