
Index of shows included in this issue Guthrie, Robin . Aesop's Fables Hallam Foe _ E Hawke, Ethan

Alan Grant & Cam Kennedy

All Aboard Himmler, Katrin :MM M I W I Boot-t Q We Alex flame Hippo worm Guest Book W00 IO W cm MM None 2 y Omellele rim-cam. Rosellth 087i 7500077 An w m I Hodgson, Wit I R W a 0 mm W 3m m I Iootthh Notional M of swimming, The Nolden, Anthony NII MotindPlece.6233030 IWM mum M As the Mother of a Brown Boy "0"” 0' Winds“: The . m m NicholeonSuect. 5296000 3dr“ RM 63‘ 6200 Auto Auto Howard. Russell :5” ‘S‘M‘m 3°” I m Lothlen Rood. ' w W” . W Banks, lain Hugh Nughes ln . . . M M mm 623 8030 cm 13““ m3" SM Baden, Tom Story oi 3 Rabbit mm 623 m, I Gltlod IIloon Tie-let fl”? Bed and Breakfast Hume" Regina" D I W m sqw‘ “8 I633 Hewlhomevalc. SSI 4490 Beueve _ Linda Madam Hutton, Will nleetlle l9HlllStmet 623 mmmmmm” ITheIpteoeloerden Bennett, “an ldiots of Ants :030 I u Georgesqm Gardens. 667 . W m Colt 3940 Berlln Alexanderplatz :"czma‘ ate my lletl Clerk sheet. 668 2019 Morrison Street. 228 9393 . 1-... m cm Bigger Than Jesus "8' e' 'i' 9’ IWM“ IWMONII! GluhSYorkPlecc.5587272 Blood Contession '"w'm‘me WSMmms WWwWM I The stand comedy 30“, Frankie ,2 Jacqueline Wilson Daydreams ' . W I the Jean Ier Chambers curb I l6 North St Andrews 8mm", Simon 1,] John Stezaker e 3;" 53 Sm‘m" 1"“ 623 Street. 220 4298 street. 558 7272 Burple Brothers, The J°'"‘ wan”: "‘53 “My WW“ I Aeeenlbty ulerereel ' m m ' m ' m “a film" Candide if, Kane! Rum" "3 Am Frecmason's Hell 623 m m 38 we“ calch “Am “mm” Hm I . . Nicolson Street. 667 7533 or Lady Lam: Street. 0870 Cape Dance com .,, Kamezrs, Panos ' 3030 . . 7. Kay, Phil 'mmmm ITTIIIIII Cash In Christ 0 . . Tm“ 08701690100 m l-ootbell city 3' We! Carr. Jimmy Km" J°° . w M one 7 Berton Pleee. 557 W M |°Cembfidsc Charlie & Lola l .' Lac'i'm“ Ladywell Way. 665 2240 3333 :m“' m “04" Charlotte Hudson and Lady 0‘ Burma’ The - c Mb” SM 0845 260 . m m m Cembn'd S 228 I404 Leila Nackett - Two Left Hands :1 2 La Femme Est Mode 0' Why | '23“ “m” “M225 25“ . W Chav, ",3 a Musical "mu .,) Should Not P‘k My son ,‘(1 I 6mm “Blair I “I. M4Gres5m8rket. . . , 7 . _ SM 220 6.76 225 9922 Bmto Square. 0870 745 3083 Clark Laurence ’83 La“ 5°“! “‘9 -' I Underbelly 56 Cow ate i x ' La T IGIIIIoHomeSuect.623 Immansto 8 Closing Time :0 Lee! s‘ewa" I The cm Niddry I old coll-lie oiled South I W m coffee In J Les l3, SM 557 8989 “2 m N'ddry Sm mm’ . . 5 Life in a Marital Institution :4: I c cone-I Carlton Hotel. . 037° 7‘5 3083 Cohen. Nick . I‘j Limmy ,1 North Bridge, 0845 260 l234 :m 6mm” I oeher llell Lothian Road. Comic Book Protect, The 8/ . W mm“ m 473 2000 Container, The 83 “we Bear I"; 623 8030 I W W I VIM!!! ll GMII Elm confi’ mm 9;, Long Tlme Dead 'l’ I corn Ixoliango 60W 555 6”" Row. 5566066 Comemfion mm L’Orteo w. Newmarkct Road. 447 3500 I .m“ m ' I Venue 48 39 letlrcy - , Mace Se r o it I G 'I'bo Johnston 113mm. 3m” m 556 6550 Street. 556 0476 Edith Head, A 83 i when - I m m m Cry" Barry M Mailer, Norman 1;, 0845260l234 . IThIZoo l401he . r .~ . IDInoIIIII-Nntlonnl 7Vlcton81limoe.2206I09 Pleasanoc.6626892 Dal 7-1 mmum cm" °‘ oemroroenoe l4—l6 IOIIIn‘INIISS—89Clcrk gum m Damascus x9 Maxwell. Andrew 0“ Grassmarkct. 225 5525 Street. 668 2019 Nioolson Street. 662 6892 Darkness Within (:8 McBrier, Martha A“? 03"“ Bamhelor' unpugged 8‘3 "ccamey’ Jenni!“ H Rainbow Fish, The Sword in the Stone Dayld Batchelor & Nikolai Suetin MCNaVi Mark. 1‘» Rankin, '3" Tap Olé Day m 0,9 Nation, A ,, (, Modern Cautionary Tales for Rei Mae' - Dembina, Ivor . 9’ Teenage KICKS Dick Lee Sept“ m Monster "its 5).. Rlchandson. Jon Terrible Infants, The Does a Monster Live Next Door? :‘u.’ "mm‘wsel Juw" 3‘5 Ransom Jon Tom Russell 8' Michae' martin omen 3“: Mother’s Bones, The .:.'. scammugh ' Tony Monaco Trio pmdale, Rebecca 3; Muir, Frank 1.: sum?“ “Ste” Tony! The Blair Musical Edinburgh Interactive Festival 04 Numb Alice “N's” “we” 0" sc'ee" Truckstop England 68 Music of Thomas Ades t“: seacr‘d / Msted Sister Eurobeat - Almost Eurovision 81 "agrar Dali" ‘I I season" Steve Ukulele Orchestra of Great Exits and Entrances 7‘12 "m" 00"” 55’ Shandan’ Tommy Britain, The Extrlopia 70 Night Time ("33 8'"? 8"” Bum Breath , Under the Dragon Moon rammed Niki King 8. Marcus Ford (3:: smkes 33°“ 1' , Venus as a Boy Fast 90 Oates. Joyce Carol ‘“ 3mm" Pm" Walworth Farce The Fisher King Leven 62 O’Famur "39959 F sunner’ Frank I} w Are El ' . I \ so Lav , e . . . ectnc Flanagan, Micky 28 0" Dan” "7’ 8' Weixler Jess Foot, Paul 26 Options of Life “9 spin Odyssey 4"- w Ish ; , Forgotten Voices Orkestra Del Sol *0 The SPOiIS ‘5‘ e mne . Giant Tank vs the Fringe p30, Bag" 1 State of Matter ‘1; Where the Wild Thtngs Are Gilmore, Natasha .13 Palmer, Amanda Stoopud F”ken Animals k “m Glance 36 New york, A 50 “cam: find With passion 5;. Stone, Ian (/1 William Eggleston, Portraits 1974 God's Pottery 26 Pit Stonewall ' William Kentfidge Greatest Bubble Show Potted Potter {25 Suttie, Isy , . WOOdY 591 on Earth. The 5‘ Punt and Dennis 2i Swinton, Tilda :4 Yellow Moon FESTIVAL BOOKING INFORMATION "If IISI'NAL m m u m WAI- m WI. WAI- DataottllmgloutAug Datoszt1-27Aug Detects-26M Dates:5—27Aug DatlasztoAug-ZSep Telephone Telephone bookhg: Telephone bookhg: Telephone boolthg: Telephone booking: 08W” (B453735888(10an—6.&im) 01316238030 013122600mpan-9pm). 0131 4732000