
That’s entertainment

As The Edinburgh Interactive Festival roles into town, Henry Northmore looks at the links between art and technology

he lidiiihurgh liitei‘acthe l-'esti\al returns t\\ ith

another .slight name change) for )c‘t another

_\ear of serious discussions on gaming culture. Once again. the programme organisers haxe \\ idened their remit. looking at the \\t)l'ltl of intei‘acti\e entertainment from the internet to mohile gaming. .-\s aii annual festi\'al. the lill‘ has to react wail) to c\ er expanding leaps in technolog} and the potential neu consoles. \xehsitcs. home computers and e\ en mohile phones ha\e for e\ er more comple\ games and applications. lloxxexei‘. this _\ear the No main themes appear to he discussions on the potential to tise technolog) for trul} artistic endeawurs. and the rise of Virtual societies such as Second Life. \ames like Stephen BL‘I'hUl‘l‘ “ill he lli\til\L‘tl in discussions on the ‘.-\i't of Performance ('zlpttii'c“ as more actors hecome in\ol\ ed in \ideogame production as \\ ell as seminars on .\I.\l()Rl’(i lfi‘c (hi/inc.

These two strands are than it together in one of the panel discussions. 'l)e\eloping in Second l.ife'. chaired h} Second Life‘s Ricard (iras. \\lio is passionatel} inxohed iii hringing art projects and film to the \ irtual lllll\L‘t'\C.

‘I think it‘s starting to he accepted that interactixc content or interacti\ e media will he the art form associated \xith the let century‘ e\plaiiis (iras. ‘There was cinema in the leth centur} and literature and theatre hefore. l{\'er} time new technolog} comes along as with the printing press. the telephone and TV it has a huge affect on societ}. let alone art.‘

Second Life is one of the dexelopments at the forefront of bringing art and culture to internet


communities: Su/aniie Vega and .liiiim} ('ai'i' ha\e pla}ed gigs there. and the “(WM e\cii hosts its ti\\ll festi\a| iSccoiidfest. \\ ith a line—up that included New Young I’oin ('luh. Pet Shop Bins. lladoukciil and ('oldcuti. |lo\\e\ei‘. the so called 'estahlisliiiieiit' still find it hard to equate programming. the internet and \ideogames \xith \xhat the} see as 'real' art. 'lii culture there is al\\a_\s elitisin. the idea lliat there's the artist and then there's the hoi polloi.‘ M} s (has. 'I full} disagree with that. hccause e\ei'_\hod_\ is capahle of ci'eati\e thoughts and ci‘cati\ c acti\it'\.‘ .\'e\\ technolog} and innmations like \l}sii;ic'c‘. Youtuhe and Second Life are making art more tlL‘tltUet'tttlL‘. l.\L‘l'\ ha\e the tools at their lillfilel' Ill“ to create and disti'ihute art. film and more to a huge potential audience.

This _\ear. for the first time. the puhlic can purchase tickets to attend the second tl;t_\ til. the cotilet‘etiee. :\s per usual there \\il| also he the annual (iaine

Screenings. a chance to get a sneak peak at some of

the latest \ideogaines including (iiii'lui' llt’l'll Ill. li’i'uS/iiii'k ipicttii‘edi and wa’ of Illt' .‘II'Q’U/ltlllfl.

"l‘he lill‘~ is a unique e\ent hecause it‘s i'eall} looking not just at games hut at entertainment. technolog} and content creation fi'oiii such a \tide perspectier sa_\s (ii'as. ‘.-\iid I think this context. as part of the uidcr arts festi\als across the cit}. is the perfect em ironment to host it.'

The Edinburgh Interactive Festival, Odeon Lothian Road, 221 1477, 12—14 Aug, 10am, £10. www.edinburghinteractivefestival.com


=2: Rabbi Lionel Blue: Godly and Gay the ttiiltilt loved broadcaster talks about his experience of (I()tll|lit] out as a gay man iii religious (itttZlOS and a religious iiiaii iii gay (Ltt'(;l(}S. Part of the festival of Spirituality and Peace. See www.festivalotsriiritiialityoi‘giik St John's Clinic/i, [i/iiilit/rg/i. Wed loAt/g.

=2: Irvine Welsh: In Person 1, eith's loudest son (and a loriiier List guest editoi) has turned scieenwriter. Catch him in person for a few choice bons mots before a screening of his new short lllttl. See 5) Questions in Film page 47. Part of the f:.(//Il/)tl/'g/l //iter/iatioiia/ H/lll festival. CIRCLVOI/(l. 625’ 8030, 16 Aug. 33pm, 5‘ 70.50 (57.35;.

=5: The Tommy Sheridan Chat Show The sunbed socialist tears into the tabloids. in the company of a dain changing roster of celebrity guests. Gilded Ba/loon lewot, 668 7633, MW 26 Aug (not 75. 23), 7. 7.50/77, E7043] 7 (ES—E7).

=I< Radio Scotland: Festival Café Janice Forsyth and Claire English return to the Spiegel Garden With the lunchtime recording of the BBC chat show. for those who like to digest their Festival in bite-size chunks. Their guests are pulled from the most interesting Festival performances. Spiege/ Tent. 667 8940. 73—24 Aug (not 78. 7 9), 7. 75pm, free (ticketed). Fringe Sunday The whole of the Fringe. all 2000+ shows. is distilled into one medium- Sized park for the day. The annual rammy moves to the Meadows this year, with floats. stages, tasters and lots of perky wannabes in matching T-shirts. We love the smell of facepaint in the morning. Meadows, Sun 72 Aug, Ham—5pm. Free.