'l‘he Talbot Rice (ialleiy will also be staging a major exhibition of Batchelor‘s multicoloured light-works. 'He is an important international artist. who. unknown to many people. was born in Seotlandf says 'l‘albot Rice curator Pat liisher. ‘lle‘s not had a major exhibition in his own country. and we felt that we should redress this. His work is Visually compelling and joyful. but is supported with intellectual rigor. He's the perfect match for the festival in terms of status. nationality. Visual impact and celebratiori.'

The awareness that international attention has shifted to the city of lidinburgh for this month. to its streets. buildings and urban geography. is taken up by a collection of artists exhibiting in August. An examination of space. place. the city

and its surrounding landscape links the work of

artists exhibiting as part of the Jardin Publics project. the Studio In the Fields exhibitors. land artist Richard Long. and city boys Nathan

Visual Art

('ole} and .-\le\ llar'tle}. for e\aniple. .lardin l’ublics will L‘\llll‘ll the work of three internationall} renowned artists i.\lichael lin. .-\polomja Sustersic and Richard \\ rightl who in\ ite us to consider the garden as a social rather than a pri\ate or natural space a cultisated and artificial en\ii‘onmerit Richard long brings 'natui‘al' objects and rriaterials mto the galler} and surrounding land at the Scottish National (ialler) of Modern .-\rt. while a group of artists exhibiting under the Studio In the l-‘ields moniker will ask the \iew er to turn their attention to the streets themsel\es. the tarmac and the litter.

lell" 'l‘uriier l’ri/e nominee \athan (News work at Doggerlisher also deals with how we fit into our built emironiiieril. how the cit) moulds and upholds our social roles and \aliies. 'l'his is taken to an extreme in the work ol ..\le\ llai'tle_\ at The l'ruitmar'ket (ialler). w here as architectural historian. builder. rambler. and climber. llartle} unites his experience of the cit} and its building. presenting photographs and an installation that document the buildings he has climbed throughout Scotland. ‘I hope that the (ialler‘_\— goer takes aw a} a snapshot of a \ital. \ibrant art scene.' \Lt}s l-‘iona Bradle}. director of the l-‘ruitrirarket. “and some reall} lirsi-rate artistic experiences that will slit} with them and inform how the) see the world for some lime to come.‘

Alex Hartley, The Fruitmarket Gallery, until 31 Oct, free; Andy Warhol, National Gallery Complex, 4 Aug-1 Sep, £8 (£6); David Batchelor, Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh, until 29 Sep, free; Jardin Publics, various locations, Edinburgh, 10 Aug-2 Sep, free; Naked Portrait, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, until 1 Sep, £6 (£4); Nathan Coley, Doggerfisher, until 15 Sep, free; Piccaso on Paper, Dean Gallery, until 23 Sep, £6 (£4); Rachel Whiteread, Ingleby Gallery, until 4 Aug, free; David Batchelor and Nikolia Suetin, Richard Serra and Francesca Woodman, James Hugonin and Howard Skempton, all Ingleby Gallery, dates vary, free; Richard Long Walking and Marking, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, until 21 Oct, £6 (£4).

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