

lIl\ lllL‘ LlL‘pL‘IIIlL‘Il HI] ll. ll l\ lllL' lil‘xl III LI \L‘I’lcx ()li

qunning imagex in Ihe UH minuIe xhnu'. \\hieh .lamex hax reunrked l'nr lzdinburgh.

l)expiIe Ihe abxenee nl~ dialngue. Ihe audienee ix x\\L‘pl alnng b_\ Ihe aelinn and Gab} Kerpel‘x elubb). aImnxpherie xenre. inIn a mexmerixing dream \\ni‘ld.

.\ man and a \xnman eling. like Ihe xlll'\ l\’I)I'x nl'

a xhip\\ reek. nnIn a huge xiher xhip‘x xail ax iI xpinx rnund and rnund: [\H) xpriIex run and xnmerxaulI Ihrnugh Ihe billnuing elnudx: a _\nung enuple xpin in eirelex nn nppninex xidex nla gianI. \xaIer—Iilled peIri dixh.

.-\nnIher xeene \xax in.xpired b} Ihe murga. a lnlk danee \xhieh immigranIx brnughI \inh Ihem In Ihe llnea. Ihe enlnurlul unrking elaxx dixIrieI nl Huennx .-\irex lamed linr iIx linnlliilll learn.

The aernbaIie man lnnk ph_\xieall_\ punixhing


and. In pre\enI iniur}. Ihe _\nung l3 xxxap rnlex I'nr exer} [X'rl'nrmanee

.\ giant meIallie xheeI lllllilll'lx nxer nur headx. rixing and l'alling like an ennrmnux “me. ('nnlnrming In .lamex' dexire In appeal In Ihe ehild in ux all. e\er_\nne iumpx in Ihe air In Inueh iI.

‘ll appealx In a \L‘I'} Iliu‘l'xe gl‘nup nl' people and I like IhaI \er} mueh.‘ he xa_\x. ‘Sn nI‘Ien Ihealre ix Inr penple IhaI read. inlelleetualx. l dnn‘I \xanI IliaI. l eiiin} earnnal and xIreeI IheaIre e\er_\nne ha\ing l'un IngeIher in Ihe xIreeI. rieh and pnnr. inIelleeIualx and nl‘dilIaI‘} penple. kidx and grandparenlx. 'l’here ix nnIhing III llIix pieee In IIIIIleINlalIIl. ll. )nu‘xe IIL‘VL‘I’ read a bnnk in )nur lile )nu ean enin} iI.

‘l'nr a lnI nl' penple. Ihix ix Ihe lier Iime Ihe} CHIIIL‘ [H lllL‘ llIL‘IIII'L‘. YUIIIIg peane lelld gn II) Ihe IheaIre. 'l'lie} Ihink iI ix linring. .\la_\be Ihey are righI. BuI Ihe} enme In l'iu'rm/irum.’

lI ix a filling IribuIe In a labnur nl' lnxe \xhieh Innk Ihe arIiine direeInr and a hand—pieked Ieam nl' hix man IrIIxIed enllabnraInrx Inur _\earx In de\elnp. lair nne ke} xeene. .lamex \x'anIed In enanrueI a gianI uaIer Iank lrnm an exIremely Inugh )L‘I Ihin. pliable pnl_\‘L‘xleI‘ lilm.

‘l uax nnrking nn making Ihix pnnl Inr mnre Ilian nne _\'ear \inh a lnI nl penple and Irying In enminee Iheni IhaI iI wax gning In be greaIC reeallx .lamex. "l‘he da} Ihe Ieehnieal Ieam brnughI Ihe pnnl in and l xau iI Inr Ihe lier Iime \\ax nne nl‘ Ihe happiexl da}x (ii in} He. II wax xn beauIilulf

lI mighI ha\e been a lnng Iime enming. but Ihe pnnl prnVidex an image \x'hieh will .xIay \x'iIh illl(llL‘llL‘C\ lnng iIlICI' lllL‘ end nl‘ Ihe xlIIM‘.

'l‘he \xaIer-lilled Iank ix graduall) lnu'ered lrnin Ihe eeiling and bthed in a xhilIing xpeeIrum nl' pink. purple. red. green and blue lighI.

.-\bn\ e lix a grnup nl~ xirenx emiI \\ ild xhriekx ax Ihe} xlide. leap and xplaxh Ihrnugh Ihe \x'aIerjuxI inehex lrnin nur headx. One man in Ihe audienee reaehex up In xlI‘nke Ihe bullnm nl nne ()1. the beauIiIul _\'nung girlx ax xhe xlidex aernxx Ihe xurlaee. She xInpx and pullx a lime at him belan rexuniing her game.

:\x Ihe} earr} nn eax'nrling. Ihe mnnd xhil'Ix lrnm innneenee In animal abandnn.

"l‘he xllim reall} ehangex l'rnm nne day In the nexI. aeenrding In Ihe audienee and depending nn \xhieh enunIr} \\ e are in.’ xayx Jamex. ‘Ynu need big audieneex Ini' a thM' like Ihix In wnrk. 'l'haI ix a big prexxure. 'l‘hankl'ully iI hax alwayx unrked \xherexer \xe haVe Iaken iI xn l'ar.’ he addx. ‘And when u unrkx IhaI ix a big relief. :\eIual|_\ iI l'eelx iith)lllIcl)’ I'anIainef

.-\I £25 a IiekeI iI'x nnI eheap bill it prnmixex In be nne nl Ihe man exhilarating nighIx nuI nn Ihe l-‘ringe.

\ll'Ullg' eaxl

Fuerzabruta, The Black Tent, Ocean Terminal, 0870 169 0100, 7 Aug-1 Sep (not 13, 20, 28), times vary, £25 (£17.50). Previews 4 & 5 Aug, £25 (£17.50).