Festival Clubs

Now a regular feature at Glastonbury, T in the Park and any festival that matters, Silent Disco brings its headphone-based aural treats to the Fringe. Basically, it involves shuffling around

in silence listening to music piped directly into your headphones. You can choose from two DJs depending on

your mood or just take off your ‘phones and marvel at the bizarre sight of several hundred folk grooving along

to nowt. Surely the quietest club night in history.

.UIN/(B/l)t‘//\, Mel. wan Ha/l. ()8/0 [-15 3083, (mm IQAt/g, lUpm-(iam, Ht).

Online Booking Fringe www.cdtnngecom International Festivd www.eii.oo.uk

Film Festival www.edlilmtest.org.uk Book Festival www.cdbookiestooaik

Art Festival www.edinburyiantestlvaorg

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Alter £90 at l’o .\'a .\'a. I lpm 3am. £5 ([3). Weekly 'I‘hutxda) night lilihll- tip lrom I)J l)i\er\e. pla} mg a genre splitting xeleetion ol modern and elasxie llltlle. roek. tllSCU. Rtkll. hip hop. bootleg\ and lunk} house.

I A Basement Boogie at Berlin Bierhaux. l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly Intimate rexidene} lrom the ’l‘rouhle l)J.\. pla} ing out eluh elaxxiex. eleetro. p-lunk. \oul. hip hop. hreakx. x} nth pop and more.

I Chocolate Kiss at .\l;l\\;l.

lllpm 3am. £3 tlreet. Weekly .\'e\\ night kieking oil with resident [)1 Ton} TNT (Mamhoi p|a_\ing ottt the best in Rtfili. Motoxxn and urban.

I Clash! at (‘aharet Voltaire.

llpm 5am. to .L'Si. to Aug. (‘Iashl teams tip \\ ith ’l’ on the Fringe to bring _\ou lix e sets lrom ra\e'n'roll e\pert\ X\eetor.\ and eleetro duo Dolh} Anol. plus a DJ set ol eleetro indie lrom Paul ‘l’hones' lipuorth the producer/runner behind names ranging lrom Bloe Part)

and liahyxhamhles to New Order and NIN. Par! 0/ Al. on the Fringe.

I Club Vague at the Jam llouxe. midnight 5am. L'lo. Weekl). Born out ol the l.t)\l Vaguenexx (ilaxtonhury

experience. celebrate a night ol eaharel.

hurlexque. li\e music. aerial stuntx. Mix and glamour ( ‘lull' and ‘lite' \llti\\\ throughout the l‘t‘xille ).

I Karnival at ('aharet Voltaire.

I lpm 5am. to (£4 memherxi. 23 Aug. A night \xhieh promise\ to indulge ‘e\er_\ pleaxure. ever} \in' mm lilll\l( lrom \ome ol iidinhurgh'x hext home DJx. An}thing goex in room l\\o \xith B-Sidex pllh magieians. llti\l\ and hoxtewex.

I Lic It at ('itrux (lab. I l._‘~llpm 3am. l-‘ree helore l lpm; £5 (£3) alter. Weekly. Rock. indie and retro requests night \xith 1)] Adam.

I Polyphonique Social Club at l’i\o (‘alle. 7pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekl}. l~'unk_\ danee grooxex and eleetroniea lrom Jaeek Zamojxki.

I Red Residents at Red. Illpm 5am. liree helore l lpttl‘. £3 alter. ll) Aug. l‘ortnightl}. lieleetie mix ol eleetro. hip hop and tllSCU.

I Red Star Institute at Red.

ltlpm 5am. l'ree helore l 1pm; £3 alter. 33 Aug. The best up-and-eoming loeal UL and VJ» This night gixes amateurs

the chance to spin in lront ol their peerx.

I The Shuffle Club at the Spiegel (iarden. H.45pm 1.45am. L‘lll Hem. Weekl}. [)aneehall ma}hem and eaharet.


I Silent Disco at Melzuan Hall. lllpm 3am. i; ll). lo Aug. Thu I\ both geniux and hilarious in equal meaxure. liaxieall). _\ou are gnen headphonex to hear the muxie that )ou uxuall} e\perienee eoming out ol speakers at eluhx. lixer} mayor lexti\al thix summer lt;t\ \ueeumhed.

I Siren at the llixe. Il)..i()pin 5am. l‘ree. Weekl}. lileetro. hotlxe. break and techno lorm rexidentx Al Mapk and ('huhh} ('o\. (illexlx include Weak Hunt and (‘hel de Part} i In Aug) and JI) l’)/ (23 Augi.

I Souled Out at ()pal Lounge.

lllpm 3am. l'ree helore midnight; £3 alter. Weekl). l-rom dixeo to Northern Soul. (iareth Sommer\ ille and Halt-r .\le(}|inehe) lullil _\our needs. adding a dash ol litiliSC as the night goes on.

I Spank! at l'nderhell).

midnight 4am. L'll) £l35l)

til) “2.5m. in Aug. Jillilex Wren and Leon Fleur) bring their Spank? experienee up lrom London. hlurring the line between eluh. eomed} and cabaret. li\peet li\ e mime. \litiitl-ttp. l)J\. \urrealixm and plent} ol other unelaxxiliahle extrax.

I Surgical Steel at ()pium.

lllpm 3am. liree. Weekl). Full on metal ttsxitull.

I Vaudeville/The One O’Clock Club at the Bongo ('luh.

10.30pm» 5am. £8.5(Li95l)

i£75ll £8.50) helore lam; £5 alter. Weekl}. Vaudex ille embraces dissident cabaret with a dash ol Berlin glamour.

h .

K - 0


l’arix intimae} and (‘hieago \pt‘;tl\e;t\lt'\ in a ltiSlUll ol eireux. theatre. llltl\lt‘ and hurlexque. The night lllL'Hl’llUl‘alex the ()ne ()‘( 'loek ('luh llioiu lami and tour hal) lltHlt'x ol et'owrn er eluh annex. leaturing Itxe hands l'ake l'ang t lo Aug l. Jae Aehexon ()uartel t I‘) Aug l. Myxter} Jtttee (le Aug l. Seunner (3| Aug i. ()rkextra del Sol 123 Aug) and Killer Shark l2 i Augt.

I Yin-Yang at Shanghai Iltpm iam. U) (f ll. \Veekl}. Ne“ Wt'ekl) illlell til eleetro llHUSL‘. \ttétl'lllg \oealx and \oullul gromex lrom llugg} and ('ratg Smith.



I Alternanthem at ()piuni.

lllpm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. Night ol roek and alternative anthems.

I Australia vs The UK at the Bongo ('luh. llpm 5am. £4 helore midnight; £6 alter. 17 Aug. (ilohal l)J/M(‘ \oundelaxh. ax three time AtlSlriillltil State l)M(‘ ('hampion and 'l‘erntahle .letli/ lounder l).l Sheep jlilllS up with MC Strut it\ they take on Mark it (Mark B (Y Bladet and M(' lloneyliroun lor a night ol breaks. hip hop. lunk. reggae and \oul.

I Badaboom at Maxsa. lllpm 3am. £5. Weekly. The best in eommereial R&B and urban lieks mth guests lroin lXtra and Radio 1 thing in lonnightl). I Beatroot at ligo. 10.30pm 5am. £6 (£5). 17 Aug. Dirty ass houxe and lunked up teehno lrom residents R)an Turner and Rick} l’akxx as the} are rejoined h) Mark Price. their very lirst

NEXT ISSUE our _ wannasapvzvz AUGUST