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lmm iilt‘ l'l' 'l"l:lli Murmur l zi<:lil;iii

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HIT; Mle it; funny. ()Iifit‘l‘nlilflllill (lllii villiiuh sully llit; (liltlliflltitr banter |13tr‘.’(tll illllllltfl. liiizll ul all. he knot-4:; exactly wlmt \()lll il‘v/(fldtit? it) \Tw old It; lllit’lt?iii(‘ti Ill toilets, poi) till” (linth I)(?|llt) Iliim: km tuilijm‘lt; discussed Timing llw SHOW. And Willi Young). (illiilUllCU [){lliltillklilflll for both (ZillitilOll illlti ox (‘hiltlririi int; he (iililt; us) It; iimtlwi awkward lit)! Millidiiathuiig. jilf§i fun,

E:§St’llil;lil\. though, YOLiiig':; shun

\IUTIOS TIGSCHDIIUH A literar‘. merit, ti standby show. .1 cost cm: ~ Moder" Cautionan him: of Children is all those things. and more While his choice of musw. largolx mum from the world of film, is lust inspired. Yow‘g is :10 TTlll '07 enthususm it can: help but rut) off. xx! .1 pack of smiling faces wll undoubtodlx file out of the Guided Bailooii for the rest of August. [holly Apterl

I Gum BJ'LX‘” Tot at. 669 ‘o‘ a"?

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THE GREATEST BUBBLE -- ' ° :~ SHOW ON EARTH . 1' =- _ He's forever blowing bubbles 0000 , ; ,v - ; ,; ; .. . .. _;. -

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RAINBOW FISH a. UNDER a : 3 THE DRAGON MOON .. , . Double helping of Singapore ‘1, , h 3 :1

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. >.>..' I’-. .;."v .‘ : I‘ . ‘1 I‘ -' '5 "P. I ’1 ' <1Ll(}|(:.'l(,‘(:l‘,‘:."rli mini:".‘iiw:;.rirt ' .ri " .:. ’Yl/ '.' r“,- fi‘ i rl’l’ ,r MONSTER HITS & DOES A MONSTER LIVE NEXT DOOR? " "W 3" " ‘J w '

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’XJK HUMTWJ'T,’1‘:'l.":':"":

To celebrate the company’s tenth anniversary, Tall Stories has brought two monster shows to Edinburgh - and they couldn't be more different. Best

known for their adaptation of The Gruffalo, Tall Stories has a reputation for Altai Radcliffe I p/(::’1‘.f:/l',‘:C’Mmrl'fllj' ZI'Ai/g «rm? 7:2. .32.

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creating innovative, well-crafted theatre for children - and their latest shows don't break with tradition.

Aimed at ages 3+, Monster Hits is a fun, warm-hearted tale of an imaginative young boy and his grumpy granddad. Filled with infectiously catchy songs, the show tears along at a fine old pace, as monsters jump out of cupboards to keep William amused. As usual with Tall Stories, the acting is spot-on, and the exuberant cast jump on beds and bring to life all the things in William’s vivid imagination.

By contrast, Does A Monster Live Next Door has a much slower pace. With a target age range of 6+, there are no fluffy costumes, no songs, just a mysterious whodunit script that keeps you hooked to the last. The story poses so many questions - why can‘t young Maud leave her house? Why doesn’t she have any toys? And what are those strange noises she hears in the night? Luckily, Detective Freda (played to great comic effect by Caroline Garland) arrives to help unravel the mystery.

One thing which unites both shows, however, is their cross-generational appeal - entertaining adults just as much as their young charges. (Kelly Apter)

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