
Index of shows included in this issue Des Bishop 32 John Pinette 17. 22 Roby Lakatos 45 Diet of Worms 32 John Renbourn 45. 48 Rodge Glass 14 1913 or Nude Descending E-Cyclorama 70 Johnny Candon 33 Rhona Cameron 1 7 Staircase 68 Ed Byrne 32 Jon Richardson 17. 26 Ross Raisin 15 The 30 Year Itch 28 Eskimo 70. 71 Julie Myerson 14 Rule of Three 34 4.48 Psychosis 51 Esoterica 51. 64 Juliet Meyers 33 Russell Howard 17, 19 Adventures of Pink Peter 32 Esther Rantzen 12 Keith Farnan 36 Sammy J 28 Aliens Ate My Sehhitze' 32 Festival of Politics 79 Kevin Williamson 14 Sarah Millican 24 AL Kennedy 32 Finding Alice 43 Kiddy-Fiddler on the Roof 68 Scavengers 70' 74 A'Pha Ma'es 20 Fine Sketchup 28 Koko the Crocodile 39 School of Comedy 1 7 Alyssa Kyria 32 HS“ Fry 75 Lady Garden 33 Sean Grant & Tiernan Douieb 34 The Americans 32 Francis Richardson: Lewis Schaffer 36 Seymour Mace 30 Amsterdam Underground Playing Against Reason 71 Lie of the Land 56 Sideshow, The Greatest Comedy COIIeCtive 32 Freeloader: James Hazdlden 28 Lies Have Been Told: Show on éanh .38 Andrew Clover 32 Frieda Kahlo: Viva La Wda 68 An Evening with Simpl Fanc :M Andrew Clover’s F“k This Show Robert Maxwell 56 . y . . y L Crazy Kids’ Show 43 (You Know You Want To) 32 Lisa Appignanesi g. 1 1 S'Ste' C't'es “8

The Six Wives of Timothy Leary 66

Andrew Lawrence 32 Gavin & Gavin 32 Lloyd Woolf 3:3 And)! Za'tzmah 32 Gavin Francis 9. 12 Looking at Tazieh 51 smeny Peter the Great P Ahhe Ehright 9 Geno Washingon Louis CK 1 7. 18 pea-eater _ 1:) AmOld Brown 32 and the Ram Jam Band 45 Lucy Porter 28 some People Th'nk I’m Odd 69 The Art of Dating and Dumping 24 George Orwell’s Coming Up Luke Toulson :34 S°m°Where Over The AXis 0f Awesome 32 for Air 54 Lynn Ferguson - Heart and Sole 68 The weSt way 69 Baldanders 62 Ginger & Black 26 Maeve Higgins 34 SPAM the MUSIca' 70 Barry & Stuart 17. 20 Gledinbow 71 Maisie with Aileen Paterson 15 Stefan Go'aszeWSKi Bass Syndicate 75 Glenn Wool :32 Mark Allen :34 Speaks About a Girl A Beginner’s Guide to Graeme Thomas :33 Mark Olver :34 He Onoed Loved 1. 60 Happiness 32 Greatest Bubble Show Married to the Sea 54 St NIChOIaS (33 Bernard O’Shea 32 on Earth, The 39 Martin Ben 14 Stephen K Amos 34 Beyonce - Stop Greg Fleet :38 Matt Frei 14 Steve Hall 24 PUhChihg RObhie! 58 A Guide to Sexual Misery 33 Medusa Snakes: Stuart Blaek 34 Big Things 0" The BeaChi The Guru 33 The Aftermath 68 Supper Garden Gene)! 72 The Gymnast 66 Messenger 75 Surviving Spike 58 The Bird and the Bee: The Bird 54 Hal Cruttenden 33 Messin’ Around 75. 76 Susan Calman 34 Bite the DUSt 55 Harbingers 33 Michael Franti and Spearhead 45 Susan Greenfield 9. 12 Bookslam l4 Heartbreak Soup :39. 4:3 Miss Sign-on 68 Susie Dent 14 Borderline 51. 66 Heroes vs Villains 15 More Lives Than One - Oscar Tea & Cake n 3.4 Boys 0f the Empire 56 Hollywould 28 Wilde and the Black Douglas 68 Ten days , , ,That Shook the BfOkeh Records 45. 46 Horrid Henry 15 Motherland 66 Kitchen , , g (39 BUIIY 68 I Am Robert Mugabe 51 The Murder Monologues 68 Three Billy Goats Gm“ Bunny Galore 32 I Can't Sleep Newsrevue 26 and Other Furry Tails 39 Bv The Way . . 68 by David O’Doherty 42 Neil Delamere :34 Three flying Solo 69 Britt Ekland: Britt on Britt 64 | Caught Crabs Nick Revel] 34 Tina C , 4 The Caravan 60 in Walbers Wick 68 Nina Conti :34 Titus Andronicus 69 Charles Leadbeater 9. 14 The Idiot Colony 51 No Place for Dreams 42 Tony Black 0 ChTIStte in LOVe 58 | Love You, Bro 66 Owen Niblock 28 Tom out Pa (Q) . ges 3:

Chile" Patahhillk 9. 10 The Improphecy Chronicles 33 Obscene vs Volume 75 Tracy Emin m Clarkson & Crouch 32 |sabe| Pay 33 Office Party 62 Transient 5:) Class Enemy 51 . 53 Ismo Leikola 33 One Thing After Another 28 T . N 25 CIOUdcuct‘oo'and 39 lsy Suttie 33 Painting Music Workshop 39. 42 urommo umpty CIUb Noir 75 It Ain’t A" Bo'lywood 68 pajama Men 17' 26 Uncle Montague S F CONTeSSIOhs and ObseSSIOhs It Is Rocket Science! 33 Paperweight 64 Tales Of Terror 10 0t 3 30$°methih9 DiVorcee 68 Jackhammer 75 Pappy’s Fun Club 34 vfncevt 0? COUht Arthur Strong 32 James Campbell’s Peter Pan & Wendy 15 V'sual'se Reloaded 39' f2 07359 & ROXbUTQh 32 Shut Up Stupid 42 Please Don’t Feed the Models 69 Yasser 08 Craig Hi" 32 Janet Cardiff Potted Pirates 39. 43 wander'ust 69 creation Nation 32 & George Bures Miller 70 Quincy: Single Mum 34 Watson 8‘ O'iver 3‘1 Damian Callinan 24 Jidariyya 51. 52 Real Daniel O’Donnell Show 34 We A“ Fa" DOW" “3 03" CWTCkShahk 14 Jim Jeffries 2O Reasonable Doubt 62 Who writes This Crap? 3": Dan Nightingale 22 Jimeoin 22 The Rebel Cell 69 W" “odesoo 30 Danie' Ka'de" 9 JL Roberts 8: Nadia Kamil 17. 2O Regretrosexual Wt" 8‘ Greg 28 Danny Robins 32 Joanna Neary 24 - The Love Story 69 Wilson Dixon 30 Dave MCKea" 9. 12 Jock Tamson’s Bairns 45. 46 Requiem for Robert Mugabe 51 Yasmin A'tbhai'BTOWh

David O’Doherty 17. 22 Jody Kama" 33 Return of the Souk You Don’t Need to Know That 66 Dead Cat Bounce 22 John Bishop 3:3 the Nakbah Project 70. 71 Zimbani 26 DermOt MCMOTTOW 32 John Gordillo 33 The Riot Showgrrrls Club 6() Zoe Gardner’s Fault 34

m M m“ m“ 7 g A m ‘_ .5: “a

Dehethroug‘ioutAug Dates: 9-25Aug Dates: 3-25Aug " . '1'

Telephone booking: Telephone booking: Telephone booking: ; «_

call venues 0845 373 5888 (1 Cam-5.30l3m) 0131 226 0000 (9am—9pm” i l

Online booking: Online booking: Onlinebooking: 'y .1