Festival Festival MUSIC KIDS

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THE LISTIES 6D (TWICE AS GOOD AS 3D) Gut-achingly funny slapstick sketches

This two-man show more than lives up to its promise of entertaining all the family. Children and adults alike were rolling about with laughter when the entire audience got a chance to join in the action by hurling ‘aliens’ (aka towels) at the stage.

Look out for the explanation of a i lm rating system;

it’s one you may never have previously encountered. An audition for the movie, Curse of the Backpack, also leads to great hilarity, as does the renaming of famous movies. Everybody fell about on hearing of ‘Ironing Man’ one of many new and improved titles. The guys were able to switch character using just a few

props and the odd change of costume. A ghost, a granny, a camera man and a would-be Batman all found their way into the action. The show neutralised that saccharine feeling most parents

will recognise from watching kids’ movies. Most of the worst offenders are featured here, with Frozen high up on the list.

Even if you’re not normally a fan of toilet humour or slapstick, this is a show that will get you laughing. (Helen Fowler) Assembly Roxy, 623 3030, until 21 Aug, 2.45pm, £8–£9 (£7–£8). ●●●●●

11–18 Aug 2016 THE LIST FESTIVAL 67 11–18 Aug 2016 THE LIST FESTIVAL 67