Dougie Dunlop 00. l.l\x‘ Imm .I ‘lIIIIlIlIIIg xIIe‘. l)IIIIlnp'x IlehIII Ix IIx gtIII}. leNillllllhllL .IIIIl IIIenIIgIIInIIx .Ix lIIx \L‘IIIIL' ReIIIIIIIIIle xIIu'IIIIIlIIIIg In IlIeIIIeIl InIIIele lII' Lk'llllk'\ Innxelx nII lllL' L'lIlI'Il}. xx IIlI IIleI‘ IIx lmlll pt'np IIIIIl pnxl \IICL'IIII‘lL' xxx I'L'lL'IICI x\ IlI'IIIlPIIII.

xx Ix Sent .IIIIl I lIIIIIIIIInII nl IlIe Ilnxx II III heel. HIIIIInp xlInxxx xnIIIe IIIIIxIeI'lIIl IIIleIex nI IIIIIIIILI) III II xlnxx lIIII'IIIIIg IIIIx nI IIIggeIl _er Ileu-III IIIIIIeIIIIl Il’eggx llIIglII-xi (' Sm 4; (Mb 3m; [354. until 3/; xluu Inn! 3/ I. ll! 5II/mi.

l7 5!) [N 5H I U) 1/)

How to Pimp Your Kids and Shop for Free at Waitrose

O. .\lIIIIlIexx (’nlIIIIx lngIIx xx uh .I xlInIII. l‘lll lI'Ix II IlIe In II xxIIIIIIpI'I xx IIlI IIIIIII xIIIIxIellIIIg llIe IIIle IIerI Ix .I elIeIII. .IllIl ngex IlIe IIIIIIIexxInII IlIIII llIx‘lI‘ I\ I‘llx'x'ixllli‘xx III llIx' x'Ulle‘IIl. lIIIl IIIxII'IIII IlIeIe Ix nIle InIIIl IeIIII-IIIIIIIIIII’I'x III II IIIIIl \xlIn Ilnlex .I lIIIIe Inn Illllx lI nII lIIx xnIIx and Inn lIIIlI' nII IIIIIII_x IIIIIIeIIIII. ((iIII'IIIIIIl} \\leIIIII l/N'I (III\ l/Hli'l. II.\'7II .‘J/ “I ‘7). until .VI .qu. (I ll5/nn. 1/. 5“ Ill) 5”; Tom Allen 000


.‘\l|eII‘x xlInI'I

IIIlex nI IIIx IIIII-erIIIIII enIIIIIIg nl IIge. IIIII II'x IlIe xx.Ix II‘x InIIl IlIIII‘x IIIIpnI'IIIIII lle‘x II I'lllx'lx xxIIIeIl xIIII'}II‘|lI‘I xxlIan' xxIx .IxIIlex IIIIlee InI IIIIxnIlIIIIg lIxIeIIIIIg llIeIIII‘e xeeIIIx IlIe xIInIIgeI IIIIIIIeIII'e ner xIIIIIIl up and IlIe Inke I'IIle Ix IIle Inn luxx, Il-.IIIIIIII l,eIIIIn\) (ii/Ilt'il lI‘ul/nun II'I'inI. MIN ll).".". Ii/IIIl 3/.lug. 5..\'(l/mt. {N50 1‘) 5” I l 5H MD“) Arnab Chanda & Greg McHugh .0. IIIII IlIex lIIIxe lIIIIe III IlIeII' IIIIIkx In

lxxn I‘IxIIIg xIIIIx IIIe_x IIIIIx he.

xIIxIIIIII II lIIIlI lInIII I'III‘II. \lx‘llIIglI npenx xxIIII xnIIIe IInlIIlIIx IIIIIl IIIglIl lIIIx I‘elIIIeIl IIIlex xx lIIIe (‘lIIIIIIlII I‘egIIlex IIhnIII enIIIIIxIIIg II x'lllx‘lx peII lIIIerl «le xx IIlI II l’IIleinIIIIIII IexIxIIIIIee IIInerIIeIII. 'l'lIIx Ix II enxx I'IIIlIeI IlIIIII enIIlI‘nIIIIIIInIIIIl lInIII IllI'IIIII l)UlI;IlIl\Ulll I’lruxumx' (‘niirtxu/Il. 55/) 0.5.5”. until .37.lug. ~l.-l.5/nn. 17.5!) 18.5“ I U) [7).



l,nIIl. xxlIIII llIIglIex IIIeIIIIx hx ‘lleIIxx .\lx'l.ll (.UIIIx‘xl). I\ IIII IIIll\IIlL‘I IIlIIlllex‘ IInIl IelIIxIIl In enIIIpInIIIIxe lIIIllL‘lI like lIix IIeI‘nex SlIIxI‘I'I 'l‘lIIx Ix lIIII‘Il-eilged xIIIII‘e ener'IIIg eer'xIlIIIIg lIUIII .-\IIxII'IIlIII'x II'eIIIIIIeIII nl Ihe .-\hnI'IgIIIex In IlIe lIIIlieI‘nIIxIIexx nl' IlIe \VIII nII lx'IIUI' .\ IIIIxxInIIeIl IlelIer‘). xpiIIIllIIIg enIIxIIIIIII‘} IlIenIIex IIIIIl llIlUlllIx‘xl leIIpx nI lngIc keep IlIiIng IIIIeI'exIIIIg IlleIII'x \nI‘IlIIIInI'eI xlxxi'in/le (u IleInlnu uh ('uini'le' Run/n. tlii' 'I'rnn. (I35 .I'Un'll. “Hill .‘(I slug. 9pm. 1") 1/!) I {N 1"). Jessica Delfino .0. Din) hm eleer'. xhnelxing hIII xxxeeI. xIIxx_x Nexx YnI'keI‘ llelI'IIIn IlIIIIeex II xerx I‘IIIIII) line heIxxeeII girl) and Iillhx xx lllI Kning .Ilmut lug/mu. \\e are II‘eIIIeIl In xIIIIIIx xnngx IIIeIIIIlIIIg ‘.\l} l’IIxxx Ix \lIIgIe. hIII IIIIlIeI‘ IlIIIII xIIIIII InI IlIe xIlee III II. xlIe IIxex lIL‘I' II'nIII hnIInIII xnIIghnnk In IleIIl xxIIlI eIIInIInIIIIIIx elIIII‘geII InI-IIIx- IIpx. IIIlIIlnIInIIx .IIIIl IIIIeIIIplanIIeIII. ller IleIIIlpIIn xIx le leIx lIeI‘ IIxxII} xx IIlI llllll'le‘I Ix‘IIIII'e SIIxer‘xI l/II' (i/‘I'I'n lx‘nnin. 33!) “5‘85. until .‘2 :lug. [USU/mt. £5" 1‘) It,~ t'Ix‘I.

Mark Olver ooo ()Ixer‘x ennI'IIlenee and New} xIIIge pI'exenee lIIIH‘ been \xlIL‘IIL‘xl h} hix xxnt‘lx II\ II

xx IIrIn-up enmie IN '|‘\" xhnxxx. IIIIII II

gnnIl IlIIIIg Inn xnII l‘IL'L'xl In he [III-IIx xelI IIxxIIIeIl In lInlIl InIIlI nII IlIe llllllxIlLlL'\ nI xnIII InInIIannIIx In xIIIIIIgeIx 'l he llIIxInlIIIII lIIIx .I lHlxx‘llll xI_x le .IIIIl L'\xx'llx‘IIl llllk'lle IInII xlIIIIx l‘IIl Ix IInI _xel IlIxIIIIeIIxe eIInIIglI In xlInxx .Ihnx e llIx‘ l IIIIge'x IIIIIIIIII-Ix I\.IIII

I I'll IIHHII 4‘ ( I'll/MINI} “‘0 0“” until 37hr; V 45pm 1\‘ ‘II gu \II

It,‘ I“).

Maeve Higgins 00. lan-lx IIleIxxnIIIIIII IIIllx IIIIn the .Iane


lung \x‘lInnI nl x'nIIIL‘Il). xx IIlI xxx I‘I'l xInIII'x. IlnIIIexIII~ lL'lL‘lI'le'x'\ .Illxl I'IIIlI-IIIIIIng eIIIp IIIIIIIIxer-II lIIIerl I‘eI'xI‘lIIIg IIleIIx lllIIlllx\ In eIInIIgII xx ell lIIlIl IlIIle IIIIle’lIIIl \IIL'lI .I\ II \IIIIIIhx' I'IIpe gIIg nI IlI'xII'IpIInIIx nI lIeI llIHlllx'l .Ix III'I IeI‘IIIIIIIIlnI nIle .III I-eIII xxnIIlIl Ill\lll|\\ lIeI xIx Ie .Ix xIIu lIIIIIIIe .\ IlI-lIglIIIIIllx IlllllllIle' xlInxx

I,\\lle‘_\ l)II\ Ix'\I \xx. i/Il'lI lx'I'w/itx (IN‘II

[III], l/ll 5” 1// “(I

NIH“. until -_‘ lug. (w 5“ l/II.5UI. Alistair Barrie Co. I Hl xIIIIIL‘UIIx‘ “ll” le‘M‘IIlk‘x lIIIIIxx‘ll .I\ II 'IxxIII' IIIIII L'l‘IIIlII\ In xIII'IeI IInIII lnxx

xell I'xIeeIII. HIIIIIe einIlex .I II'IIxxIIIIII;' enIIliIleIIx‘e IlIIII IlI'IIxxx _xnII IIIIn lIIx \\I|ll(l IIIIIl hulle _\nII IlII'tI' llix xllnxx lIIIIng III’nIIIIIl IIIe Innxe IlIeIIIe IlIIII xx e'Ie .III gnIIIg In hell III .I lIIIIIIleIII'I. illuxIIIIIeIl IIx xnIIIe I‘elt‘exlIIIIg IIleex nII xxell IInIlIlI'II lInI Inpiex xIIelI IIx glnlIIIl xxIII'IIIiIIg. llk' (ilIngnxx IeI‘I‘nI IIIIIIelxx IIIIIl IlIe IIIlIlIIx nI IIIIeIIIIIIIIIg In hug lInnIlIex. lx\ll;III RIIIII-III'II-I ('nI/I-r/uxltx; 087!) 11/5 III/Ix", until finxlug. ‘/ 55pm. (‘15!) Ill/.50 (1850 1‘15“;

lsmo Leikola oooo nherxIIIInIIIIl enIIIele xx IIII II l’iIIIIixlI

llnxx I'IIIIIIx Ix

IIeeeIII'.’ \"et‘x l’IIIIII'x. IIeIIIIIllx. \VIIlI enmele xn lnxx 'lxt') IIIIIl nl'l' IlIe xxIIll II enIIIex I‘iglII nIII nl IInxxlIeI'e. lIIx xI_x le Ix Ileeideillx IIII-eIIeI'geIIe. lIIII xx IIlI II pl'lx‘x‘lx‘xx le'llxt'l'). l.t'll\lll£l Ix II SeIIIIIlIIIIIx IIIII Mileh lleIlheI'g: .III nIlIllIIIll xxIIlI II Iexx exII‘II Ixx lex. I('III‘IIInIl_x \VlenIII lung/ting

IIUI’H’W InI/Inlniigli (‘itx l-iintlnill ( ‘luli 557 5855'. until 35 slug. .I'Qll/nn. Iru' Al Pitcher oooo IIIIIII‘eIlIeIIIlIle and «In iIleIl IIIIIlIeIIeex

llx'K hL'k'll L‘IIllx‘xl

xxIIlI lIIx IIIl lIne xxIIx x. lIIII lIIIplex I'nI' l’iIelIeI‘. lIIx eeleln‘IIIInII nI xII_x IIIg III‘eeIxelx xx lIIIIeer' pnpx IIIIn lIIx lIeIIIl L‘UIIlIl L‘III'II th' I‘L‘x‘Ug‘IIIIIUII lIL‘ IlL‘\L'I \x‘\ \exer II IlIIll IIInIIIeIII. IlIIx xxIIllxIIIg. lIIee pulling IInII xquIiIeI‘ Inelxelx lIIx \\'II_\ III'nIIIIIl II er'Iex nl Ianex xx iIlI hIlIII'InIIx I‘exIIlIx. l‘llIIIIIL'I' IIIIIl IIInIe I‘IIIIIlnIII IlIIIII II xIIIIxIIge xxIIlI xIIlehIII‘IIx, Il’egg} lluglIexI

I’lI'IixIIm'I' (‘nii/‘txunl. 550 (I551). until )7

.ltiu. ll).~l5/nn. t‘l (Mitt/15!! 155(1), Christian Reilly .00 II enIIIInI‘I eIIIeI‘. IIIIIII he IlIxener'eIl

Reill} xxIIx

I'nelx. \lIxIIIg cheek) xnIng xx IllI II legx pr'eIIIl Inek xIIIIIee. he llII'I)\\x III l.nII ReIIl IIIIII \IeplII-II llIIxx king iIIIpeI'xnIIIIIInIIx 'Illlxl II eI'nxxIl—pleIIxIIIg ('lII‘Ix .\lIII'IiII pIxx—IIlee. \\ lIeII lIIx IIenIIxIIe gIIIIIII' \Ullllxl\ II lIIIle IIIIIIIeIIen. he xxnI'I‘Iex II‘x xlepl xx IIlI II XIIIIIIleI gIIIIIII'. liIIeIgeIIe IInIl lleeIIhle. lIix enIIIpIII'IxnII III [we lnx e In II lIIIII l)IIx lLl llnxx Ie IIllnIIII Ix IIprII'eIl

I('|IIII'e SIIxer'xI I’li'uxuni (' ('nuitxu/Il. .556 655“. “Hill Jim. 7. l5/nn. 1‘) 1/!) I t 7.5” [3.50).

Sally-Anne Hayward 000 In Ihix enmele xhnxx -xx IIlIin-II-xhnxx.

lid) xx III‘II pnIIIlerx her xIIIIUx IIx IlIe nllxpring nI‘ 70x IIeIIrl) IIIIIII nI’ xIIrIeI).


‘SIIIIIIU RnIIIIIe lIIIx xxIIIIl lk'prIe .I lIIeIleIII-I II IlelIer). xx lIII‘lI neeIIxInIIIIllx IlIIeIIIeIIx In gnhhle up lIeI I‘llllx‘llllllx'\. ll.I_x \xIIIIl x InInIIIIIIl IeIIIIIIIxeeIIeex nI .I I lIIlIllInnIl lInIIIe IIlleIl xxIIlI lIglII L'lllx'llIIllllllx'lll legenle KeIIlI llIIt‘rIx and the l\lJlllxlU\ Ix \UIhMlL'llll} engIIgIng

I \ll.IlI RIlex'llllx‘I luuultlltu III’I\('(“ llti' (I'll/IIIIIL' llnuxI; (In 7535'. until :5 :lug run! 3/ I. 7.30pm. “(1'

Classic Entertainment! 000. \ll \\ lllx‘llt'\lk'l' IIIIIl lIIx xlIglIle eIIIIIp. lIIIplexx xIIlekIelx l'nIIIIIIx IxxlIn replIIeex \\ lllx lIexIeI’x xx IIe Inllnxxing her

IIIx \lx‘IlHlI\ \ll\.lPPC.ll.lll(L'l .IIe IIIIeIII nII IIIIeI'IIIIg xnIIIe I'IIhIIIeI IIIIn IlIe .IlIeIIIIIIIxe enIIII'le eII'eIIII. Hndgx xngx. IIIIIppIanIIIIe IIxIIlex .IIIIl hIIIl erIIIIlnIIIIIxIII IIIe IIplenIx III IlIIx IInInIIx IIIIInle nl xIIIIIlexIlle, \VIIII‘lI nIII InI pnxxIlilx the IIIan lIIIIIIIK'IHlIL‘ IiIIIIle nII IlII- l'I'IIIgI' I.\lIIIIxxII llIIIgexxI l’luixuni (' (I’ll/[\tlltl. “(I 05‘”. until XXI/ix.

x' ill/UH, 1.55“ 1‘) ‘llll ' (NI.

Luke Wright .0.

'g'Ile l\n_\ \\ I'IglII lIIIx lIIng nI xIIIIIlIIIIl

Sell (Ulllt‘\\t‘kl

eIIeI'gx. IIIIII InIIeix IIIll nI xelI-penIIeIl IInI-IIIx llIx l'I'eIIIl IIIIIl Ile lleIIIIxnII IIIInIex IIerl In he ll;lllxl_\' InI' IIIIprexinIg gIIIx; IInxx he llII'II\\\ IheIII III xxIIlI AI'L‘III~ .\lnIlee_x x IxIIex. IIIlex nl II hnIcheIl

‘\\ lInIIIIg .IIIIl (‘nlxe lInlIIlIIx IIIIIl IIl\\L‘l\.IllHll\ nII hlnlxex liI'IIIIIII In IlelIxer xpeele _er erIxIIIxe IIIIIIeI'IIIl IlIIII lICile‘\ IlIe IIIIIII_x hnIIe, I('IIIII'e ~S'Iixxerx) l’lruxurur (‘nii/‘txiii'il. 556 (I550. lltllll .35 .lug'. 5. III/mt. l" l /U I17 15').

Craig Hill 0.. I-IIeI‘gx lIIIleL'\ llIll'x enIIIele IIIleeIInIIx.


IIIIII xIIIIIIIx IIIIIIIx IIllxllt'llx‘C IIIIeI‘IIeIinII IIIIleex II IIIlIII'InIIx; xnIIIe nI IlIe lIInnIexI lIIIx L'UIIIL' lI‘nIII hix xIIxIIgIIIg nl' lIIIplexx I‘InxxIl IIIeIIIheI‘x xxlIn I'elIIerl In IIIIxxx er IIIx IIIIexIInIIx. \\ IIeIlIeI‘ II'x IIIeIIInI‘iex ll'UlII II elIilIllInnIl in (ilIngnxx 'x xuhIII'hx In eIIinIIg Ilnuhl nII IlIe IIIIIlIeIIee'x xexIIIIlII}. IIII lInIII' xinlI llill IIIIIkex lnr II eI'III'lIIIIg xlInxx. ((‘III‘IIInIIx \Vilxnnl l-I‘i'i'inuxun'x Hall. 635' 37).“). until 27 xlIlL’ Innt Ill). H.4(l/nn. 11/50 [/5

I (/05!) (/3). Jason Cook 000 (ienI‘IlIe ('nnk pIIIx lIix I'IIiIlI III II'ullI IIIIIl


IInIIexI) xinh .llx (‘mI/i'x xime prnIIIiinIg In .IxniIl lnxx hrnxx punchlinex lle lInpex In pI'nxe IlIIII I'eIII lIIe Ix IIInI'e iIIIerexIIng IlIIIII IIIerIIInII. xel Ix nIle pIIrIl} xIIeeexxIIIl. l-IIxI—pIIeeIl I'IInIhliIng lIIil In I'IIixe IIx IIIIIIIx lIIIIglIx IIx needed lIIII II pnIgIIIIIII IIIIlIeI'lIIIerl linleI eulIIIIIIIIIex IIII exprexxix e IIIIIl IIIeIIningl'ul xhnxx. Il'.IIIIIIII |.eIIIIn\I ’Ilu' Stu/III II. 558 7272. “Hill 3/) .lug. 3.55pm. 17 I UH.

Dan Clark 0.. ('IIIrlx unlIInglex lIiIIIxelI. III'gIIex xx IIlI hix iIIIIIginIIIInII IIIIIl IlnnIIIex II lexx purpnxel‘ull) 3I\\‘k\\ilftl xileIIeex III IlIIx neIII _er IIIInhIruxixe lIIIle IIIII‘eel. RIIIxing IIInI'e IiIIeI'x IhIIII hell} IIIIIglIx xx iIlI hix nher‘x'IIIinnx nn Me and l'IIeehnnlx. (‘lIIt‘k IIIIghI IInI hrIInIl lIIIIIxelI nIIIn IlIe eIIrIIpIIce nl )‘UUT liringe IIIeIIInI'}. huI xIIII‘II enjny him lIIHIL‘llIClC\\ Il’eggx llughex) Pl('(l\(lll('(' ('uurtxuril. 556 (I550. until 27

xlttufi' ill/mt. [9.50 1/051) ([8— [9).

Jo Caulfield 00.. With an npeIIIng gIIIIIhiI IIbnuI HeIIIher .\le('III'IIIe) 'x xhneIxI. ('IIullielIl \lIUWx xhe IIIeIInx huxinexx. ('nnking up hell

xx iIlI her prnjeelile inxeeIixe IIhnuI Ihe IIIIIng IhIII eanIge her. including .lndie MIIrxh. (’linlnn (huh and BA. xhe (lL'lI\CI‘\ nIIe-linerx like death Ihrequ

IInd gIng llGC eIIrxex. lI'x the IIIIIIIIL‘L‘ nI ('IIIIllIelII'x IIIIIIerIIIl IlIIII geIx IlIe lIIughx Il’egg) llIIghexI ,\\\( ml’lx Ix'nulnx. 035' 505'“. until .‘i-lue. 757mm. 1/] 5!! tl.‘ ‘Il It/(l5ll {II 5III

Kate McLennan 00.

xnIee IIIIIl hnle IIInerIIeIIIx In IIIIIx eiglII

l'xIIIg lIeI

I'lIIIrIIeIerx Ix IIIxI Ullx' nI IlIe IIIIerexIIIIg IeIIIx nl Mel .eIIIIIIII'x peIInIIIIIIIIx'e (iINKl IIIIIIIIg. xIIIIple xInIx xIIIIeIIIIe IIIIIl enIIIIe llI\lIIIx‘l\ IIIe nIlIeIx .Ix xlie IIIkex IIx IlII‘nIIglI IlIe IIgnIIIex .IIIIl x'x xIIIxIex nl pI‘epIIrIIIg lnr ' l‘lIe Deli. IIIlIlIIIg II xIrIIIIgelj. IIlleeIIIIg eIIIlIIIg

I(‘IIrIIIndx \VlenIII (ii/Ilu/ II’Iillnnn II'Itnt. (ION lh.‘ i. until 37sliiu. 5 15pm. IN 50 1") 50 I t 51) t8 5m

Lucy Porter .00 IIIxIIInI l’aneI' hnIIIIle nIIxIIIge. lIeI


enIIxIIIIIIIIIIIe prnlexxInIIIIIIxIII Ix ex IIleIII Speed}. preelxe IlelIxerx IIIIIl IIIIenIIIIIInIle enIIxIxIenI lll_\llllII e\p|IIIII lIer panIlIIIIIx lI‘x um .I IIle xlIe xIIll IelIex exclIIxIxI-lx nII I'elIIIInIleIIpx InI IIIIIIet‘iIIl. She lIIIx me than”. klllll/pdll IInIl hI'IIIIIx In Iln xnIIIe l'iltllx‘ill xIIIII. hIII lnr IInxx xlIe'x xIIilIIIg in I'nIIIIanIIlIIe xxIIIerx. ISIIIII lleIIl) I I’lI-uxum (' ('nurtx‘unl. 556 (I550. until 27 slug. 7.50pm. H.750 llA'. 5!) I l // (/3) James Dowdeswell ooo

l)nxxdexxx ell IIIIeIIIpIx In rexeue IlIe ‘IIIIinIIIlIIIing' xxnrlII nl xxIIIe IIInexIIIg lI'IIIII Ihe elutehex nl IIIlIeeIIxI' IIhIIxIIIg xIInhx. 'l‘Ileing II Irip Ilnxxn IIIeIIInrx lIIIIx'. he Innx'ex lrnIII lIIx IIlenhnlIe IIIIIIIIIInIIx IIx II pIIhIIeIIn‘x xnII. In Ihe xxIIIe xIIIIIplIng ell'anx nl II xIIIIIIg IIIIIII xxIIlI II lIlee prexx IIIIxx. ()n Ihe xxIIx he Iligrexxex. neeIIxinIIIIllx' xxIIlI II xlIglIle IIIixplIIeeIl rexnlulinn. hIII ix enanxIenle IIIIIIIxIIIg IllIItIIIIIlI Adenelxl llulix lie/Ix; ()8?!) 7-15 305'}, until 2(leug. 7.05pm. [85!) (‘15!) (17.50 [8.50).

Richard Herring .000 x'eIIrx xinee hix lier l‘ringe Iwrl'anIIIInee. Herring lIIIx Ihe nagging Ieeling IhIII he may llIIVL‘ xx IIxIeIl IIIx


lile. Nn nne xx hn xeex Ihix xlInxx xxnIIlIl IIgree IIx he jn'x'l'ully iIIIIIIerxex IIx III lIix IIIiIl-lile erixix. lIiglIlighIing IlIe IlIIIIgeI'x nl‘ xlngIIn I xlIirIx. AIIIIIinIg IIIIIl endearing. he nnee IIgIIiII prnx‘ex In he Ihe IIIIIxIer nl‘ IIleitIg II Inlxe xx‘Iix‘ heynnil ilx IIIIIIIrIIl Iinixhing pnInI. ((int‘dnti lildrell) l/Iuli'rln'llx. 087!) 745 5’08}, until 2/) Aug. 8.20pm. [9.51) [ll/.5!) II'H [9).

Raymond Mearns Co

MeIIrnx' ennlexxinnIIl Ilixenurxe L'\[)lilllI\ xx hy he L‘iIlllL’ In he IlIe reenx‘ering IIrxehnle III. the IIllCL hlll IleprIe lIIx xL‘ll? (lepreeIIIing IIIlex he'x xueh IIII IIIIIIIIhIe II elIIIp iI'x hIIrd In believe IlIIII he lIIIx IlIIII IIIuelI ‘IIrxehnlerx' In reenx er lIIHII. 'l'lIe xhnxx lIIIx IIx IIInIIIeIIIx hIII dnexII'I really IIIIInIInI In much. IMIIrIxxII Burgexxi The Stand II. 558 7372. until 26.41415 //..I’Upm. £7 [.8 I £6 £7).

Johnny Miller Presents . . .

O Jnhnny Miller prexenIx what happens xx hen drIIIIIIIIIc iIIIeIII enllidex unlunnily wiIh enmed). 'SIIIIleI hII dnuhle IIeI' Mike and Rich lIIIVL’ Ihrnwn Ingether II xlIIM enmprixing II hIII'l‘ling xeriex nI exenIx anUlVIIIg xnek puppeIx. I‘rugmentx nl~ Shulx'expeure IInd pnlieemen. ll' ynu want In pa) In quelI Iwn guyx take II metaphorical dump then fill ynur hnnIx. (Peggy llughex) (' Buruku. 0845 260 [234. until 27AM; HAS!)an £7.50 [9.50 ([6. 5!) £8.50).