
,-\lIer making xe\en lilmx \inh .laiman. Xxx inInn hax dnne her upman In enxiire hix unrk h\ex nn, She ix eIIIrenIl} aI \‘.Hll\ nn a lilm ahnIiI llllll. In enrnerde v. IllI a laIe \lndern IL'IIIixpL‘eIHL‘ llL'\l .\L'IIII

lI'x nn xirrprrxe IhaI xhe'x lenI her paIrnnage In a lein\a| IhaI hax alua}x prmed ax deIermrned In \llplwl'l lilmx nnIxrde Ihe mamxlream ax xhe ix ‘lI'x alv.;i_\x had Ihrx real|_\ hrg plaee m m} hearIf xhe xa_\ x. gnmg all [he \\a} l‘IIL'l\ In her xeennd lilm. l’eler \anlen'x WIN“ ellan [Him/dill” /)(’(II/I. \xhieh \\;Ix nmeiled aI Ihe lzll‘.

Yet her ennneeIrnnx run mneh deeper Ihan IhaI. nnI leaxl IhaI xhe meI her parIner. plauxrrghi .Inhn Rune. \inh uhnm xhe hax nine war nld Ixxinx. Xa\ier and llnnnr. during a xpell aI Ihe SenIIixh eapilal‘x ’l‘raxerxe ‘l‘healre in Ihe mid l‘).\'()x.

'l‘he daIIghIer nl’ Sir .lnhn SninInn. a SenIIixh \lainr (ieneral. heI‘ ‘IIIiliI;II'} elrildhnnd~ \\;1x a peripaIeIie nne. She dexerihex ladinhurgh ax 'Ihe k'l()\k‘\l llllllg l lI;I\L' [Ii II llIllllL' In\\II..

‘.\l} lamil} enme lrnm Ihe enIInIr}. underneth l2dinhnrgh. and l nxed In gn Ihere In Ihe denIixI when l \\;ix a ehild. xn In end up heing paIrnn nl iIx l'ilm l-ein\a| ix kind nl' ama/ing.’ :\nd lel'x laee iI. \\hn nn eath ix gning In Iiirn dnun Ihe nppnrlimil} In he Sean (‘nnner'x‘x xeennd—in» enmmand'.’ 'l‘m gning In ha\ e a letheI'ed head» drexx and \\ill hnld Ihe kni\ex.‘ xhe xa_\x. a eheek} grin ernxxing her lipx.

\Vhile e_\niex inighl argue IhaI Ihe l‘ein\al‘x deeixinn In xereen Sn inInn‘x laIexI lilm 'l'lie .llmi I'm/n [um/nu ix all \er} quid prn L|ll(l. iI‘x alxn Ihe perl‘eel reminder nl uh} nnhnd} enIild e\er aeeiixe her nl xelling nIiI. llaxed nn Ihe (ienrgex Simennn nn\e|. Sxxinlnn pla} x. in her \xnrdx. 'a Hungarian llxll\\ il‘e' (Ihnngh xhe \PUhL‘ all nl her linex in linglixh. \inh Ihe dialngue IaIer dnhhedi. ln Ihe l'ilm. her mnrnxe Imxhand Ipla}ed h} (Veeh aL‘InI' .\lirnxla\ Krnhnll ix \\ilnexx In a murder. hiiI dnn'I e\peeI a Ihrill-a-ininuIe erime lilm. l‘ull nl'lari”x trademark lnng Iakex. Ihix ix :1 gruelling uaIeh IIhnugh enmpared In hix 450- ininuIe epie Sir/(inimiin iI‘x a hree/ei. 'l‘arr ix _lll\l Ihe xan nl'direeInr S“ inInn ix laxeinaled h}.

'.-\x a perlnrmer l \xax delighIed In \xnrlx \\iIh him heeauxe hix apprnaeh In perl‘nrmanee ix \er} Clnxe‘ II) III_\ (MIL. \llL' xil}x. .llL"\ IIUI IIIIL‘I‘L‘xIL‘Ll in aeIing and I am alxn nnI inIerexIed in aeIing. l'xe al\\a_\x l'elI \er) xh} ahnuI relerring In


m} xell ax an aell'exx. lieeallxe iI leelx preIeIIIinIIx and il dnexn‘I dexerilie In} real inIerexIx prnperl}. and l ;Il\\;l}\ l-L‘Cl llle‘ l \lllllllkl \;I_\ ll lll‘\l lWL‘l-Ul'k‘ amnne elxe xa_\x iI. .-\nd \inh Bela law I ean enmpleIe|_\ indulge m} l'anlax}. l'ni nnI an aeIrexx IIIII a mndel. Sn iI \\ax a reall_\ ama/ing dream. He lllxl \xanIx _\nu In he. lle \xanIx xnmeIhing real.’

(‘nnxider '/'/1I' .lIur/u’. her inlainniix enllalinralinn \inh arIixI ('nrnelia l’arker. \-.hen \lIL‘ \lL‘pl lll\l(lL' II glilw L‘ihc III lllL‘ SL‘I'IIL‘IIIIIIL' (killer) lnr eighI hnnrx a da}. and iI‘x nn xIII‘prixe In hear S\\iiilnii Ialking in Ihexe Iermx. 'l‘he nnIinn nl' IradiIinnal perl’nrmanee _iuxI dnexn'I lIIICI'L‘xl lICl‘.

.’\lIer graduating l'rnm (‘amhridge in 1083. \\lIL‘l'L‘ \llL' I‘L‘iILl xUL'lIIl :Illd pnlilieal \L‘iL‘IIL'L‘\. Sn inInn giniIIed Ihe Rn}al Slialxexpeare ('nmpan} and MI al'Ier nne xeaxnn. She enmpared H In \xhal xhe imagined \xnrking l‘nr indanrial gianI l('l \muld he like. 'l‘m nnI gregarinux ennIIgh In enin} \\nI‘l\iIIg in Ihe Ihealre.~ xhe xa_\x. "I‘m nnI inIerexIed in "aeIing" nr "aeInrx". lI iIIxI dnexn'I xIIxIain me. I'm largel} in lilmx. heeaIIxe l line the \\a_\ iI‘x all dnne \\ iIh mirrnrx. I'm a xeienIixI. 'l'haI‘x m_\ inIerexI.‘

B} \\a_\ nl~ e\am[ile. xhe pninIx In l)a\id

l-meher‘x lanhenmmg I/n (Iii/mix ( in. m li’i'II/uninn li’ullnn. Ihe xInI"\ nl a man ipla_\ed hx llrad l’IIII haeku aIdx ‘lhaI prndueIrnn. II'x like a lahf xhe xa_\x 'II'x xn

\xhn agex laxeinalmg \\haI Ihe_\ ‘re dnmg Ihe \xhnle Irlm ix ahnIII ageing. xn Ihe_\'re nnenImg pingIammex IhaI dn e\II'anI'dinaI'} Ihmgx \\ th penpr

l’laflng llIIIInn'x lier ln\e m the lilm. \'\\mInn xeemx In enin_\ her llIrIaIrnn \inh lug hndgeI llii||}\\niill. 'l'm like an exeapnlngixI in l’nr a hiI. and Ihen lea\e l am genmnel_\ inIerexIed m Ihe IradiIinn nl Ihe hlnekhiixlei. helie\e II nr nnI. l'm nnI a \er_\ indIIxIrral animal. in Ihe \xa) lunrk. hIII lam inIerexIed‘

'l'hix aIiIIImn. Sxximnn ean he xeen nlipnxile llnl|_\\\nnd'x nIher rexidenI hunk. (ienige ('lnnne}. in legal IlII'iller l/ii lim/ (Yin/nu ‘\\'e‘re all hem Ian-max in \lanhaIIan and HR l'anIaine.~ xhe enIhIixex. 'l ln\e ll lnr ennlplelel} geekixh reaxnnx. lI remindx me nl all Ihnxe flllx lilmx like ill/Iv ’uml/ui lien and li’Ii/hll. \xhreh l adnre.‘ Hm in annIher llip I'lnp. xhe'x mxI enmpleled lirie /.nnea'x .lu/iu. in \xhieh xhe lila_\x an alenhnlie. her lirxl lull lead xinee ZINll‘x l/H' Ihe/i linil. \xhieh xa\\ her nnminaIed lni a (inldcll (iliilk‘. 'BCliUl‘C. l Lilllllklllil lIL‘ ;I\\;I_\ Inn lnng ax l ha\e xmall ehildren.‘ xhe xa_\x. ‘IliiI lllL‘}.l'L' III \ellnnl IIn\\ . xn \\lI;II llIe lIelll' ll nnl} e\er_\ aeInr \\ax ax lull nl' lira\ Iira ax xhe ix.

l earl ‘.‘I‘

The Man From London, Filmhouse, 623 8030, 16 Aug, 7pm; Cameo, 623 8030, 18 Aug, 5pm, both £7.95 (£5.50). Tilda Swinton: Skillset Scotland In Person, Cineworld, 623 8030, 17 Aug, 2pm, £10.50 (£7.35).