Festival Visual Art



4 (irassmarket. 225 9922.

FREE GVS l'ntil 'l'hu ll Scp. Mixed tnedia show by live artists from (iarvald lidinburgh. including Julie \\'hitson's tlL‘llc‘dlL‘ v‘thl glass works lllspll‘t‘tl l‘) lllC architecture of the (irasstnarkct attd Micheal Mclcllan's huge canvases about his lavouritc rock bands.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART 7.5 Belford Road. (i24 (i2llll. lllalll 5pm. Tracey Emin: 20 Years 0.. l'ntil Stilt ‘) \ov, l()am (iplll. to tUi. 'l‘his tirst~ever limin retrospective thrills and disappoints in equal measure. 'l'raccy -fatigue may kick in halfway through. as her relentless presence within her own work becomes wearying. But the point is that shc's always made art out of her own life. and there's some extremely powerful. genuinely touching and important work here. l’url (trilhc lat/inburgh Ari l'i'vlim/ SCL‘ |.istpicks.


'I'he Mound. 024 (i200. Mon \Ved «k

Fri Sun Illam 5pm: 'l'hu ltlam 7pm. FREE Kaleidoscope: Works on Paper Recently Acquired for Scotland l'ntil Sun 2l Sep. Recent acquisitions on paper and photographs including a sketch ol~ the Holy linuily by the lSth century Venetian painter 'l‘iepolo. a pastel portrait of the actress 'l‘ilda Sw inton by her husband .lohn Byrne and Picasso‘s etching. ‘\\'eeping \\'t)ttlttll..

Impressionism and Scotland l'ntil Sun l2 ()ct. (S (UH. Scottish Impressionism from the late Will and early 2(lth centuries. comprising over l()(l works by artists as div et‘sc as \Vhistler. ('orot. Mc‘l‘aggart and the (ilasgow Boy s. as well as Monet. Manet. Degas. \an (iogh and the Scottisli ('olourists.


('hatnbcrs Street. 24." 4-122. Illain 5pm. FREE Infinity and Perspective I-V l'ntil Sun 3| Aug. \\ork by Marion l’i'eeI. Keith \Vinter. l)ongl'ang (iao and Daniel Smernicki will be shown in c a m c r a (the ‘small chamber" l. a new C\llll3lllt)|l \paL‘L' ttl lllL' L‘llll'ttllv‘c It) lllL‘ Museum of lidinhurgh. ’ur/ o/ the Edinburgh Ar! I’i'vlii'ul.

I NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY l ()ucen Street. (i2sl (i2llll. Alon \Ved «K l‘ri Sun Illani 5pm: ’[hu 10am 7pm. FREE Heroes t’nul Sun 7 Dec. A critical rc—cxamination of what \\ c mean h} the term ‘\‘ictorian valucs'. l‘ocuscd through portraits and information on the individuals considered role models in that society.

Vanity Fair Portraits: Photographs 1913-2008 l'ntil Sun 21 Sep. {S (UH. Photographs of some of the weighticst names and brightest stars to hav c graced the pages of umm l'iu'i'. from its early period. The likes of Albert liinstein. .lcan Harlow. Arthui Millcr. Madonna. as snapped by the likes of Man Ray. Mario 'l‘eslino and Annie l.eibov lll. are all present and correct.

FREE John Muir Wood and the Origins of Landscape Photography in Scotland t‘ntil Sun 2o ()ct. Arguably Scotland's lirst systematic landscapc photographer. John Muir \Vood trav cllcd Scotland by steamer documenting the country. as shown in these photographs taken during ltS-lll leill. \Vot'ks l1} Rtllk‘l'l :\d;ttllst)ll. Dav id ()ctav ius Hill. 'l'hoinas Keith. Horatio Ross and \\‘lll‘ 'l‘albot are also display ed to contextualisc his output.


34 Abcrcromhy Place. 557 1020.

Mon l'ri lllam 0pm; Sat lllani ~lpni. FREE Leon Morrocco: From Melbourne to Morocco, Drawing



If you’re tired of being a stationary, silent witness as the Festival rushes and flows about you, or just need the

exercise, Scavengers, the brainchild of Edinburgh-raised artist Joshua Sofaer, is the event for you. Forty teams of four race about the city against the clock, following clues to collect 100 different objects connected to the history of modern art. There will be on-site performance by local actors at various locations, you’re free to wear fancy dress, travel by skateboard, car or bus if need be, and the first team to finish wins £2,000. The objects will then be exhibited in the City Art Centre until Sun 24 August. Look out for our on-the-job-review from The List’s own Anneka Rice, next issue.

I ()7. A"? (Io/W3. Sat itiAzlg. .(h'tll? flip/7‘. To 'og/s‘for. or for further We. sec

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on Life l'ntil \Ved 3 Sep. An exhibition highlighting the div ersc cultures of Australia. Spain. Italy. Malta. l‘rance. (ireccc and (ircat Britain through painter Icon \lttt'l'tlv‘v‘o's response 10 Ctlv‘ll country. /’url of [In l-[din/nu'gh Ar! /'t'\lft‘(l/.

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY \VASI’S l’alriothall Studios. off 48 Hamilton Place. 220 7l2b. .\'oon (ipm

FREE Return of the Soul -

The Nakbah Project 00.0 [mil Mon IS .Aug. l-‘eaturing thousands of tiny figures held in limbo. this installation by .lane l‘rere is the outcome of an Snionth residency in liast .lcrusalem. l’url u/ Ilu' la/inburgh Ar! l'i'vlnul. See rev iew. page 7|


Palace of llolyrtmdltousc. 55b 5 HM). The Art of Italy in the Royal Collection: The Renaissance 0... [Nil l‘ri 24 ()ct. 0.30am (ipni. £5 tt'3 £4.50; under 5s free; family ticket L' I 3t. 32 paintings and 42 drawings froin the pct'iod of the Italian Renaissance. including works by Leonardo da Vinci. Michelangelo. Raphacl and 'I'intoretto. (iiovanni licllini. l.ot'cn/o ('osla and 'litian. ’l'his is the first of two part

cxhibition. the second of which will cov er

the Baroque period. last admission 5pm.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lll\L‘t'lcilll Row. .552 7 l 7 l.

FREE Wittering Machine: Exhibition l'ntil Sun 3l Aug.

Illam (iptll. Various pieces created in response to the music of Messaicn and the work of artist Paul Klee in an

I "Anal-I .

exhibition to accompany the 'I'w iltering Machine installation in the 'l'empcratc Palm House.

FREE Wittering Machine: Installation l'ntil Sun 3l Aug.

ltlam ()plll. A sound installation designed to L'L‘lchl’ule the llllltll anniversary of ()liv ier .\lessiaen's birth. commissioned by the lidinburgh International l’estival.

FREE What is Life? Christine Borland, Graham Fagen, Simon Starling O... l’ntil Sun 3l Aug. Illam 5pm. 'l‘liree Scottish sculptors are brought together by a common interest in plants and scientific enquiry. 'l’here's immediate pleasure to be had in the understated humour that particularly marks l-‘agen and Starling's work. but longer-lasting value is to be found in the way all three approach artistic enquiry.


Inverleith Row. 2-18 2083. Inc Sun Illam 5.30pm.

FREE Richard Hamilton: Protest Pictures 000 l’ntil Sun I: (M. ltlam 5.30pm. ('omprehensive retrospective giving an tincomplete) idea of inst how influential the great British pop artist has been. llis critiques of the way mass media connnunicates politics might now seem commonplace. but this a good reminder of just who pioneered those techniques in the first place. I’url 0/ I/u' Izdinburgh Art l‘t'xllt‘tll.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. 225 (i071. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

FREE Frank Pottinger RSA l'ntil

Mon 2‘) Sep. l()am 5pm. Solo exhibition of prints and small sculptures. Viewings also available by appointment.

FREE Research: RSA Residencies in Focus l'ntil Sun 21 Sep. lixhibition featuring the work of RSA Residency participants who have completed RSA opportunities in 2007.


lb I)undas Street. 558 l2()(). Mon -I-‘ri ltlam 6pm: Sat Illam 4pm.

FREE Dame Elizabeth Blackadder l'ntil Sat () Sep. A new exhibition of oils. watercolours and etchings.


.5 (‘richton‘s (‘lose. ('anongate. 5.57 2870. Mon Hi 1 Iain 6pm; Sat

noon 4pm.

FREE From Kyoto to Carbeth: Poems & plants from the hills l'ntil l‘ri l2 Sep. Work developed from conversations had by 'l'akaya l‘ujii and (ierry Loose whilst walking together in Kyoto and Scotland. l’ur! oft/1c Ifdinbngh Ar! l'i’.\'Ifl'(l/.

I 168 LENNOX STREET LANE mu Lennox Street Lane.

39 l'ntil Mon 25 Aug. l lam 6pm. For this exhibition llugh Brady has transformed his studio. a former stables building. into a conduit fora variety of spaces occupied by other artists. both fictional and real. I’url oft/1r [idi'nbm‘gh Art Festival. See review. page I"?


Reiach and Hall Architects. (l I)arnaway Street. 225 844-1.

FREE Pavel Buchler l'ntil Hi 2‘) Aug. noon 5pm. Initiated by artist Alan Johnston and architect .\'eil (iillespie. sleeper brings a rich diversity of national and international art from established and emerging artists to lidinburgh. Purl nflhc Edinburgh Ar! l‘i'vlii‘uL


23 ('ockburn Street. 622 (i200.

llam (vpm.

FREE Martha Rosler t'niil Sun 3| Aug. Stills' gallery space has been turned into an open reference library with an eclectic array of over 7,700 books from the personal collection of the prolific artist. writer and political agitator Martha Rosler. ('uriotIs readers can delve into the volumes. I’ur! (if/he Edinburgh Ar! I‘i’slii'uf


l7 William Street.

The Glenfinlas Cyanotypes l'niil Sat to Aug. Illam Spin. lidinburgh— based artist Alexander Hamilton returns to his favourite medium of cameraless photography. the historic cy'anotype. Here he Uses the medium to photograph wildlife at (ilenlinlas. where the Victorian art critic John Riiskin insisted on having his portrait painted. Part of I/u' Edinburgh Ar! I'i'slit'ul.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niversity of lidinburgh. South Bridge. ()5tl221().'l'ue Sat Illain 5pm.

FREE Andrew Grassie 000

l'ntil Sat 27 Sep. This survey exhibition of recent and new work by Andrew (irassie showcases his deceptive photo realism paintings documenting Modernist art work. (irassie‘s explicit exploration of the derivative nature of contemporary art will amuse theorists. but the casual viewer may find it alienating and dense. l’ur! oft/iv lidinbuijgh Ar! I'i'vlirul.


()782 533 0782.

FREE SPAM, The Musical t'niil Sun 3l Aug. Just as spam email is uninvited so the guerrilla screenings of SPAM the Mitsical are view ed by chance encounters at unnamed locations throughout the city I’url oft/iv I'd/inburgh Ar! l'i'vlit‘ul. Sec .5 Questions.