Early door

nil} music has ncxcr been an arm Ihul Ihc lithnhurgh lnIcrnuIinnaiI I'L'sliml has puixl inut'h heed In. I'L‘\Pilk' the Incl Ihul lilL‘ genre unilnuhlcdl} L‘llill)\ :i \Irnng: Inllnmng [WCII has I't'c'i'uilul

Illll\lk lining ('|;I\\IL‘ tun!) llIIl\I\' \hnrul fJI'UlIII. 'I‘hc Sun-en. .l\ IlN

unian Iln III;I\\C\


.nnhnsmilniiul nl'licinl Kniccs‘. Rungnising nnI nail} llI|\ liuI lilk' \hu'i \wuhh unil hmul} nl Ihc icpt'ilnuc In he llllllL'li and Ihc \Illl\l;llltilll:_‘ qualil) nI nmin nl’ ilx mpnncnls. .lnnulhun Mills hringx .i InI;IIl_\ new Iliincnsinn In lidinhuigh. lilmcn pcrl'nrinanic'm h} \nnic nI Ihc unrhl's innsI prninincnI curl} music ensuinhlcx Ill Ihc :Ipprnprizilcl) uIinnsphcric :Icnuslic nl' ( ire} Irinrs Kirk :II'L‘ cnllccliwl} gthcrcd Ingclhcr lllltlL'l Ihc hcmhng llurmmiv uml Human/Iv.

"l‘hcu‘ is Ii iml .Iutlicnt‘t‘ lni Ihis inuxicz' \Il)\ Mills. \xhn I\ especiall} pinuan lhc‘ Incl Ih;II Ihc


The International Festival has created a series of events for choral groups. Carol Main explores the world of early music

all IL'InuIL' \nczil unscinhlc. .~\Iinii}hin1h AI. haw gnl hack Ingclhcr In cnnn‘ In Izilinhuigh In [)L‘I‘illl'lll their unique. ulninxl unnnrlill). nulhcnlic rccrculinns nl inulimnl chnnls and pnl}phnii}. \Vhilc lllk' l'ullis Schnlnix and ()I‘Iuntln ('nnsni'l mu) he l.nnili.n RL‘IIIII\\.III(L' and curl} IlIlI\IL' \[M‘t‘ldlhh in the [K In \L‘nuiunu and lluclgus IZHM‘IIII‘IK' .IIL' nnI

"'l‘hc llilliilli fJIIIllP I... \t‘ncuunu I\ nnc nI Iht‘ hut nI' its kind] \II}\ \IIH\. ".unl in} uhxnlun' drunnhnul grnup is Ihc llut-Igns lith‘IIIl‘h‘. \\llil Paul Van Ncwl. \\|In iin I knnun Ill llII\ cnunlr} Ill Iill.‘

But the \L‘I'Ic‘x. l'nr Mills. is nnI nn|_\ .ihnuI Ihc IlIll\lL‘ and Il\ pcrl‘nrnicrs. ‘\\'h_\ um I Ilning Ihis'.” he says. ‘lI‘s hccnuw l \xqu In \hnxx Ihul Ihcrc‘ is IIIInIIIc‘I' l'uc‘c‘l nl [his c‘il} Ill i'L‘\ll\.Ii lllllk'. IhuIK nnI Ihc l'shci llgill nr Ihc l'csnml HIL'dllc‘. Il's Ihc Incilicxnl~ .‘\\ un :\II\II‘;III.iII. ht“

i'cc‘nynist's \pnnk} places in ill\ hnnic t'nunli}. huI us :I nt'ucnnici In lathnhurggh llt' .len \k‘k'\ ll ;l\ II Pldtk‘ nl purliculur nmhmnl it‘xnnnnu' ‘l‘ni Irnni .‘I place IligiI Il;l\ llUlillIl}‘ Int-Ilimnl uhnIsnt‘u-i. and. Ini int‘. Ihis sun's I\ purl nI huihling' tin inn-ruling III\IHIIL' \Ini'y 'I‘ht'Ins nnI hu'n II nmuNmnn It'\Ii\;il Ill l'lIIIIIK' Ih.II\ (IUIIK' Ihixf II I\ music IhIiI tunnnl I.n| In allch .III_\IIII\‘ \xhn hslcns In Il. :\\ \1lli\|lllll\\‘li\;l}\. 'II I I'll liclicw Ill ( ind .nnl l'ni hung: culled nll Iinin lil|\ innilul urn. I hchcw Ihzn l unuhlnI \xnnl In hun lIlll\lL' Innic \uhhnic Ihnn lllL' |,;I\\II\ li'u/x u] .\I I’vlvr nI‘ IhL‘ 'II'III'III'III' /\'¢'\/mn\('\ nl (ic‘xugihln 'l‘hc'} :n‘c gunnng: th‘ inan \uhliinc uIIciuncm

L‘\ Cl‘.

Greyfriars Kirk, 473 2000, 20—24 Aug & 28 Aug-1 Sep, 6pm (9pm on 21 Aug), £17 (book five tickets or more 8. get one free).

The family way

Mother and the Addicts' excellent new album is the ' I" ' t - . I I 'II', p .' IOOth reIease fioin Chemikal Underground. Camilla :i 4,, .i W . ,o Pia finds out thisisadouble cause for celebration 2 i v v w .' . "' y : ..'.'»:‘rw'r 7,".. M ' T i.I«'.' . I ' nil/"I rifiiit- l)‘ it"imup, ' ' ' ' 1' A' '1" um I I ‘r : })Hifirlf‘.‘/:[,y[; i; :' IiJI, 1i: i I" "' Iii‘1'.' i ' " ' " “It.” i,i‘,' WT I'II'» I H, i 7 't' " " Iémi ITIII"‘I' I I i’ ,IIIIIHHIIHI'I', .I . I i’ 2.. AIM 'nl . -;.frx. ,t' mpwni/v Trio- knit; ,ii‘, ,iiixti.“':/'r1y"'i K . I ixi‘ I i’IiT.',Ii"I‘~" :.;' i": M 51,2 E31,?!"r.riii'ri.:7»:,f, ‘.' Instill! :utrixy in ‘(I initiatilii, 'o H: 'JI.’ I: it ,..',Iis}li.'.-:,. I I I IN .' I ' zit: I'., ‘I'tI‘ii I/MJI'W:d‘hd'u" ' 2' 1‘, I I ' "I ,‘ , ' "" 2 ,' ' r. 1.:e/i'~()“I\l}I'L/I.ii'1.‘(itwi Io-tY'q . i -‘i 1/7"“ I J "‘ "‘ I ' “I .HHLIIIR I‘T'trwuitid :I, u'"‘“LI’Jn‘ITL/HYI’}'1"iil‘:’/{u‘:", II. .:T:-’.': »'\':I :it'x; Y'W-‘Jwti‘iuifu-wrv": w ,'I.,i‘:«II'<}’}‘f.‘:v'/[;,J: HUI," i \I} ' 2-\i‘ I'I I I L/ i‘ "it?" " ' i" II,‘7 . n .. 7w: ' '1‘ I ' " iv. : I 1 It" I Ii’l’)‘,. AI '2 (INC-WIN: ,T \" I 4 t' M 1 ' ' 2* f N ivrifiu' ' r- r “it, 1’};i‘;,;,i: .-/r,',;:ztu.:I‘, Una-n I\ ‘i Q) \) ' ' I ' I 1 il'"' u.1"',‘l; I! .'."i1i “V5; '1r‘ :1" 1' 'III'II 1’ " ‘~’~ 7 1/ ' 3 t ' ' n TI'-1I:I,~- u .0', In“; fur/,- mp 51;. innit} at; I In} . ' ' ' ' I' Ii~f{/"'Ii}‘:' ?, H I r' ’r’,/,":,I (JIM) How/Ii " ' I ' '1 - ' " t," ' ‘/ VI» “HI/WU {x Aug, min, ' .1 V :\ Ii ,.V 1 I I if , , 1' i