
BELIEVE - LINDA " » ' ' ' EXTROPIA MARLOWE :' - ~ : ; a . A happy musucal take on Orwell Believe it, or what? 000 . v ;. p- ; 000

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. ' " r ' ' ' ' ' ' H CHANGE: THE UPCOMING .. . . . _ WAR WITH IRAN A painful portrait of war 0

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linen Illtlll mount» lll;ll(*l'.l'. .mi .2 . .. . . l x 1 2" .111.“ 'Ilt‘ill lt“.".’t" tlir<>ii< r1 \iw‘viit u“« R ~14." :' . i ' " " i' z: . » ' lartii‘u. AIIIIlt’ Tlfillit‘. I\'I.ii‘:».'.'a- LONG TIME DEAD '. ' 1' z' " z a. ' mm, .I may '.*_.itt‘li;ililt‘- (‘i‘llllllllLIIT‘, L'fe on the edge .... "- - '- 1’, r 1. v r: " SWIM [Slaw (31.1mm ‘On this proud and beautiful mountain we have lived hours of fraternal, :. : - ' z" ' .1 w .: I IRII'i‘L‘Qt’ 7"i‘.1.‘fi‘. ‘n‘ 7.10.1. warm and exalting nobility. Here for a few days we have ceased to be " ~ :' :' : z" : .4 ' 1' r , Ch Aug: i'rt‘.‘ .‘f .',’/l‘t’.‘{ 9"ri slaves and have really been men. It is hard to return to servitude.‘ With : ' : ‘-- ' : ~ :' .' : l‘ ’51 if?“ these words, French climber Lionel Terray highlights the addictive : ' r w " - ' ; " yr m escapism of climbing. His sentiments are shared by the characters in Rona ~ 2' z ' . :. ' ~ " -- . r ' ‘- COFFEE Munro‘s moving new play about men rising above their problems and the ' : H : :' - "' z : ' w z ' " caffeine fuelled flirting bUt “we monotony of everyday life through climbing. " 1‘ . ' ' :' ' x z' : '1' 1H- 1 SUbStance .. In it, climbing trio Grizzly (Garry Cooper), Gnome (Lesley Hart) and Dog ' . :' ' z -" :‘ 1 : 2' ' . BMW““"81418117‘53 “‘- \‘~‘l"‘-<”ii«l’.l‘"‘- ' (Jon Foster) are on their way to the summit when an accident occurs ;‘ ' ' ;" " I ~ , 1' " «; flirtation v.0 Hum" .1 Huv‘llw A? reminding us how fragile life can be. especially in these extreme : ' =' : z 2'. u r '1? M dSSLllllleOlltl . Wu! l‘w‘iilo him: 2 " conditions. In and out of hospital, Grizzly meets a widowed nurse (Jan ': " ' W if I it? " -' “‘0 \le I'M “WM MT 01 WNW. Pearson) who temporarily helps him to forget his grief over the death of his : z. ' ' z w : ‘1 ' ,ifl, .' ' I Perhaps IIIIS 1:; unsurprisnin ir‘. :mv" .1“ brother in a climbing accident. Unfortunately, she is unable to let go of her ' :w r ' 1-» , own so he carries on climbing. " :r' z ' 2' :' .' " -" ‘~“":/ 9‘ It‘s a story of passion, grief, adrenalin and friendship. It‘s about pushing :' r" w ' ~: '2' '1I-:, .‘ yourself to the limit both physically and emotionally, literally living on the ~ ' = . .' -:'2' 41% 2‘ I." 4’ edge. and dealing with death on a daily basis. The bond between the " ' :' Iv / ' " -' 5: 1:1" " friends grows as they climb, trading banter about the worst films they’ve : z : " -- :' '2 ; .rt °' ' ever seen or their favourite rock star. and when Gnome isn’t there, typical ‘. v: w . : : male chat takes over to distract them from the hazards of the mountain I r . ' -‘ W3 which in turn distracts them from the pain within their own lives. It -' .' ' . 31 'v ' ' t .

examines how grief never really leaves you but evolves and manifests itself .~ 4 r .- ' ' .- 1- .~ ’1 in different ways over time. Roxana Silbert's production is set in a pure white cocoon, which doubles as a clinical ward. With the wind blowing and Te'ephone

Fringe 0131 220 0000 International Festival 0131 -I/ 3 2000

mist rising from the ice, Miriam Buether‘s set is visually stunning. As the characters actually scale the walls. with each drop or stumble your stomach drops with them. It's a powerful piece that will lift you above the troubles of your own life. (Greer Ogston)

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F IIIII Festival 0131 023 8030 Book Festival 0845 3/3 5888 Art Festival 077/ 100 3-1/0