(ieittpieStteet 13.3tti‘trt ltee. \etllllSll l wlk etttuit \‘~llll titre \ittget \ileeitt .ttr

0 Ceilidh Utteet‘K l l.tll.t lerk Street, \ lit‘m fe‘ \tt lt‘l iltel tljmttt

l ltt‘tlSHT‘; \\\ttel.tllt tit, tit ttttxe illlltl\ ttt‘tk..itl\ .t tl.t\ eeittie ttti eltletli l‘t'l‘l‘le'lll\\e‘\l \tl.ttttStteet \llhie lit the l* tl tittttt( lttelxett Reel .ttttl titeittlx. tiuitettttj iit Ilte tit.uu lt.tll ttt .t ixtiitl lllt'lllillllt' lt'llt \\ tttl tittl .lillll‘I‘. ( tit'ett :tt

0 Oxford Bar \ thtilx' Street \\ .ttettttt:

little lt‘l ttt emit tti.tl lll\llllll‘tt'ltltlll\l\

o ReelBlendt\1.tttttt\e.ttl.ttttt

W W Eli‘it.


0 Paisley FolkClub \ltlLiit\\.tli l littel. lll.tel~.il.tll\lit\"


0 Pete Mortont tit-ttt-le t twat-l.

l t'.lll1lll§'lt‘ll lett.tee Sittntr


\t'liti‘.‘!.'.t t.l .ttl. Ettttil ittttt will: \l.tt'tit( .ttltt.

t et‘liilti“litlt‘tl 0 Highland Liner l.ttte\\. l Minuet- \llet'i


\ \\I \ll\(

\llh‘tettlllltikel L'it‘t'llle'tl

llll’_ ll. llthe‘ttl‘\.\‘.t‘:

eli.tt.tt‘i.'ts fitttit flt' xitlx it:

\ ‘.\l‘lllle lull. lt_"»l'~t1l l'iilll'.‘ .1 '..tttt"ttttiitie 0 Nancy Nicolson l\)tt\.tl( rtle.

ltttttttttr'.Stient “Vii (llti.ttttl

0 Nobody's Business l‘ittiiitei ttt.ttt\ l‘i.ti .( l)l\ tllltl l i.l‘\'l’\

tt\\:'.:'.t 135-1 ti txttttt

o lrish Music tit.- smite litmt int. (it'll‘.ll\.\lle't§l. l_l‘l‘l‘l.‘,\

0 Busketeers \\ lille'l“:'|ll\ ls’ttr . ( ite.tt \\ t‘sle'lll Rikki. l l.tl Nil“. t‘ltl



0 Traditional Dancing 1.1 l‘itteeletlell l)l.te;.fi ‘41 ‘l Ltlittt‘ \\lllll t‘\.e \lttxte See \ltttitl.t\ .11

0 Sessionl liltllt'h \lltl‘x (ii.tx\ttt.itl.tt..‘.‘

.M‘tllltf l ttee\\

wittv (itle'.lll\ t?

‘.t"tl‘.\.tll': tSett't

0 Gill Hewitt l-lt "‘-t1l ( lie. ltttit tit.tt _\ .‘S'tlt'ij'. \k‘i :‘lml l .le‘. \\lll‘. tt T‘lLl ‘t‘rt'tt‘ tl‘

:etttett‘. l‘.tl

«- HunkyDory t<..tit~ l tttllt l tttk.

\lttwe lll\it_lltll t'i Stutt


oThe Barrie Bandl'3.:ittiettit.ttt\littt. (en‘.:g.i’.. “‘tt ‘C‘l \tttplt‘teti lililt'\lt‘.l'll\

0 Crown FolkClub Tat lite l’lt-.t\_ittee l tutu :ttztrtttt; lull-t eltiiwit .teltttttlt

\ll eWe'ltlllt't‘i [it‘llllLtll

0 Tide and Island l{.ttlltt Set‘tl.ttttl ill fl‘tt‘. \l'thtt :tttitttlteteltte l liltfe‘S

Glasgow 0 Country Blues Night tuttm tilt.

(il.t\t_:tt\\( tttxx

20 l‘lt'l 1V. l GT “\lttl


Nuclearengineers continuethe long struggleto harnesstusion energy. yet backintheseventiestusion was bursting outali over. ilonly in the music world—FolkRock, Jazz Folk. Classical Rock. Raga Jazz and Jazz Rock.

Pentangle (above)astrong conjunction of individual talents. broke new ground using acoustic plucked strings and percussion and marrying lolkandjazzyidioms in intricate arrangements withthe coolvocals of Jaqui McShee. Reformed in 1984 with asuccesstul album ‘Openthe Door” and withMike Piggot's articulate violin replacing the unique phenomenon of John Renbourne'sguitar. the line-up is completed by Terry Cox. Nigel Portman-Smith. andthe legendary guitarstylistBertJansch. The sound is as distinctive and original as ever and a new album ‘lnthe Round‘ is celebrated


0 Fraserand Ian Bruce t tlitt‘utttelt

l ttllt ( 'lttlt. ( l\l‘ttlll'ile l ltttel. \tulx l’l;tee. 55a 571m Spin. l’ttpul.u' \lllL'fitlt‘iltlL‘llleTlttlllCl'S.

o Reverend Brothers Shut-e ll;tl. llte Sltttte.l eitlt, 553 SllStl. ( itettt li’iSli \lteittttitettttxutttlsutltlettetui\er\ittit ttttitttt—.tlettlittltelte\et;tee\.

0 Robin Turnert ttlk ;tl tlte t ink. Rttvtl ( l;tl~.. ltttititt;tt'_\ Street. 3V 3W» lI‘lSlt l rttttlmtltu.

.Tl-IURSDAY 6 7 Radio

0 Travelling FOIK Rtttlttt Setttltttttl. Sill lltptii. llUSlk‘tl lu .-\teltte l'lSllL‘l.


0 Busketeers \\1lllL'i‘\tllll\. (il'L‘Lil

\\ e‘SlL'l ll Rtt‘tttl. :\etttl\lle L‘lL‘L‘ll‘ie.

l ttlk swine. l<tiel\‘tt‘rttll

0 Christine Kydd .ttttt Janet Russell Stttr l ’ttlk ( ~ltilt. ( 'ttlttut l’l.tee. Spin. Ll Vet‘s lttte \ttteers. titttttily ttitttlertt .tittl 'pittetessnt“ teperttttt‘e. l‘tll tlte_\'ll tiltieet lt‘ l‘eltl}; tletiuetl. w I‘ll lett\ e tltettt ltt//_\ llie\ me getting; tweetlter lttr .t texx dim tllltl ilieir llttllllt‘lllk‘Sitle‘\ktll'llltllilptltltlll ttte Ille'\‘~.tle'l.


0 Highland Linet lune} ‘s. Dundee Street. 33" 3t Wt l\\ti trieretltltls ltleltl~.e\l.tte»ttl-tlte—;tt'i ittlttth le'\Ll‘ll‘Ctl lt_\ \lll\til‘i\lit ltttlttstries titettttiurietttttt\xitlt tlie Setttttxh lttlli’lSI litutrtl utttl \lleee‘SSltllh


bythe currenttour.

KickHeckstall-Smithontenor. soprano and baritone saxophones. movesthrough ditterentmusical idioms with ease. He is now appearing in anothercrossoverband. 3Space. with Jothames. well known onthe FolkFestival circuitasatormidable guitarist. and Dave Moore. keyboard playertothebluesirock world andjust retumedlromaninternationaltourwith Bo Diddley. They create improvisations on and arrangements otEllington or Mingusto Hendrix andtheirown compositions.

Pentangle are at Edinburgh George Square Theatre on the Zist. 3 Space play Glasgow's Third Eye on the 28th and Edinburgh‘s Assembly Rooms on the ist. If we could get both bands on stage atthe sametime we might perhaps achieve critical mass and then. . . (Norman Chalmers)

pt'tteruitiittetl ;t\\itt:er ettlei'l;titlei\. l he tute \\ itli the guitttr Ltil\\\ et‘\ ltl l;trt. ( ittrri pl;t_\\ tlie lltlllltt. llte_\ ~uetterute tlteirtm it eleetrieit} . l‘tll retittire litlttitl ettttluttt. itttt’eltuxetl ut the lttli.

- Shetland Fiddlers Society \\ extl tttt lltttel. l’ultttet‘sttitt l’l;tee._‘:5.1tt5tt.

l'itr Llll pl;t_\er\ ttr lm ers ttl litltlle

0 Jazz on Record ( ilLISgtHk Rhythm (‘lulr Berkeley Street. 345mm. (‘tttrie ttiitl listett. itttttrtrittl tztlks tut Ragtime. Ne“ ()t'lL‘dth. Swine. Beltttp. ;\\ urtt ( iLtI'le‘.


0 The Scottish Jazz Composers Group ()tteeti\ l lull. ( ‘lerk Street. lllpm. L35“. .-\ prttgrtttttirte etttteei\ etl lt_\ l'rtttteis ( 'tm :tlt titeltttlitig the lit‘st perlttrtriunee (ll his .St't/ttt'nt't'x for 'l‘/zrt't']t1:: Sir/tints tutt/ ll'rm/ (jar/tier. (‘ttmrriissituietl lty l’lutlttrm with llllltlS lrttrtt the Settttislt :\i‘i,\ (‘tttitteil

o Pentangle Sllppttl‘letl twt- Swing ’86 (iettrge Stiuure lllL‘ttIl'L‘. Spin. USU. .l;t// tttlk ittttl Hittitett, See panel.

0 Jazz Night ( il;ttl\ttirte\. High Street. 0 Gooseberries i lL‘llLlCI‘SUHS \Vitte l‘dl‘. l lutim er Street. Inn truits in suits. l‘rittge elul‘ retitleritrgs UlSUllgS lrttui the he} tl;t_\' Hi the Ii';tItS;tIl;litliL‘ liilL‘i'S. ll \ttu euttttttt tlistittettislt the l._\ ries ttl‘t“ e the tlirt. \\ uteli the erttttrierx‘ huntlx,

0 Liz McEwan/Jim Henry l)l';t_\e1ttiltti'tl lltttel. Beltttrtl Rtttttl,

0 Ukelele Pete Assembly Rttttms. (iettrge Street. lllpm. \ltire tree eulmret.Stiit‘xnttt1;t//.l‘kiittliurgh l)i\trtet ( 'tttttieil ;tt’e putting it till.

0 Spirits of Rhythm “thin Street. ll;t\lil.ti'l\L'I.

o The String Vests llte Rutter-kin. (‘tttistituttttti Street. l eitlt.



0 George McGowan Orchestra I);ittiel Brttwii‘s. St Vitteettt Street.

l..‘~tl ~1.,‘~llpttt_ .l;t// lrttrtt the Hi}; Bumlet‘u.

o FrankPantriniQuintetSttttttttt)tte. l5_\‘t'e\ Rttittl. ltutehtttrte. (treat lttit, Skillttl S;i\' le;ttl\. \ rtritttts sets,

0 Bill Fanning Big Band SilittltWKS. Hutlt Street. 3.13 “533. Smut: ittll\ie. l.ttttehtitrte tttttl till ultet'titttui. "SllS illlkl i-lll'\\l_\le.

0 Cumbernauld Theatre I tttielitirtte .l;t//. l’ttrrt \le( irutli :tirtl ttthers.

- Bobby WishartGuintet Stteiety ttt \lttsieiuttx. Berkeles Street. l.ttttelttittte. l'ttpllttpper.

0 George Penman Jazzman ttte \litl;t\. Si. \iitteetil Street. liliit‘ltiiltte. li';ttltlie\,

oJimmy FeighanQuintettttttlShelagh Buchanan l.ttt‘tte l lttlel. Stilleliieltttll Street. luttehtittte. \lttirtstreutrt



0 Swing '86 :\\\L'Hll‘l_\ RUHHTS. (ietiree Street. ll..‘tllprrt. l‘ree. lliutigtt tttitl S\\ in}; \ttt;tll erttup.

0 Take Three ( 'ttrltttrt l ltllL‘l. \ttt tlt Bridge.

0 Tam White andthe Dexters t’ttttttttttt ()tre. Rtttlutttl Street. tqtm \x ith the nine pieee l‘tlllkl titelutltti}; ltruss \eetitttt.

0 Alex Shaw Trio l’lutlttrtti ( )tte. Rtttlutttl Street. ltttiehtitrte.

0 Mike Hart's SCIBCliOR littxiii Street. lltti'tttttrlxet, Sirtull tt‘utlititutul ]tl// lrzttttl. \Vtttitlerlttl SL‘lL'k'llUllUl i;t// ptt\let‘\ttit tlte \l;tlt‘\.

0 George RoyJazz Band l’i‘L‘\L‘t‘\ (illttll l lull. Viettu'itt Street. luttehtiitte, New ( )t'lL‘;tii\ lttt' IlliS utteruttttrt.

o Gladstones t litllt Street. New l;t//

0 Festival CityJazz Band ( )ttl \Vztverles l ltttel. l’t tttee\ Street.



0 Jazz Classics Rtlklltl :. lpnt. RC-lllitSIL'l'L'tl uetris lrtttrt the e;trl\ Llil}'\.


0 Bourbon Jazz Band tie-tteutt t lttlL‘l. l’ttrk'l'erruee. lllllelllllTlL‘.l)i\lL'l;1llLl lxttttl.

o Ricki Fernandez and Friends the t‘mn Bur. l'rttii'l'ltetitre. l’.trttte